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尤那尼医学乌尔都语طب یونانی‎‎,拉丁转写:tibb yūnānī[1])是一种在莫卧儿帝国南亚穆斯林地区以及中亚广泛使用的波斯-阿拉伯传统医学。尤那尼一词意为“希腊的”[2][3],因为波斯-阿拉伯医学系统建立在古希腊医生希波克拉底盖伦的理论上[4]



  1. ^ the transcription as Unani is found in 19th-century English language sources: "the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine" "Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers: Hoshangabad", Gazetteer of India 17 (1827), p. 587.
  2. ^ William Dalrymple. City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi. Flamingo. 1994: 269. ISBN 978-0-00-637595-1. 
  3. ^ Unani Tibb. Science Museum, London. [7 October 2017]. 
  4. ^ Unani Medicine in India: Its Origin and Fundamental Concepts by Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman, History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. IV Part 2 (Medicine and Life Sciences in India), Ed. B. V. Subbarayappa, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, New Delhi, 2001, pp. 298-325
  5. ^ The use of Chinese herbal drugs in Islamic medicine. Journal of Integrative Medicine. doi:10.1016/S2095-4964(15)60205-9.