西進運動(Westward Movement)是指美國東部居民向西部地區遷移和進行開發的群眾性運動,始於18世紀末,終於19世紀末20世紀初。運動大大促進了美國經濟的發展,但是,隨著西進運動的進行,大批印第安人遭到屠殺,倖存者被強行趕到更為荒涼的「保留地」。印第安人被迫遷徙之路也被稱為印第安人的「血淚之路」。 美國獨立後掀起了長達一個世紀的西進運動,西進過程中,大批移民出於不同的原因遷往西部,客觀上緩和了資產階級內部矛盾,擴大了國內市場,破壞了自由州與蓄奴州的平衡,為南北戰爭的勝利打下基礎。從某種意義上說,沒有西進運動,就沒有後來美國在資本主義世界舉足輕重的地位。正因為如此,有的學者在研究西進運動時,對它的積極作用大肆讚揚,而對另一方面卻輕描淡寫,那就是對土著印第安人的野蠻屠殺。[1] 西進運動是美國拓寬疆土,吞併土地的一種侵略行為,它開發了如今的美國西部地區,消滅了眾多印第安文明,當時只是東邊的殖民地地區,需要大量的土地,當地已經滿足不了人口和經濟發展的需要,於是把目光投向了西部,當時西部的土地都是印第安部落的。有一幫先驅者向西部探索,並和印第安部落建立了良好的關係,一直行進到太平洋,就是現在墨西哥一帶。後來大量人包括政府和軍隊湧入西部,通過劫掠、誘導、欺騙、屠殺印第安人,並開發西部地區。
- Anderson, William (編). Cherokee Removal: Before and After. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. 1991. ISBN 978-0-8203-1482-2.
- Bealer, Alex W. Only the Names Remain: The Cherokees and The Trail of Tears. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown. 1996 [1972]. ISBN 978-0-316-08519-9.
- Carter, Samuel. Cherokee Sunset: A Nation Betrayed. New York: Doubleday. 1976. ISBN 0-385-06735-6.
- Ehle, John. Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation. New York: Anchor Books. 1989 [1988]. ISBN 0-385-23954-8.
- Fitzgerald, David; King, Duane. The Cherokee Trail of Tears. Portland, Oregon: Graphic Arts Books. 2008. ISBN 978-0-88240-752-4.
- Foreman, Grant. Indian Removal: The Emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians 11. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. 1989 [1932]. ISBN 0-8061-1172-0.
- Jahoda, Gloria. Trail of Tears: The Story of the American Indian Removal 1813-1855. Henry Holt & Co. 1995 [1975]. ISBN 978-0-517-14677-4.
- Mooney, James. King, Duane , 編. Myths of the Cherokee. New York: Barnes & Noble. 2007 [1888]. ISBN 978-0-7607-8340-5.
- Perdue, Theda; Green, Michael. The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears. New York: Penguin Books. 2008 [2007]. ISBN 978-0-14-311367-6.
- Prucha, Francis. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. Lincoln, Nebraska: Nebraska Press. 1984. ISBN 0-8032-3668-9.
- Remini, Robert. Andrew Jackson and his Indian Wars. New York: Viking. 2001. ISBN 0-670-91025-2.
- Wallace, Anthony. The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians Hardback. New York: Hill and Wang. 1993. ISBN 0-8090-6631-9.
- Wilson, James. The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America. New York: Grove Press. 1998. ISBN 978-0-8021-3680-0.
- Cherokee Indian Removal Debate U.S. Senate, April 15-17, 1830
- Winfield Scott's Address to the Cherokee Nation, May 10, 1838
- Gen. Winfield Scott's Order to U.S. Troops
- The Trail of Tears: Cherokee Legacy (2006) - directed by Chip Richie; narrated by James Earl Jones
- Trail of Tears List - a report to the U.S. Senate
- Remote Sensing Technology to Understanding the Choctaw Removals[永久失效連結]
- Trail of Tears National Historic Trail (U.S. National Park Service)
- Trail of Tears Association
- The North Little Rock Site: Interpretive Contexts Chickasaw
- Seminole Tribe of Florida History: Indian Resistance and Removal
- Muscogee (Creek) Removal
- Cherokee Heritage Documentation Center
- Cherokee Nation Cultural Resource Center
- Trail of Tears - The Dream We Dreamed
- Cherokee Indian Removal, Encyclopedia of Alabama
- The Trail of Tears and the Forced Relocation of the Cherokee Nation, a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) lesson plan
- Trail of Tears Roll, Access genealogy