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An example of a 3 × 3 × 3 magic cube. In this example, no slice is a magic square. In this case, the cube is classed as a 简易魔术正方体.

数学方面論述,魔術正方體維度上相當於幻方,也就是以n × n 方式排列的方體,在每個線段交點填上任意不重複的整数,並使得每行、每列及每個柱上數字的和相同。而此立方體的幻方常數表示為M3(n).[1] It can be shown that if a magic cube consists of the numbers 1, 2, ..., n3, then it has magic constant (OEIS數列A027441

If, in addition, the numbers on every 截面 (幾何) diagonal also sum up to the cube's magic number, the cube is called a perfect magic cube英语perfect magic cube; otherwise, it is called a semiperfect magic cube英语semiperfect magic cube. The number n is called the order of the magic cube. If the sums of numbers on a magic cube's broken space diagonal英语broken space diagonals also equal the cube's magic number, the cube is called a pandiagonal cube.

Alternate definition

In recent years, an alternate definition for the perfect magic cube英语perfect magic cube has gradually come into use. It is based on the fact that a pandiagonal magic square has traditionally been called perfect, because all possible lines sum correctly. This is not the case with the above definition for the cube.

如同魔術方塊一般, a bimagic cube has the additional property of remaining a magic cube when all of the entries are squared, a trimagic cube remains a magic cube under both the operations of squaring the entries and of cubing the entries.[1] (Only two of these are known, as of 2005.) A tetramagic cube英语tetramagic cube remains a magic cube when the entries are squared, cubed, or raised to the fourth power.

Magic cubes based on Dürer's and Gaudi Magic squares

A magic cube can be built with the constraint of a given magic square appearing on one of its faces Magic cube with the magic square of Dürer, and Magic cube with the magic square of Gaudi

See also


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 W., Weisstein, Eric. Magic Cube. mathworld.wolfram.com. [2016-12-04] (英语). 

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