以数学方面論述,魔術正方體 在維度上相當於幻方,也就是以n × n × n 方式排列的方體,在每個線段交點填上任意不重複的整数,並使得每行、每列及每個柱上數字的和相同。而此立方體的幻方常數表示為M3(n).[1]若魔術立方體由數列1, 2, ..., n3構成,則可以證明該數列列為「魔術常數」。(OEIS數列A027441)
如同魔術方塊一般, a bimagic cube has the additional property of remaining a magic cube when all of the entries are squared, a trimagic cube remains a magic cube under both the operations of squaring the entries and of cubing the entries.[1] (Only two of these are known, as of 2005.) A tetramagic cube remains a magic cube when the entries are squared, cubed, or raised to the fourth power.
Magic cubes based on Dürer's and Gaudi Magic squares
A magic cube can be built with the constraint of a given magic square appearing on one of its faces Magic cube with the magic square of Dürer, and Magic cube with the magic square of Gaudi
- ^ 1.0 1.1 W., Weisstein, Eric. Magic Cube. mathworld.wolfram.com. [2016-12-04] (英语).
External links
- 埃里克·韦斯坦因. Magic Cube. MathWorld.
- Harvey Heinz, All about Magic Cubes
- Marian Trenkler, Magic p-dimensional cubes
- Marian Trenkler, An algorithm for making magic cubes
- Marian Trenkler, On additive and multiplicative magic cubes
- Ali Skalli's magic squares and magic cubes