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這個詞於2003年誕生,當時共和黨眾議院行政委員會主席, 鮑勃奈伊,在三個國會自助餐廳改名為菜單項目以回應法國反對擬議入侵伊拉克的行為。雖然原本支持的幾家餐館改變了他們的菜單,但隨著對伊拉克戰爭的支持率下降,該術語不再使用。,但隨著對伊拉克戰爭支持率的下降而逐漸恢復原名。在2006年,隨著主席Ney的辭職而全部悄悄地恢復。





最初的命名開創於2003年2月在博福特郡 (北卡羅萊納州)一個名為「Cubbie's」的餐廳老闆尼爾羅蘭(Neal Rowland),羅蘭表示他的動機是來自於第一次世界大戰時對德國的抗議行動,例如德國酸菜被稱為「自由白菜」,而法蘭克福腸被改名為熱狗[3][4] 在一次關於名稱變更的採訪中,羅蘭評論說「由於法國正在退出戰爭,所以法國薯條和法國的一切都需要被禁止」。[5]2007年3月,羅蘭獲得了「自由薯條」一詞的商標註冊。[6] 北卡羅萊納州莫爾黑德市的Cubbie的老闆Darius Ballou也支持羅蘭做同樣的事情。



2003年3月11日,美國眾議院共和黨的鮑勃奈伊和沃爾特·B·瓊斯針對三個院的自助餐廳在菜單上更改所有法式炸薯條和法式吐司的用法,並分別用自由薯條(Freedom fries)和自由吐司(Freedom toast)替換它們。瓊斯選擇遵循Cubbie的例子,在與同事的通訊中不停倡導改名。他表示,"法國人只會隔岸觀火"。[4][7]由於奈伊是美國眾議院內務管理委員會主席,該行動不需要任何投票,因為該委員會擁有眾議院自助餐廳的權力。根據奈伊發表的聲明,重新命名的目的是在表達對法國“繼續拒絕與美國盟友站在一起”的不滿。該聲明進一步宣讀:“今天的這一個舉動雖小但具有象徵意義,這也表明國會山莊上很多人對我們所謂的盟友法國感到非常不滿。”[8]當被問及他對這一變化的看法時,瓊斯說這是一種“輕鬆愉快的姿態”。[9]


為了應對這個改變,法國大使館女發言人Nathalie Loiseau評論說“這完全不是個問題......我們專注於嚴肅的問題”,[10] 並指出炸薯條起源於比利時[11] 之後她又說“法國對這一變化的立場是處在一個非常嚴肅的時刻並處理著非常嚴重的問題,我們並沒有把重點放在(美國人)給馬鈴薯的名字上”。[12]在名字改變後,一位大使館女發言人說:“我們的關係絕對比馬鈴薯更重要......而我們的關係又回到了正軌”。[4]


The very first episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, an American travel and food show, was broadcast during this era. Freedom fries was shown as an example of the then-current frosty relations. It was named "Why the French Don't Suck".[13]

In a 2005 opinion poll by Gallup, participants were asked if they felt the renaming of French fries and toast was "a silly idea or a sincere expression of patriotism"; 66% answered it was silly, 33% answered it was patriotic, and 1% had no opinion.[14] Several restaurants followed the Houses' change,[7][15] and the name is still used by the chain restaurant Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill[16] and Army Navy in the Philippines.[17] Opposing the name change, The Saturn Cafe in Santa Cruz, California changed their menu to "Impeach George W. Bush fries".[18] Meanwhile, Reckitt Benckiser, maker of French's mustard, were sufficiently concerned about the movement to publicly clarify that its brand derived from a family name.[19]

一個小吃店在Knott's Berry Farm廣告“美國人”炸薯條,這個標誌先期讀作“法國”。

Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Barney Frank noted that the change made "Congress look even sillier than it sometimes looks".[20] New York Democratic Congressman José Serrano characterized the renaming as "petty grandstanding", and urged fellow legislators to concentrate on more pressing issues.[21]

In the March 15, 2003 episode of Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey reported this on the satirical Weekend Update: "In a related story, in France, American cheese is now referred to as 'idiot cheese'."[22] The 2006 documentary Freedom Fries: And Other Stupidity We'll Have to Explain to Our Grandchildren directed by Carl Christman took a comedic viewpoint on American consumerism and patriotism. In the episode "Stan Knows Best" of American Dad!, after being asked how his French toast is, the main character Stan remarks: "Smelly and ungrateful! But this American toast is delicious."[23] In the comic strip Doonesbury, the characters Mark Slackmeyer and Zonker Harris criticized the name change in French. Slackmeyer said that, translated, the U.S. liberated France in World War II; and that many French newspaper headlines after 9/11 were "We are all American". At the end, he states that the anti-French were "jingoistic, self-regarding conquer-monkeys!"[24] The French American indie band Freedom Fry chose their name based on the Freedom Fries phenomenon.[25] In 2005, Robert Plant and his band Strange Sensation released the album Mighty ReArranger, which contains the track '"Freedom Fries", an anti-war song whose lyrics contains the words "Freedom fries and burns and scars, the liberator goes too far".[26]


2006年8月2日,眾議院自助餐廳的菜單在沒有任何通知下被更改。[4]這一變化是由新的眾議院管理委員會主席Vern Ehlers所做的,後來他因醜聞而辭職後取代了奈伊。當問及Ehlers的決定時,他回答說:“這沒什麼大不了的......這不是新聞。”[27]在2005年問沃爾特·B·瓊斯對“自由炸薯條”一事的看法時,瓊斯回答說:“我希望它從未發生過。”[28]



  1. ^ France and Germany unite against Iraq war. The Guardian. January 22, 2003 [April 1, 2013]. 
  2. ^ Max Fisher. Beyond Freedom Fries: The Roots of American Francophobia. The Atlantic. April 23, 2012 [April 2, 2013]. 
  3. ^ French fries back on House menu. BBC News. August 2, 2006 [February 5, 2013]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Christina Bellantoni. Hill fries free to be French again. The Washington Times. August 2, 2006 [September 12, 2012]. 
  5. ^ Americans Just Say 'Non' to French Products. Fox News Channel. February 19, 2003 [April 2, 2013]. 
  6. ^ Latest Status Info, TM Reg. 3220999. United States Patent and Trademark Office. March 11, 2003 [September 12, 2012]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Sean Loughlin. House cafeterias change names for 'french' fries and 'french' toast. CNN. March 12, 2003 [March 20, 2008]. 
  8. ^ House Now Serving 'Freedom Fries'. Fox News. March 11, 2003 [February 5, 2013]. 
  9. ^ Sheryl Gay Stolberg. An Order of Fries, Please, but Do Hold the French. The New York Times. March 12, 2003 [March 20, 2013]. 
  10. ^ Greg Wright. French fries? Mais non, Congress calls em freedom fries. Gannett News Service. March 12, 2003 [March 27, 2013]. 
  11. ^ Iacocca, Lee, Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, p. 62. (Scribner Book Company, 2008) ISBN 978-141-653-2491.
  12. ^ Freedom toast, French Fries and French Freedom Fries. CNN. March 11, 2003 [September 13, 2013]. [永久失效連結]
  13. ^ http://tvlistings.zap2it.com/tv/anthony-bourdain-no-reservations-paris-why-the-french-dont-suck/EP008003660131
  14. ^ Gallup, Alec, The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 2005, p. 71. (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006) ISBN 978-074-255-2586.
  15. ^ French fries get new name in House. USA Today. March 11, 2003 [February 12, 2013]. 
  16. ^ Menu. tobykeithusa.com. Toby Keith I Love This Bar & Grill. [October 18, 2016]. 
  17. ^ ArmyNavy. ArmyNavy. www.armynavy.com.ph. [20 April 2018]. 
  18. ^ Dan White. Santa Cruz Makes Its Mark On The World. Santa Cruz Sentinel. Cannabis News. September 7, 2003 [February 8, 2013]. 
  19. ^ French's mustard denies French connection. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. March 27, 2003 [September 9, 2012]. 
  20. ^ Alexandra Silver. French Fries to "Freedom" Fries. Time. March 28, 2011 [February 8, 2013]. 
  21. ^ US Congress opts for "freedom fries". BBC. March 12, 2003 [March 8, 2013]. 
  22. ^ Weekend Update with Jimmy Fallon & Tina Fey. March 15, 2003 [July 22, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-15). 
  23. ^ American Dad!, Stan Knows Best, May 8, 2005, Fox Broadcasting Company
  24. ^ G.B. Trudeau. Doonesbury Comic Strip, May 04, 2003 on GoComics.com. GoComics.com. March 4, 2003 [January 26, 2012]. 
  25. ^ About Freedom Fry. Freedom Fry. [February 5, 2013]. 
  26. ^ Robert Plant & The Strange Sensation Freedom Fries Lyrics. [February 8, 2013]. 
  27. ^ Michael Viqueira. Fries are French again on Capitol Hill. NBC News. August 2, 2006 [February 5, 2013]. 
  28. ^ Jamie Wilson. French fries protester regrets war jibe. The Guardian (Washington, D.C.). May 25, 2005 [September 11, 2012]. 


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