設計者 | 史蒂夫·傑克遜 |
發行商 | 史蒂夫·傑克遜遊戲 |
發行日期 | 1986年 (第一版和第二版), 1988 (第三版), 2004 (第四版) |
類型 | 普通 |
方法 | 泛用無界角色扮演系統 |
泛用無界角色扮演系統(Generic Universal RolePlaying System),簡稱為GURPS。它是史蒂夫·傑克遜發展的角色扮演遊戲。這套系統的特色是可以適用在所有已存在及發展中的所有角色扮演遊戲。
玩家通過語言描述自己遊戲角色的動作,而動作的成功與否取決於角色的技能,動作的難度,和骰子的點數。角色在遊戲中獲得積分,這些積分可以用來獲取更強大的能力。遊戲由劇本推進並由GM來主持(通常簡稱為「 GM」)。
- 泛用:(台、日:汎用)每個人玩遊戲的口味不一樣;有的人喜歡選擇簡單明確,玩的速度能夠很快的方式。有的人則喜歡事物的敘述詳實細膩,最好規則也巨細靡遺,越真實越好。而多數人則是藉於兩者之間。GURPS只定義了一套最簡單的系統規則,但是它提供了許多種不同的備用規則,並且彼此之間不相衝突,讓玩家可依喜好而選用不同的備用規則,甚或全然只用基本規則來玩。這是套適合各種人玩的遊戲系統。
- 無界:GURPS適用於各種體裁的世界。玩家利用GURPS創造出奇幻、科幻世界,也可以創造電腦黑客的、超人英雄的、恐怖之夜的、偵探推理的、二次大戰的甚或時光旅行的故事。如果你想讓你創造的盟軍戰將活躍在文藝復興時代,GURPS可以輕易達成你的願望。
- 角色扮演:GURPS和某些只需要會砍殺的角色扮演遊戲不同,它可以讓玩家去表演一個角色,或者是讓一個角色表現出一個玩家的特性來。當然,如果你單純地砍砍殺殺,GURPS無疑地也可以作到。
- 系統:GURPS是一套真正完成的系統。有些號稱為系統的遊戲,最初是一套基本規則的組合,然後不斷地出版更新版、修正版,讓玩家根本無所適從。GURPS則是完整地給了玩家所有的規則當工具,玩家利用這些工具,無論想創造出什麼世界,都可以不受限地創造出來。
在GURPS之前,1970年代和1980年代初的角色扮演遊戲(RPG)專門針對某些遊戲背景而開發,並且彼此之間基本上不兼容。例如,TSR專門針對奇幻背景發佈了《龍與地下城》遊戲。同一家公司的另一款遊戲《Star Frontiers》是為基於科幻RPG而開發的。TSR也為其他背景製作了遊戲,例如《Gamma World》(末日冒險),《Top Secret》(間諜和特工),《Gangbusters》(咆哮的二十年代冒險)和《布特山》(美國舊西部)。這些遊戲都有自己的獨立規則系統,而且每個遊戲的規則都大不相同。嘗試了《龍與地下城高級版》使用《Gamma World》和《布特山》規則進行跨類型遊戲;然而,只能通過轉換屬性將角色用於其他類型遊戲。儘管GURPS先於基本角色扮演系統(混沌元素,1980年)和Hero System(Hero Games,該系統從1982年開始擴展多種類型)[1],但GURPS是商業上最成功的[來源請求]通用角色扮演遊戲系統,允許玩家在自己喜歡的任何環境中進行角色扮演,同時仍使用相同的核心規則集。科技水平的使用極大提高了環境的靈活性,可以將背景設置為從石器時代(TL-0)到數字時代(TL-8)或更遠。
1970年代和1980年代的角色扮演遊戲(例如龍與地下城)通常使用擲骰子生成的隨機數來為玩家角色分配數據。1978年,史蒂夫·傑克遜為微型遊戲Melee和Wizard設計了一種新的角色生成系統,該系統使用了點數購買系統:為玩家提供了固定數量的點數來購買能力。[2](在兩年後發佈的Hero System也使用了點數購買系統。)[3]
GURPS還受益於數十本世界設計書或額外的規則書,涵蓋了所有類型(包括科幻小說,奇幻小說和歷史小說)。許多受歡迎的遊戲設計師都以GURPS作家的身份開始了他們的職業生涯,包括C. J. Carella,[5] Robin Laws,[6] S. John Ross,[7]和Fudge的創作者Steffan O'Sullivan。[8]
GURPS的原型是由Metagaming Concepts發行的史蒂夫·傑克遜的微型遊戲《Melee》和《Wizard》,最終將它們與另一部傑克遜的遊戲《迷宮》結合在一起,形成了早期的角色扮演遊戲《幻想之旅》(簡稱TFT)。[2]GURPS的幾個核心概念首先出現在TFT中,將包括「力量」,「敏捷」和「智力」作為每個角色的核心能力得分。
1990年,GURPS與黑客 (計算機安全)亞文化產生交集,[9]當時該公司位於德克薩斯州奧斯汀的辦公室遭到美國特勤局的突襲。目標是GURPS Cyberpunk的作者,他涉及到從南方貝爾偷來的E911應急系統文件。[10]該事件是電子前哨基金會成立的直接原因。
GURPS規則的免費可移植文檔格式版本作為GURPS Lite發佈。這個內容有限的規則集也包含在各種書籍中,例如《GURPS Discworld》和《Transhuman Space》。
史蒂夫·傑克遜遊戲在2004年8月19日Gen Con的第一天發佈了GURPS第四版。它承諾將簡化遊戲和角色創作。更改包括修改屬性點校正,編輯和合理化的技能列表,澄清經驗和天賦之間的差異,更詳細的語言規則和修訂的科技水平。由Sean Punch設計的第四版以兩本全彩色精裝書以及PDF格式出售。[11]在GURPS設定集中記錄的角色最高點數為10452。
- 力量(ST):衡量角色的基礎力量和生命值,舉重、搬運、傷害的能力
- 敏捷(DX):衡量角色的綜合反應力、協調性和機動性
- 智力(IQ):衡量大腦的綜合能力,對世界的感知程度
- 體質(HT):衡量角色的體力、恢復速度、精力、活力和抵抗疾病的能力
每個屬性都分配着人物點數。屬性一般從10開始,代表典型的人類能力。對於幾乎毫無用處的,可以低至1,而對於超出常人的,可以到20(或更高)。8到12範圍內的任何點數都被認為是人類的正常或平均值。 基本屬性值低於7會被認為是有殘疾的,僅用於嚴重殘障的人物。15點或更高的點數被描述為驚人的——它們會引來持續不斷的關注。
- 生命值(HP):在第四版中基於ST,衡量能夠承受多少損害和傷害。 在以前的版本中,它基於HT。
- 意志(Will):基於IQ,衡量能承受的心理壓力。
- 感知(Per):基於IQ,衡量你整體的警覺度。
- 體力值(FP):在第四版中基於HT,衡量能承受的勞累,疲勞和飢餓。在以前的版本中,它基於ST。
例如:一名玩家為其角色進行了一個偷竊檢定。該角色具有11級的偷竊技能。在正常情況下,玩家必須擲出11點或更少才能成功。 如果玩家的擲骰數超過11,則說明該角色未能成功進行偷竊。
對於過高或過低的擲骰,也有一些例外情況,這些都被視為暴擊。無論技能水平如何,擲骰18總是大失敗,擲骰3或4總是大成功(擲骰17也是大失敗,除非與角色相關的技能等級為 16以上)。在這種情況下,遊戲主持者可能會做出以下決定:在第一種情況下(超過修改後的技能水平18分,或10+分),角色慘敗並造成了災難性的後果,或者在另一情況下,他或她取得了令人難以置信的成功,並因此獲得了一些好處。
Combat in GURPS is organized in personal turns: i.e., every character gets a turn each second, and during his or her character's turn he or she may take an action, such as attack or move. After all characters have taken their action, one second has elapsed. Free actions are simple actions that can be done at any time. Characters in a party have a set initiative that is entirely based upon their Basic Speed characteristic.[13]
There are two kinds of attacks: Melee (possibly with hand-to-hand weapons, or unarmed combat) and Ranged (bows, guns, thrown weapons, some Innate Attacks, etc.). Attacks made by a character are checked against their skill with the particular weapon they carry. For instance, if a character is using a pistol, as with any other skill, it is beneficial to have a high level in the Guns skill. Like any other skill check, a player must roll equal to or less than the level of the skill to succeed. Failure means a miss, success scores a hit. Similarly, critical hits mean that the blow might inflict significantly more damage to its target; critical misses may lead to a rather unpleasant and unexpected event (such as dropping the weapon or hitting the wrong target). Attack modifiers are set by the GM when factoring in things like distance, speed and cover that make a successful strike more difficult.
After a successful attack, except in the case of a critical hit, the defender usually gets a chance to avoid the blow. This is called an Active Defense, and takes the form of a Dodge (deliberate movement out of the perceived path of the attack), Parry (attempt to deflect or intercept the attack with a limb or weapon), or Block (effort to interpose a shield or similar object between the attack and the defender's body). Unlike many RPG systems, an Active Defense is an unopposed check, meaning that in most cases, the success of an attack has no effect on the difficulty of the defense. Dodge is based on the Basic Speed characteristic, while Parry and Block are each based on individual combat skills, such as Fencing, Karate, or Staff for Parry, and Shield or Cloak for Block. A common criticism is that characters can achieve a relatively high Active Defense value, drawing out fights considerably. The only mechanic within the system to address this is the Feint action, which if successful will place the adversary in an unfavorable position, reducing their active defense against that character only, on the subsequent turn.
Certain skills, attributes and equipment, when strung together, can be used to great effect. Let us say a gunslinger from the Old West is facing a foe; he can use the Combat Reflexes ability to react before his enemy, the Fast-Draw(Pistol) skill to get his two guns out, the Gunslinger ability to allow him to skip the aiming step, and the Dual-Weapon Attack(Pistol) skill to fire both his guns at once. This would have taken around 6 turns, if he had none of these skills.
Damage from muscle-powered weapons, (clubs, swords, bows, etc.) is calculated based on the character's ST rating. The weaker a character is physically, the less damage he or she is capable of inflicting with such a weapon. Purely mechanical weapons (guns, beam sabers, bombs, etc.) have a set damage value.
When damage is inflicted upon characters, it is deducted from their Hit Points, which are calculated with the Strength stat (prior to GURPS 4th Edition, Hit Points were derived from the Health stat). Like most other RPGs, a loss of hit points indicates physical harm being inflicted upon a character, which can potentially lead to death. GURPS calculates shock penalties when someone is hit, representing the impact it causes and the rush of pain that interferes with concentration. Different weapons can cause different 'types' of damage, ranging from crushing (a club or mace), impaling (a spear or arrow), cutting (most swords and axes), piercing (bullets), and so on.
One peculiarity about loss of Hit Points is that in GURPS, death is not certain. While a very high amount of total HP loss will cause certain death, there are also several points at which a player must successfully roll HT, with different grades of failure indicating character death or a mortal injury.
Depending on the nature of the attack, there will sometimes be additional effects.
Character advancement follows the same system as character creation. Characters are awarded character points to improve themselves at regular intervals (usually at the end of a game session or story).
GMs are free to distribute experience as they see fit. This contrasts with some traditional RPGs where players receive a predictable amount of experience for defeating foes. The book recommends providing 1-3 points for completing objectives and 1-3 points for good role-playing per game session.
Advancement can also come through study, work, or other activities, either during game play or between sessions. In general, 200 hours of study equals one character point which can be applied for the area being studied. Self-study and on the job experience take more time per character point while high tech teaching aids can reduce the time required.
Some intensive situations let a character advance quickly, as most waking hours are considered study. For instance, characters travelling through the Amazon may count every waking moment as study of jungle survival, while living in a foreign country could count as eight hours per day of language study or more.
The computer game publisher Interplay licensed GURPS as the basis for a post–nuclear war role-playing video game (Fallout) in 1995. Late in development, Interplay replaced the GURPS character-building system with their own SPECIAL System. According to Steve Jackson, "The statement on the Interplay web site, to the effect that this was a mutual decision of SJ Games and Interplay, is not true. ... We are not clear what their proposal to finish and release the game without the [GURPS] license entails, for us or for the game, and have absolutely not agreed to it."[14] Brian Fargo, one of the executive producers of Fallout, stated during an interview that Interplay dropped out of the licensing deal, following fundamental disagreements on the game's content. "[Steve Jackson] was offended by the nature of the content and where it was going. ... He saw [the opening cinematic], and he just wouldn't approve it."[15]
GURPS For Dummies (ISBN 0-471-78329-3), a guidebook by Stuart J. Stuple, Bjoern-Erik Hartsfvang, and Adam Griffith, was published in 2006.
GURPS was ranked 14th in the 1996 reader poll of Arcane magazine to determine the 50 most popular roleplaying games of all time. The UK magazine's editor Paul Pettengale commented: "Based around a points system and six-sided dice, GURPS succeeds better than most 'generic' games. The rules are flexible and it's well supported – regardless of what you want to do with it, you'll probably find a supplement with some advice and background. The game suffers from being a little too detailed at times, and can get bogged down in numbers. Still, it's an adaptable system with some superb supplements."[16]
- ^ Shannon Appelcline. A Brief History of Game #3: Chaosium: 1975–Present. September 4, 2006 [July 4, 2012].
They published a cut-down version of the RQ rules called Basic Role-Playing. By extracting their core game engine they created the first generic roleplaying system, two years before the Hero System expanded beyond Champions and six years before The Fantasy Trip became GURPS.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 McMillan, Brad. The Dragon's Augury. Dragon (TSR, Inc.). January 1980, (33): 53.
- ^ Rowland, Marcus L. Open Box - GURPS: Generic Universal Roleplaying System Basic Set. White Dwarf (review) (Games Workshop). Nov 1986, (83): 4.
- ^ Hite, Ken. Nightmares of Mine 1st. Iron Crown Enterprises. 1999: 171. ISBN 1-55806-367-6.
- ^ Pen & Paper RPG Database: C. J. Carella. Pen & Paper. [2012-04-19]. (原始內容存檔於2007-10-05).
- ^ Pen & Paper RPG Database: Robin D. Laws. Pen & Paper. [2008-04-19]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-30).
- ^ Pen & Paper RPG Database: S. John Ross. Pen & Paper. [2012-04-19]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-30).
- ^ Pen & Paper RPG Database: Steffan O'Sullivan. Pen & Paper. [2012-04-19]. (原始內容存檔於2005-08-30).
- ^ Sterling, Bruce. The Hacker Crackdown. Bantam Books. November 1, 1993.
- ^ SJ Games vs. the Secret Service.
- ^ Muadib, Rob. GURPS Fourth Edition Characters & Campaigns Review. website (review). RPGNet.com. 2004-11-22 [2008-12-08].
- ^ Smith, Eli. GURPS Fourth Edition Basic Set Review (review). RPGNet.com. 2004-10-11 [2008-12-08].
- ^ Chu-Carroll, Mark. GURPS Fourth Edition Characters Review. website (review). RPGNet.com. 2004-11-17 [2008-12-08].
- ^ Jackson, Steve. Rumor Control about Interplay. The Daily Illuminator. Steve Jackson Games. 12 February 1997 [29 November 2009].
- ^ Fargo, Brian. Wasteland and Fallout with Brian Fargo. Matt Chat. Video interview with Matt Barton. January 23, 2011 [2016-01-06].
被忽略 (幫助) - ^ Pettengale, Paul. Arcane Presents the Top 50 Roleplaying Games 1996. Arcane (Future Publishing). Christmas 1996, (14): 25–35.
- Lejoyeux, Pierre. GURPS. Casus Belli. July–August 1992, (70): 17. Review of the French translation (法文)