用户讨论:Jedi tw
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-- 百無一用是書生 (☎) 2020年8月4日 (二) 09:18 (UTC)
我想解封我的wiki帐号, I want to unblock my wiki account
我提供的照片和资料没有版权的问题, 我想解封我的wiki帐号, The photos and materials I provided do not have copyright issues. I want to unblock my wiki account
你好, 我在编辑"李文"的wiki, 所有的内容都是由李文本人授权给我, 请我去编辑的, 照片也是她提供给我的, 所以没有版权的问题, 我可以提供李文小姐的身份证 & 护照的影本以供证明. 我该怎么做, 才能解封我的帐户? 谢谢!!
事实上, 李文小姐本人想编辑自己的wiki时也遇到相同的问题, 她写了信给你们都得不到回应, 所以才找我帮忙的.我被封锁的理由是版权和散布广告, 但我能证明这些内容是李文本人提供给我的, 我可以提供她的身份证以及护照的影本, 李文本人提供的第一手资料都被认定是有版权的问题, 这不是很奇怪吗? 请告诉我你们需要什么样的证明? 谢谢!!
Hello, I am editing the wiki of "Hedy Wen Lee". All the content is authorized to me by Hedy Wen Lee, who asked me to edit. The photos are also provided to me by her, so there is no copyright issue.
I can provide a copy of Ms. Hedy Wen Lee's ID card & passport for proof.
What should I do to unblock my account? Thank you!!
In fact, Miss Hedy Wen Lee herself encountered the same problem when she wanted to edit her own wiki. She wrote a letter to you and couldn't get a response, so she asked me for help. The reason why I was blocked is copyright and advertising, but I can prove that these contents were provided to me by Hedy Wen Lee, and I can provide a copy of her ID card and passport, Isn’t it weird that the first-hand information provided by Hedy Wen Lee is deemed to be a copyright issue? Please tell me what kind of proof do you need? Thank you!!