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Star Citizen
类型太空貿易及戰鬥英语Space flight simulation game第一人称射击游戏
平台Microsoft Windows个人电脑 编辑维基数据
开发商Cloud Imperium Games英语Cloud Imperium Games
Foundry 42
Behaviour Interactive英语Behaviour Interactive
发行商Cloud Imperium Games
总监克里斯·羅伯茲英语Chris Roberts (game developer)
编剧Dave Haddock[1]
音乐佩德羅·甘馬曹英语Pedro Camacho
傑夫·澤內利英语Geoff Zanelli[2]
引擎Lumberyard (CryEngine)[3]
  • 全球:TBA

星际公民(英语:Star Citizen是即将在Microsoft WindowsLinux公开的太空模擬英语Space flight simulation game電子遊戲。[4]《星际公民》由四个主要要素组成:第一人称太空作战、开采、探索和贸易。星际公民为一个大型多人第一人称射击游戏,并且有定制的私人服务器英语Private server[5][6]也有名为《Squadron 42》的单人模式和名为《Star Citizen》的多人模式。[4]游戏是建立于改良的CryEngine并将由支援所有主要VR頭戴裝置[7]

《星際公民》及《Squadron 42》皆設定在30世紀銀河系中心虛構的地球聯合帝國(United Empire of Earth,UEE),一個晚期羅馬帝國的類似體制。遊戲主題是在UEE上的公民,透過玩家的行動而謀生,例如完成一段時期的兵役。這會預期到公民將會享受某些在遊戲中的福利,例如支付低稅率,但準確的詳細資料仍然有待確定。


《星際公民》及《Squadron 42》由克里斯·羅伯茲英语Chris Roberts (game developer)的公司Cloud Imperium Games英语Cloud Imperium GamesIllFonic英语IllFonic和歐洲的Foundry 42製作。市場銷售則由Cloud Imperium Games子公司Roberts Space Industries負責。



星際公民截至2016年底透過群眾募資獲得了超過一億四千萬美金的資金,是目前第二高資金的群眾募資活動(僅次於The DAO,一個建立在電子貨幣以太幣合約機制上的投資基金),也是有史以來募資到最多資金的遊戲。




  1. ^ Lesnick, Ben; Haddock, Dave. Dragon Con 2013: Star Citizen's Lesnick and Haddock on player feedback, CitizenCon, and more. 访谈 with Jef Reahard. 2 September 2013 [15 October 2014]. Atlanta. (原始内容存档于2013-09-06). 
  2. ^ Reahard, Jef. CIG releases Star Citizen livestream vids, tops $33 million. Massively. AOL. 27 November 2013 [15 October 2014]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-01). 
  3. ^ Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are using Amazon’s Lumberyard game engine. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Hutchinson, Lee. Star Citizen and the triumphant, record-smashing return of Chris Roberts. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. 3 August 2014 [19 October 2014]. OCLC 52157687. (原始内容存档于7 August 2014). 
  5. ^ Tringham, Neal Roger. Science Fiction Video Games. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis. 2014: 413–415 [10 November 2014]. ISBN 9781482203882. OCLC 868642041. (原始内容存档于2017-01-07) –通过Google Books. 
  6. ^ Exclusive Interview: Star Citizen's Chris Roberts. 访谈 with Marc Scaurus. 19 October 2012 [19 October 2014]. (原始内容存档于2012年10月21日). 
  7. ^ Williams, Kevin. Out-of-Home Immersive Entertainment Frontier. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing. 2014: 86–87 [2015-12-18]. ISBN 9781472426956. (原始内容存档于2017-01-07) –通过Google Books. 
  8. ^ Christenson, Shawn. Crowdfunding a Video Game. IgnitionDeck. [December 31, 2016]. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Morris, Chris. The man who made $50 million ditching Kickstarter (Report). CNBC. September 24, 2014 [December 31, 2016]. (原始内容存档于September 24, 2014). 
  10. ^ Star CitizenKickstarter
  11. ^ Sykes, Tom. Star Citizen: RSI campaign extended, new stretch goals. PC Gamer (News). Future US. October 28, 2012 [December 31, 2016]. (原始内容存档于October 19, 2014). 
  12. ^ Stretch goals update. November 17, 2012 [December 31, 2016]. 
  13. ^ Jacobs Sparks, Karen; et al (编). Britannica book of the year: 2014. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2014: 213 [December 31, 2016]. ISBN 9781625131225. OCLC 892531428 –通过Google Books. 
  14. ^ Glanday, Craig; et al (编). Crowdsourcing. Guinness World Records 2015. London: Guinness World Records Limited. 2014: 141 [December 31, 2016]. ISBN 978-1-90-884363-0. OCLC 869770714. (原始内容存档于October 6, 2014). 
  15. ^ Star Citizen's crowdfunding total shoots past $50 million. PC Gamer. August 18, 2014 [December 31, 2016]. 
  16. ^ The Stretch Goals. Roberts Space Industries. [December 31, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-19). 
