此條目目前正依照其他维基百科上的内容进行翻译。 (2018年9月21日) |
- 亞美尼亞:
- 阿鲁巴
- 阿鲁巴人民党(荷蘭語:Arubaanse Volkspartij;帕皮阿門托語:Partido di Pueblo Arubano)
- 奥地利
- 奥地利人民党(德語:Österreichische Volkspartei)
- 比利时
- 柬埔寨
- 刚果民主共和国
- 重建與民主人民黨(法語:Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie)
- 加拿大:
- 克罗地亚:
- 克羅地亞自由民主派人民黨 (克羅埃西亞語:Hrvatska narodna stranka – liberalni demokrati)
- 克羅地亞民眾黨 (克羅埃西亞語:Hrvatska pučka stranka)
- 库拉索全國人民黨 (帕皮阿門托語:Partido Nashonal di Pueblo 荷蘭語:Nationale Volkspartij)
- 捷克基督教民主聯盟-捷克斯洛伐克人民黨 (捷克語:Československá strana lidová)
- 博茨瓦纳
- 丹麦:
- 丹麥人民黨 (丹麥語:Dansk Folkeparti)
- 保守人民党 (丹麦) (丹麥語:Det Konservative Folkeparti)
- 埃及
- 爱沙尼亚
- 歐洲人民黨
- 法罗群岛
- 芬兰
- 格陵兰
- 几内亚
- 幾內亞人民黨 (法語:Parti du peuple de Guinée)
- 几内亚比绍
- 幾內亞比紹人民黨(葡萄牙語:Partido Popular Guineense)
- 香港
- 冰島人民黨(2016)
- 印度:
- Janata Dal (Secular) or People's Party (Secular), founded in 1999
- Janata Dal (United) or People's Party (United), founded in 2003
- 印度人民党 or Indian People's Party (BJP), 1980年成立
- 印度人民黨(2008年成立)
- 伊拉克:
- 人民黨(伊拉克) or People's Party for Reform, founded in 2011
- 義大利:
- 肯尼亚
- 利比里亚
- 马来西亚:
- 马拉维
- 蒙古国
- 荷蘭自由民主人民黨
- 蒙特內哥羅人民黨
- 奈及利亞
- 挪威
- 北賽普勒斯人民黨
- 巴勒斯坦
- 巴基斯坦:
- 巴拿马人民党
- 巴布亚新几内亚人民黨
- 波蘭人民黨
- 葡萄牙民主和社会中心-人民党 (1974年成立)
- 波多黎各人民黨
- 萨摩亚人民党
- 圣马力诺人民黨 (2003年成立, 義大利語:Popolari Sammarinesi, PS)
- 塞爾維亞人民黨(2017年成立)
- 塞舌尔人民党
- 塞拉利昂人民黨
- 新加坡人民党
- 斯洛伐克Kotleba – People's Party Our Slovakia
- 斯洛維尼亞人民黨
- 韩国:
- 國民之黨(2016年创立)
- 人民黨(南韓)(2017)
- 南奥塞梯人民黨
- 西班牙:
- 瑞典自由黨 (1934年成立, 瑞典語:Folkpartiet liberalerna, L)
- 瑞士:
- 烏克蘭人民黨
- 澳洲人民黨
- 德意志人民黨(奧地利)
- Belarusian Popular Party
- Belgium:
- Christene Volkspartij,
- Popular Party (British Guiana)
- People's Party (Bulgaria)
- Burundi:
- Party of the People (1959-?, Parti du Peuple, PP)
- People's Party (Burundi) (1992-?, Parti Populaire, PP)
- People's Party (Burma)
- People's Party of Catalonia (1973)
- 东突厥斯坦人民革命党, in China
- Croatia:
- People's Party (Kingdom of Croatia) (1840-1918, 克羅埃西亞語:Narodna stranka)
- People's Party (Dalmatia) (1861-1905, 克羅埃西亞語:Narodna stranka)
- Croatian Popular Party (1919) (1919-1929, 克羅埃西亞語:Hrvatska pučka stranka)
- People's Party (Cuba)
- Finland:
- Gambian People's Party
- Germany:
- People's Party (Greece)
- Popular Party (Guam)
- People's Party (Guatemala)
- 社会民主党 (冰岛)
- Janata Party or People's Party, India (1977-2013)
- Italy:
- Iran:
- People's Party (Iraq)
- 人民黨 (拉脫維亞)
- 社会主义人民党 (墨西哥)
- People's Party (Montenegro, 1906)
- Populist Party (Northern Cyprus)
- Netherlands:
- Poland:
- Romania:
- People's Party of the Russian Federation
- Samoa All People's Party
- Serbia:
- People's Party (Serbia), had Milan Paroški as president
- People's Party (Serbia, 2008), founded by Maja Gojković
- Peoples Party (Sierra Leone)
- Slovak People's Party
- South Africa:
- South Korea:
- 人民党 (叙利亚)
- 臺灣民眾黨 (1927-1931)
- 泰国人民党(Khana Ratsadon), in Thailand (1927-1957)
- People's Party a.k.a. Populist Party (Turkey) (1983-1985)
- 人民黨(西班牙)(1976年)
- United Kingdom:
- British People's Party (disambiguation), several parties, all far-right
- PEOPLE Party (1972-1975)
- People's Justice Party (UK) (1998-2006)
- 美国:
- 人民党 (美国) (1891-1908)
- People's Party (United States, 1971)
- People's Party (Chicago), Harvey Doolittle Colvin was member
- Peoples' Party of Georgia
- People's Party (Indiana)
- People's Party (Utah) (1870-1891)
- Partido Popular (disambiguation)
- Populist Party (disambiguation)
- People's Movement (disambiguation)
- British People's Party (disambiguation)
- Danish People's Party (disambiguation)
- German People's Party (disambiguation)
- Conservative People's Party (disambiguation)
- Democratic People's Party (disambiguation)
- 自由人民党
- 人民民主黨
- People's Labour Party (disambiguation)
- People's Republican Party (disambiguation)
- Republican People's Party (disambiguation)
- Socialist People's Party (disambiguation)
- Sinmindang (disambiguation), literally "New People's Party" in Korean language
- Popular Action Party (disambiguation)
- Popular Democrat Party (disambiguation)
- Popular Democratic Party (disambiguation)
- Popular National Party (disambiguation)
- Popular Socialist Party (disambiguation)
- Popular Unity Party (disambiguation)
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