Oracle LogMiner
Oracle LogMiner是甲骨文公司作為Oracle數據庫一部分提供的工具,提供查詢Oracle數據庫記錄日誌的變化的方法,主要通過SQL命令查詢Oracle重做日誌中的數據。Oracle Enterprise Manager產品提供了同樣功能的GUI接口。
LogMiner turns the concept and practices of 數據挖掘on the internal processes of the database itself.
- 識別數據庫事件的時間
- isolate 數據庫事務s carried out in error by users
- 對於疏忽造成的數據變化,決定數據恢復(data recovery)所需的步驟。
- 為性能調優(performance tuning)和容量規劃(capacity planning)收集實際使用的量。
- 審計任何在數據庫上運行的命令所進行的操作
Note that LogMiner uses Oracle logs to reconstruct exactly how data changed, whereas the complementary utility Oracle Flashback addresses, reconstructs and presents the finished results of such changes, giving a view of the database at some point in time.
- Supporting Oracle(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)(German)Documents on how to use LogMiner, Auditing and more
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