異度神劍 (遊戲)
此條目可参照英語維基百科相應條目来扩充,此條目在對應語言版為高品質條目。 |
異度神劍 | |
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类型 | 角色扮演(RPG) |
平台 | Wii 新任天堂3DS 任天堂Switch(終極版) |
开发商 | Monolith Soft Monster Games(3DS版移植) |
发行商 | 任天堂 |
总监 | 高桥哲哉 小岛幸 横田弦纪 |
制作人 | 川畑真吾 |
编剧 | 高橋哲哉 竹田裕一郎 服部由里绘 |
美术 | 高見典宏 |
音乐 | 下村陽子 清田愛未 ACE+
系列 | 异度系列(主系列) 异度神剑系列(子系列) |
模式 | 单人游戏 |
发行日 | Wii
《異度神劍》(日版名:ゼノブレイド,Xenoblade,英文版名:Xenoblade Chronicles,香港和台湾又译作「異域神剑」,中国大陆又译作「异度之刃」)是由Monolith Soft製作,由任天堂發行在Wii平台上推出的角色扮演遊戲,和《異域神兵》及《異域傳說》一樣,《異度神劍》的內容基本上是由高橋哲哉所創作。
在2014年8月29日的任天堂直面会上,宣布本作将移植到新公布的任天堂掌机平台新任天堂3DS及新任天堂3DS LL上,由于新3DS采用了机能更强劲的CPU,所以才有能使本作在其平台运行的可能性。由于舊版3DS和3DS LL的性能不足,本作為新任天堂3DS及新任天堂3DS LL獨佔作品。[2]在2019年9月5日的任天堂直面会上,游戏的重製版[a]《異度神劍 終極版》(日版名:ゼノブレイド ディフィニティブ・エディション,Xenoblade Definitive Edition,英文版名:Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition)作为最后的压轴作品登场,游戏于2020年5月29日在任天堂Switch平台上发售[3],并且加入简体和繁体中文。
《异度神剑》是一款动作角色扮演(RPG)游戏,玩家使用Wii遥控器和双节棍或传统控制器控制三人小队的其中一位成员[4]。游戏采用了开放世界设计,玩家能够在无缝连接的场景中自由地探索[5]。游戏中存在昼夜循环,游戏内的事件、任务、敌人的强度和道具的出现都会受时间影响:例如,更强大的敌人类型会在晚上出现。虽然时间是自动流动的,并且每隔现实时间中的十分钟就会重复一个昼夜循环,但玩家可以在任何时候将游戏中的时钟调整到所需的时间[4][6] 。此外,虽然探索是游戏的要素之一,但游戏中有许多可以作为传送点的「地标」,玩家能够在任何时候立即返回该点,节省下跑路的时间[7]。游戏还支持「随时存档」功能,玩家可以在战斗之外的任何时刻保存[6]。游戏还包含二周目模式,可以将玩家第一次游戏的部分进度继承到下一次的游戏中[7]。
探索、完成任务和收集物品是游戏玩法的重要组成部分。游戏鼓励玩家探索宏大的场景,通常允许玩家前往视野中的任何地方[8]。在探索过程中,玩家可以选择接受居住在游戏世界中的各种非玩家角色的支线任务,通常是要求找到某些物品或杀死一定数量的敌人。部分任务在满足条件时就会自动完成,无需手动去找游戏中的角色对话。物品收集这一元素在游戏中以「收集手册」的形式体现[7] 。收集品以蓝色光球的形态散布在场景中,在触碰到光球后,玩家会获得一个随机的收集品,并且可以将其添加到收集手册中;当收集到一定数量时,玩家会得到新道具作为奖励[7]。除了收集手册之外,玩家还可以从击败的敌人身上或以太矿床处获得以太结晶,并通过小游戏「宝珠熔炼」锻造为以太宝珠,将宝珠安装在装备上可以增加战斗属性[7]。
本作有许多会影响游戏的总体流程的系统。「牵绊」系统会追踪游戏中角色和地点之间的关系。「城镇牵绊」记录了游戏中所有有名有姓的角色之间的人际关系,描述他们彼此相处的程度,以及一个城镇对玩家可控方的总体看法[7]。完成任务可以改变角色之间的看法,并开启后续的支线故事[9]。除此以外,「同伴牵绊」记录了队伍同伴之间的感情程度,由浅到深共分五个等级[7]。同伴之间的牵绊可以通过让角色一起参加战斗、赠送礼物或使用「牵绊对话」系统来提升[7] 。「牵绊对话」是两个角色之间的亲密插曲,可以更好地展现一个角色的个性、经历或想法,与同伴的牵绊达到一定程度以上方可观看对话[10]。牵绊系统也与角色在战斗和宝珠熔炼中的合作效率息息相关[7]。玩家可以在游戏中自定义角色的服装和武器。这些变化会直接反映在游戏场景中,甚至出现在过场动画中[9]。
- 外貌跟普通人一樣,在巨神上的多個殖民地居住,多年來在機神兵侵攻下苟延殘喘,現在只剩下第6及第9兩個殖民地。
海恩塔族(High Entia,ハイエンター)
- 外貌跟荷姆斯族相似,但頭上長有一對翼。族中有不少跟荷姆斯族生下的混血兒,混血兒的翼很多時比較細小。
- 主要聚居在サイハテ村,他們成立了有一個諾彭商會的組織在全巨神界進行交易,所以在巨神界到處都可以看到他們的足跡。
(Machina,マシーナ )
- 是生活在機神上的種族,但不像巨神上的種族一樣,他們身上是裝有機器的,類似機器人,但是又不是機器人的人形生命體。
- 修爾克(Shulk,シュルク)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:18歲 身高:171cm
- 声优:日本版-浅沼晋太郎,美版-亚当·豪顿。
- 本作的男主角,喜歡研究科學,一直在研究神劍蒙納多之謎。
- 在任天堂的跨界格斗游戏《任天堂明星大乱斗3DS/Wii U》和《任天堂明星大亂鬥 特別版》中作為可用角色登场。
- 在精神续作《异度神剑X》中沒有登场,但玩家可以用角色创建工具创作修尔克形象的角色。[29]
- 菲奧倫(Fiora,フィオルン)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:女 年齡:18歲 身高:160cm
- 声优:中尾衣里
- 本作的女主角,對修爾克有好感,是丹邦的妹妹。
- 萊恩(Reyn,ライン)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:18歲 身高:190cm
- 声优:宮下榮治
- 修爾克的好友,四肢發達,但頭腦簡單。對修爾克絕對信任。有幽默感。最怕蜘蛛。
- 丹邦(Dunban,ダンバン)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:30歲 身高:180cm
- 声优:堀川亮
- 一年前大戰的英雄,菲奧倫的哥哥,因過度使用神劍蒙納多的力量而廢掉了慣用的右手。
- 卡露娜(Sharla,カルナ)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:女 年齡:21歲 身高:168cm
- 声优:渡邊明乃
- 第六殖民地防衛隊的救傷兵。
- 梅莉亞(Melia,メリア)
- 種族:海恩塔 性別:女 年齡:88歲 身高:156cm
- 声优:勝田詩織
- 修爾克等人在旅途中所救的海恩塔族女子,實際上是荷姆斯族與海恩塔族的混血兒,跟修爾克一起冒險後,開始對修爾克有了好感。
- 力奇(Riki,リキ)
- 種族:諾彭 性別:男 年齡:40歲 身高:60cm
- 声优:甲斐田幸
- 諾彭族聚居的サイハテ村所選出來「勇者」,外表及言行都像小孩,實際上卻是(至少)11個小孩的父親。
- 宁宁(Nene,ネネ)
- 種族:諾彭 性別:女
- 声优:相泽舞
- 力奇的女兒,奇諾的乾姐姐
- 奇諾(Kino,キノ)
- 種族:諾彭 性別:男
- 声优:山盛由果
- 力奇的养子,宁宁的乾弟弟
- 迪克森(Dickson,ディクソン)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:44歲 身高:181cm
- 声优:小山剛志
- 男主角的師傅,丹邦的戰友。經常在世界各地流浪,相當了解神劍“蒙納多”
- 穆姆卡(Mumkhar,ムムカ)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:30歲 身高:195cm
- 声优:若本規夫
- 丹邦的戰友,暗地裡不服丹邦,一直希望把神劍“蒙納多”據為己有。一年前的戰鬥中陣前逃亡後便消聲匿跡。
- 朱朱(Juju,ジュジュ)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:13歲 身高:150cm
- 声优:羽鳥健一
- 卡露娜的弟弟,莽撞的行為常常令姐姐擔心。
- 加德(Gadolt,ガド)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:26歲 身高:191cm
- 声优:竹内幸輔
- 卡露娜的未婚夫,第六殖民地防衛隊隊員,第六殖民地被攻佔後失蹤。
- 卡利安(Kallian,カリアン)
- 種族:海恩塔 性別:男 年齡:151歲 身高:187cm
- 声优:小尾元政
- 海恩塔族族皇子,梅莉亞(メリア)的兄長。
- 阿爾維斯(Alviss,アルヴィース)
- 種族:荷姆斯(表面上的種族,實際上並非人類) 性別:男 年齡:不明 身高:170cm
- 声优:程嶋しづマ
- 海恩塔族的預言官。
- 范戴姆(Vandamme,ヴァンダム)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男
- 声优:風間信彦
- 9號殖民地的防衛隊長,對部下十分嚴格。
- 歐達瑪(Odama,オダマ)
- 種族:荷姆斯 性別:男 年齡:60歲 身高:165cm
- 声优:納谷悟朗
- 9號殖民地的防衛隊長,卡露娜(カルナ)的長官。
评价 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
《異度神劍》自发售以来,就广受好评,在Digital Spy、Joystiq、《GamePro》和RPGamer的评测中获得了满分[38][47][51][52],其他大多数游戏网站和杂志的评分也接近满分[b]。根据评论汇总网站Metacritic的评价,这款游戏获得了「普遍好评」[30][54] 。
许多人都认为这个故事虽然是一个相当标准的前提下,但却很有新意,也很有趣,而游戏的开放性被认为是该类型的一个可喜的变化:IGN评测员Keza MacDonald说,她原本只期望JRPG会类似于线性和故事驱动的《最终幻想XIII》,但被《異度神劍》震惊了。其战斗系统和任务的处理也获得了好评,后者因其人性化的操作方式被认为是该类型的一大进步。普遍引来批评的一点是画面,让多个评论家失望的是,游戏缺乏其他同时代游戏机的打磨[c]。IGN、Eurogamer和《Edge》都引用了这款游戏作为JRPG的凯旋而归,也是此类型的最好例子[34][45][48]。游戏的战斗系统,以及在某种程度上它的总体游戏性,被很多评论家青睐,与《最终幻想XII》使用的战斗系统对比[33][34][41][45]。
- ^ 官方定義為復刻版
- ^ Edge,[33] Eurogamer,[34] Famitsu,[35] Game Informer,[36] GameSpot (for Wii),[39] GamesRadar (for Wii),[41] GamesTM,[43] GameTrailers,[44] IGN (for Wii),[45] PAL Gaming Network,[50] and RPGFan.[53]
- ^ Edge,[33] Eurogamer,[34] Famitsu,[35] Game Informer,[36] GamePro,[38] GameSpot (for Wii),[39] GamesRadar (for Wii),[41] GamesTM,[43] GameTrailers,[44] Joystiq,[47] PAL Gaming Network,[50] Digital Spy (for Wii),[51] RPGamer (for Wii),[52] and RPGFan.[53]
- ^ 对应新3DS机能 《异度之刃》发售日公布. 太平洋游戏网. 2015-01-14 [2015-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-14).
- ^ Wii JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles coming to new 3DS. Joystiq. 2014-08-29 [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-29).
- ^ Nintendo 公式チャンネル. ゼノブレイド ディフィニティブ・エディション [Nintendo Direct mini 2020.3.26]. Youtube. 2020-03-26 [2020-04-29]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-12).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Xenoblade Chronicles European Manual (PDF). Nintendo. 2011 [2015-12-09]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2015-09-08).
- ^ Gifford, Kevin. All About Xenoblade. 1UP.com. 2010-02-17 [2011-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-18).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Yip, Spencer. Xenoblade's Time Saving Support Features. Siliconera. 2010-05-07 [2011-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-22).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Hughes, Matt. Xenoblade Chronicles beginner's guide. GamesRadar. 2012-04-09 [2014-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-22).
- ^ Sahdev, Ishaan. All The Little Things That Made Me Love Xenoblade Chronicles. Siliconera. 2012-04-02 [2014-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-18).
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Yip, Spencer. Xenoblade's Take On Character Customization. Siliconera. 2010-05-27 [2011-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-22).
- ^ McCallum, Greig. Xenoblade Chronicles. RPGFan. 2011-09-28 [2011-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-08).
- ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Why You Should Care About Xenoblade Chronicles. IGN. 2012-03-16 [2014-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Gifford, Kevin. All About Xenoblade's Fighting System. 1UP.com. 2010-05-19 [2010-06-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
- ^ Sahdev, Ishaan. See Xenoblade's Vision Battle System In Action. Siliconera. 2010-05-23 [2011-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-22).
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Shulk: The Monado... It's the only sword that's effective against the Mechon armour. They say that before time began, it was wielded by the Bionis. The same Bionis that we all live on. It must have a secret. That's how Dunban was able to destroy so many Mechon. And why he lost the use of his right arm. If I can just unlock the secret of its power...
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Reyn: Dunban! You can't take any more of the Monado! / Dunban: But I must! I don't have a choice! / Shulk: Reyn's right. You can't go on like this. [...] This time... It's my turn. / Dunban: Shulk, no! It'll kill you! Shulk! [Shulk picks up the Monado, and after a brief struggle, he uses it to destroy attacking Mechon.] / Shulk: What's happening? [Shulk receives a vision of a Mechon's attack, and successfully avoids it.] / Dunband: What the? / Reyn: Wow. Shulk's pretty awesome! / Dunban: How can this be? Shulk is using the Monado.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Zanza: The Monado is the blade of the Bionis. The only force that can oppose the Mechonis. As the wielder grows, so too does his ability to control all things. Yet there is still power trapped in the sword. The Monado is in shackles. / Shulk: Shackles? / Zanza: It is suppressed. / Shulk: You mean... [A flashback to when Reyn attempted to wield the Monado and sliced at Fiora, leaving her undamaged while cleaving through some metal.] / Zanza: Yes. It was this constraint that gave rise to faced Mechon. Mechon which cannot be destroyed by the Monado. [...] I will remove those shackles for you. But you must take the Monado and free me from this prison. Free me, and the Monado will cut down anything you wish. Nothing but a god can stand in your way!
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Shulk: It's not...like the other Mechon. / Egil: You are right, Heir to the Monado. This is the strongest Face ever built, controlled by me, Egil—leader of Mechonis, and agent of Meyneth. / Shulk: "Leader of Mechonis"? So you're the one who controls the Mechon. / Egil: I am he. We fight to free the world from the tyranny of the Bionis. […] Your questions do not concern me. I must return with this one.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Shulk: Fiora. You're awake. Uh...do you remember? My name is Shu- / Fiora: I can't believe it. My first kiss. / Shulk: You do remember me! Fiora! / Fiora: Of course I do, Shulk. [...] I...I never forgot you, or the others. / Shulk: Then...why? / Fiora: Because...I wasn't me anymore. I wanted to call out, but I couldn't. [...] When it happened, when Colony 9 was attacked by the Mechon... [...] I thought I had died. I felt the Mechon's claw rip through me. I couldn't remember anything. There was no sound, no light, no pain. When I came round, I had the body of a machine. And...it felt like there was someone else inside me. [...] / Shulk: "Someone else"? You mean the person who was controlling the Mechon you were in? / Fiora: Yes, that voice.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Shulk: Explain it to me. I mean, why does Egil want to make us into Mechon? What's the reason for all this? / Vanea: In order to counter the Monado. [...] The Monado is ineffective against the High Entia, the Homs - against all races of Bionis. Egil suffered a bitter defeat in the battle one year ago. After that, he theorised that he could counter the Monado by integrating organic life from Bionis. [...] It could not harm those who share the blood of Zanza. That was its sole weakness. But Zanza lifted that constraint. / Dunban: Those who share the blood of Zanza? Who is that giant? / Vanea: The progenitor of the Homs. [...] And once the friend of my brother Egil, before they became sworn enemies. It was Zanza who devastated Mechonis.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Egil: Tell me, boy. Are you familiar with the concept of starvation tactics? / [...] Dunban: A military strategy in which you cut the supply lines and starve out the enemy. / Egil: So then you understand that that is the best method by which to ensure victory. I have no resentment or hatred for the peoples of Bionis. I am simply depleting the Bionis' energy. Striking back at the titan that robbed my people of their lives. [...] Perhaps you need me to put things more simply. All life on Bionis exists purely to feed its master! / Shulk: What?! / Egil: Ether, the base element of all things that exist in this world. My body, your bodies... You are aware that ether is the foundation of them all? / Shulk: Yes. / Egil: Ether is power. You are the source of that power. All life that is born from the Bionis dies, and is returned to the Bionis. Unlike the Mechonis, the Bionis feeds on ether provided by those who return to it. Upon the moment of its eventual awakening, it will require an incredible number of lives.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Shulk: I can't kill you, but I can stop your blade. And I'll do it. Over and over again, until... we understand each other. OK? / Egil: You have used the Monado well. But do you honestly believe you are its master? Mechonis and Bionis once lived in harmony. They coexisted in peace. Without hatred or strife. [...] I can see it. How well you retained a sense of self. Perhaps you can break the curse of Zanza. And was that not precisely our wish? Lady Meyneth? / Shulk: I don't know much about any curse. For now, all I can do is this, Egil. [Shulk extends a hand to Egil.] We can live in peace again.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Dickson: It's just like she says. The High Entia are a race created by Lord Zanza to eliminate any annoying life forms in the preparation for the rebirth of the Bionis. Their bodies contain a gene that, when the time comes, transforms them into Telethia.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Zanza: I must thank you indeed, Shulk. You were of more use to me than any of my disciples. Now that I have the Monados, I can forgive you your betrayal. [...] As I planned, the life of Bionis existed simply to serve as my vessels and my food. Bionis is nothing more than an accumulation of their corpses and life energy. [...] You did a great deed in granting me a new Monado. I will gladly take you as my new disciple, Shulk.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Zanza: Can it be? A Monado?! / Fiora: It is not only you that has the right. Every living thing has the freedom to choose the path they walk. And that is the future! / Zanza: A third Monado has appeared. How can this have happened?! You are mere mortals!
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Zanza: How? The power of a god cannot be overcome. / Alvis: Zanza. This is the providence of the world. Even gods are merely beings restricted to the limited power determined by providence. That power, although great, is not unlimited. [...] / Zanza: Alvis?! How dare you disobey me?! / Alvis: I am Monado. I was here at the beginning. And I will proclaim the end. [...] Shulk, it is time for you to choose. Does this world belong to Zanza? Or does it belong to you? / Shulk: That is something I decided long ago!
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Alvis: It was simple curiosity. The curiosity of a single man that destroyed the universe and created a new one. A new universe, your world, was born. And so, two gods came into existence. Zanza and Meyneth were lonely. So they created life in their own image. [...] As the world advanced to each further stage, it was inherited by generations of different life forms. But over time, awareness of Zanza faded. Zanza feared this. In order to escape his own annihilation, he wished for a world in a perpetual cycle of destruction and recreation. [...] / Shulk: Alvis, what are you? / Alvis: I am the administrative computer of a phase transition experiment facility. But that will mean little to you. To you, I am a machine. That is my original form.
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Alvis: This world has little time remaining if left in this state. Have you made your decision? The choice is yours, Creator. Tell me your decision for the future of this world. / Shulk: I won't decide. The future should be decided by each and every person in the world. And so, what I... No, what we wish for is... A world with no gods!
- ^ Monolith Soft. Xenoblade Chronicles. Wii. Nintendo. 1 September 2011.
Shulk: Do you remember what the Monado, I mean Alvis, said to us the last time we saw him? / Alvis (flashback): Shulk. This new world is boundless. It is home to not only you, but many forms of life. I can see it. In this world, all life will walk towards the future hand in hand. / Shulk: One day I hope I can meet them all. The people of this endless world. / Fiora: Me too. We will. I know it.
- ^ Who The Hell Is: Shulk. Engadget. [2022-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-01) (美国英语).
- ^ 30.0 30.1 Xenoblade Chronicles Reviews on Metacritic. Metacritic. [2012-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-16).
- ^ Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Reviews on Metacritic. Metacritic. [2015-05-02]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-16).
- ^ Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Reviews on Metacritic. Metacritic. [2020-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-30).
- ^ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Xenoblade Chronicles review. Edge. 2011-08-18 [2011-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-19).
- ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Parkin, Simon. Xenoblade Chronicles – Review. Eurogamer. 2011-08-16 [2011-08-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ 35.0 35.1 35.2 Gifford, Kevin. Japan Review Check: Xenoblade, Just Cause 2. 1UP.com. 2010-06-02 [2015-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-07).
- ^ 36.0 36.1 36.2 Kollar, Phil. A Vision Of The Future - Xenoblade Chronicles. Game Informer. 2012-04-06 [2014-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ Wallace, Kimberley. Another Chance To Experience JRPG Greatness - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. Game Informer. 2015-03-23 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 Dagostino, Francesco. Xenoblade Chronicles Import Review. GamePro. [2011-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-02).
- ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 Raze, Ashton. Xenoblade Chronicles Review. GameSpot. 2012-08-19 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-23).
- ^ Robertson, John. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Review. GameSpot. 2015-03-25 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-02).
- ^ 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 Hall, Alexandra. Xenoblade Chronicles Review. GamesRadar. 2012-06-21 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Review. GamesRadar. 2015-03-25 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 Xenoblade Chronicles review. GamesTM. 2011-08-11 [2011-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-26).
- ^ 44.0 44.1 44.2 Xenoblade Chronicles Review. GameTrailers. 2012-03-27 [2015-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-19).
- ^ 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 MacDonald, Keza. Xenoblade Chronicles Review. IGN. 2012-04-03 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-10).
- ^ Otero, Jose. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Review. IGN. 2015-04-03 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ 47.0 47.1 47.2 Kemps, Heidi. Xenoblade Chronicles review: A cut above. Joystiq. 2012-04-06 [2015-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-04).
- ^ 48.0 48.1 Kitts, Martin. Xenoblade Chronicles Review. NGamer (Future plc). September 2011, (66): 57–60.
- ^ Parkin, Simon. Xenoblade Chronicles review. Official Nintendo Magazine. 2011-08-03 [2011-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-19).
- ^ 50.0 50.1 50.2 Mawson, Jarrod. Xenoblade Chronicles Review. PALGN. 2011-09-01 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-22).
- ^ 51.0 51.1 Martin, Liam. 'Xenoblade Chronicles' (Wii). Digital Spy. 2011-08-26 [2011-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ 52.0 52.1 Fuller, Alex. Xenoblade Chronicles - Towering Above. RPGamer. 2012 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-17).
- ^ 53.0 53.1 McCallum, Greig. Xenoblade Chronicles Review. RPGFan. 2011-09-28 [2015-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-08).
- ^ Moriarty, Colin. Which Publishers and Games Scored Best on Metacritic in 2012?. IGN. 2013-02-08 [2014-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-15).
- ^ 日本ゲーム大賞2011 > 受賞作品 > 年間作品部門. awards.cesa.or.jp. [2020-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-17).