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"攻擊"(Hyökkäys),1899年愛德華·伊斯托英语Edvard Isto所繪的油畫,畫中將芬蘭俄羅斯化描繪成一隻雙頭鷹在攻擊芬蘭少女、並且撕毀她的法律書籍.














  1. ^ Vernon V. Aspaturian, "The Non-Russian Peoples," in Allen Kassof, Ed., Prospects for Soviet Society (New York: Praeger, 1968): 143–198. Aspaturian also distinguished both Russianization and Russification from Sovietization, the process of spreading Soviet institutions and the Soviet socialist restructuring of social and economic relations in accordance with the ruling Communist Party's vision. (Aspaturian was a Soviet studies specialist, Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus of political science and former director of the Slavic and Soviet Language and Area Center at Pennsylvania State University.)
  2. ^ Barbara A. Anderson and Brian D. Silver,"Demographic Sources of the Changing Ethnic Composition of the Soviet Union," Population and Development Review 15, No. 4 (Dec., 1989), pp. 609–656.
  3. ^ Alexander Douglas Mitchell Carruthers, Jack Humphrey Miller. Unknown Mongolia: a record of travel and exploration in north-west Mongolia and Dzungaria, Volume 2. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1914: 345 [29 May 2011]. (Original from Harvard University)


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