


這是本頁的一個歷史版本,由Iflwlou留言 | 貢獻2024年12月26日 (四) 08:38編輯。這可能和當前版本存在着巨大的差異。

Luigi Mangione
(1998-05-06) 1998年5月6日26歲)

路易吉·尼古拉斯·曼焦內[1][2][3][4](英語:Luigi Nicholas Mangione;國際音標:/luˈi ˌmæniˈni/ ;發音重拼:loo-EE-jee MAN-jee-OH-nee[5][6];1998年5月6日),是槍殺美國聯合健康保險執行長布萊恩·湯普森的嫌犯。曼焦內於2024年12月9日在賓夕凡尼亞州阿爾圖納被捕並首次出庭[7]。放棄引渡權後,他於12月19日在紐約市聯邦法院出庭[8]。12月23日,他在紐約州最高法院提堂,並對州法院的指控表示不認罪[9]。他被以十一項州指控起訴,並面臨四項聯邦指控,其中包含一級謀殺恐怖主義非法持有武器跟蹤罪等重罪[10][11]。其中的聯邦持槍謀殺指控,讓他有可能面臨死刑[12],但聯邦檢察官尚未表明是否會尋求死刑[13]




曼焦內於1998年出生於馬里蘭州陶森[24],來自一個具有意大利(尤其是西西里)血統的家族[25]。他是凱瑟琳(娘家姓贊尼諾)與路易斯·曼焦內的兒子,曼焦內家族在馬里蘭州以房地產事業和慈善活動而聞名[26][27][28]。爺爺尼古拉斯·曼焦內英語Nicholas Mangione是一名企業家,在1977年創辦洛瑞恩健康服務公司英語Lorien Health Services,提供老年護理與生活輔助,堂兄尼諾·曼焦內英語Nino Mangione是現任馬里蘭州眾議院代表,共和黨籍。曼焦內家族在埃利科特城有一處兼具水療與會議中心功能的會所,在巴爾的摩近郊還有一座鄉村俱樂部,家族旗下還有WCBM英語WCBM廣播電台。[29]


他曾就讀於巴爾的摩著名的男子私立中學吉爾曼學校,並於2016年以畢業生代表身份完成學業[30]。在2016至2017年間,他在遊戲公司Firaxis Games實習,負責用戶介面設計[31]。隨後,他入讀賓夕凡尼亞大學,2020年獲得工學學士(計算機工程)和工學碩士(計算機與信息科學)學位[32][33]。他的本科輔修專業數學,研究生課程則專注於人工智慧[34]









調查顯示,嫌疑人戴著口罩,從亞特蘭大搭乘巴士前往紐約[46][47]。現場彈殼和彈匣上刻有「拖延」(delay)、「拒絕」(deny)及「廢除」(depose)字樣[48][49][50]。這些字詞與保險業中「拖延、拒絕、辯護」(delay, deny, defend)的說法相似,暗指保險公司阻撓賠付的行為[51]。嫌疑人可能已逃離紐約,有人在巴士站目擊其蹤影[52]。該事件在社交媒體上引發熱議,許多人對湯普森、聯合健康集團和整個美國醫療保險體系表示不滿,甚至有人公開讚賞這宗槍擊案[53]。據報導指,曼焦內並未購買過聯合健康保險的保險[54][55]



警方表示,在搜查曼焦內時,發現一把3D打印的「幽靈槍」及與案件武器特徵相符的3D打印消音器。他還持有一張化名「馬克·羅薩里奧」(Mark Rosario)的偽造新澤西州駕照,與命案嫌疑人入住曼哈頓旅館時使用的姓名一致[60][61][62]。此外,警方在他身上找到了一份三頁共262字的手寫文件,內容批評美國醫療體系,並將其形容為「宣言[63]









  1. 一級謀殺(根據《2001年反恐法》,在恐怖主義行為中實施的謀殺[74]
  2. 涉恐罪行的二級謀殺(以謀殺形式構成的恐怖主義行為[74]
  3. 二級謀殺(故意殺人[74]
  4. 二級非法持有武器罪(持有裝填子彈的火器,並意圖非法使用)
  5. 二級非法持有武器罪(攜帶未經許可的裝填火器)
  6. 三級非法持有武器罪(持有紐約州定義的「突擊武器」
  7. 三級非法持有武器罪(消音器
  8. 三級非法持有武器罪(「格洛克手槍」彈匣)
  9. 三級非法持有武器罪(「馬格普工業公司」彈匣)
  10. 四級非法持有武器罪(幽靈槍)
  11. 二級持有偽造證件罪(偽造身份證明)





  1. 跟蹤罪(跨州行為,包括從喬治亞州前往紐約)(根據《美國法典》第18篇第2261A(1)(A)及22661(b)(1)條)
  2. 跟蹤罪(利用手機和互聯網進行的跨州行為)(同上條款)
  3. 使用火器進行謀殺罪(《美國法典》第18篇第924(j)條)
  4. 火器犯罪(《美國法典》第18篇第924(c)(1)(A)(i)、(ii)、(iii)及(c)(1)(B)(ii)條)















紐約市的華盛頓廣場公園佛羅里達大學甚至舉辦多場模仿曼焦內的「撞臉比賽[103][104][105]。支持曼焦內的周邊商品曾在EtsyAmazon上架,但很快遭下架[106] [107] [108]。支持者在GoFundMe上發起群眾募資,試圖為曼焦內籌措法律費用,但相關活動已被移除[109]。不過,另一個在GiveSendGo平台上的募資活動仍然持續進行[110],截至2024年12月18日已籌集超過15.1萬美元[111]。另有用戶分享曼焦內的獄中賬戶信息,鼓勵捐款以幫助他在監獄小賣部購買「零食、飲料與平板電腦」等物品[112]



  1. ^ 熊茂伶. 美國聯合健康集團高管槍殺案嫌疑人被捕. 新華社. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-20] (中文). 
  2. ^ 美醫保巨擘CEO被殺案 被告贏同情獲捐訟費. 明報. 2024-12-12 [2024-12-20] (中文). 
  3. ^ 殺美聯合健保CEO 26歲犯嫌遭控一級謀殺等11項罪名、恐面臨終身監禁. 聯合新聞網. 2024-12-18 (中文). 
  4. ^ 聯合健保案兇嫌同意回紐約受審 若持槍謀殺成罪最高判死刑. 北美世界日報 (中文). 
  5. ^ Wey, Corey. Full interview: Luigi Mangione's former classmate speaks out. FOX 10 Phoenix. 事件發生在 00:02. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-26] –透過YouTube (英語). 
  6. ^ Nino Mangione - Maryland Delegate District 42. Republican Women Baltimore County. 事件發生在 00:11. 2022-09-19 [2024-12-26] –透過YouTube (英語). 
  7. ^ Rubin, April. Who is Luigi Mangione, person of interest in UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting. Axios. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09] (英語). 
  8. ^ Bauman, Ali; Rozner, Lisa; Gainer, Alice; Zanger, Jesse. Luigi Mangione faces federal murder, stalking charges in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO - CBS New York. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-12-20 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-21) (美國英語). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Debusmann, Bernd Jr. Luigi Mangione pleads not guilty to murdering healthcare CEO. BBC News. 2024-12-23 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-23) (英語). 
  10. ^ Schonfield, Zach. Federal prosecutors bring 4 charges against Luigi Mangione. The Hill. 2024-12-19 [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  11. ^ Romero, Dennis; Planas, Antonio. Luigi Mangione indicted on first-degree murder charge in UnitedHealthcare CEO's killing. NBC News. 2024-12-17 (英語). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Luigi Mangione could face death penalty under new federal charges. ABC News. 2024-12-19 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-20) (澳大利亞英語). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Biase, Nicholas; Wratchford, Shelby. Luigi Mangione Charged With The Stalking And Murder Of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson And Use Of A Silencer In A Crime Of Violence. (新聞稿). U.S. Department of Justice. U.S. Department of Justice. 2024-12-19 [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  14. ^ Ax, Joseph; McKay, Rich; Brooks, Brad. Luigi Mangione was charged with murder - then donations started pouring in. Reuters. [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  15. ^ Saric, Ivana. How the internet cheered the UnitedHealth shooting suspect as a folk hero. Axios. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-13) (英語). 
  16. ^ Gorn, Elliott. The Latest Icon. Slate. 2024-12-18 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-19) (英語). 
  17. ^ Mulvaney, Ashley Wong and Erin. How Luigi Mangione Captivated the Internet. WSJ. [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-19) (英語). 
  18. ^ Sarat, Austin. The Glorification of Luigi Mangione Is Disturbing – But Not Surprising. [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  19. ^ Winter, Jessica. Luigi Mangione and the Making of a Modern Antihero. The New Yorker. 2024-12-13 (英語). 
  20. ^ Kennedy, Miranda. How UnitedHealthcare became the face of a broken health care system. Vox. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-26] (美國英語). 
  21. ^ Wolfe, Rachel. Luigi Mangione and America’s Growing Resentment of Corporate Power. WSJ. [2024-12-26] (美國英語). 
  22. ^ Paris, Carol. Yes, condemn CEO's murder, but know why people feel rage toward health insurers. The Tennessean. [2024-12-26] (美國英語). 
  23. ^ Weixel, Nathaniel. Will anger at health insurers spur action? Democrats pessimistic. The Hill. 2024-12-15 [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  24. ^ Smith, Justin; Fenton, Brenna. Luigi Mangione's sprawling family found success after patriarch's rise. The Baltimore Banner. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-13] (英語). 
  25. ^ Winton, Richard; Castleman, Terry; Solis, Nathan; Hernandez, Salvador; Lin, Summer; Harter, Clara. Suspect in CEO killing is charged with murder. Records show he had California ties. Los Angeles Times. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-11] (英語). 
  26. ^ Luigi Mangione: Tracing the privileged Baltimore family roots of suspected CEO killer. www.bbc.com. [2024-12-15] (英國英語). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Parker, Jessica; Sheerin, Jude. Luigi Mangione charged with murdering healthcare CEO in New York. BBC News. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Sisak, Michael R.; Scolford, Mark. Suspect in the killing of UnitedHealthcare's CEO struggles, shouts while entering courthouse. Associated Press. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-11) (英語). 
  29. ^ 常春藤名校高材生指醫保CEO「罪有應得」 遭盤查時開始發抖. 聯合新聞網. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-13) (中文(臺灣)). 
  30. ^ Kilgannon, Corey. Luigi Mangione, Suspect in C.E.O.'s Killing, Attended Elite Institutions需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  31. ^ Makuch, Eddie. Alleged UHC Shooter Once Interned At Civ Studio. GameSpot. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  32. ^ Loria, Michael; Kenning, Chris. 'Shocked and devastated': Family of suspected United Healthcare killer speaks out. USA Today. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-15] (英語). 
  33. ^ Mather, Katie. What we know about Luigi Mangione, 26-year-old charged with murder in UnitedHealthcare CEO's killing. Yahoo News. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-11] (英語). 
  34. ^ Binday, Ben; Bartlett, Katie. Here's what we know about the Penn graduate charged with murder of healthcare CEO. The Daily Pennsylvanian (student newspaper). 2024-12-10 [2024-12-12] (英語). 
  35. ^ Scannell, Karina Tsui, Steve Almasy, Andy Rose, John Miller, Brynn Gingras, Kara. He cut off some loved ones for months. Now, suspect Luigi Mangione faces mounting evidence in health care CEO's killing. CNN. 2024-12-12 [2024-12-13] (英語). 
  36. ^ Campbell, Jaelyn. Former TrueCar employee linked to the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO. CBT News. 2024-12-11 [2024-12-13] (英語). 
  37. ^ Katersky, Aaron; Crudele, Mark; Margolin, Josh; Deliso, Meredith. What we know about Luigi Mangione, Ivy League grad charged in CEO's murder. ABC News. 2024-12-11 [2024-12-11] (英語). 
  38. ^ Baker, Mike; Bogel-Burroughs, Nicholas; Hubler, Shawn; Fortin, Jacey. Months Before C.E.O.’s Killing, the Suspect Went Silent. Where Was He?需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2024-12-12 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-19) (英語). 
  39. ^ Lamb, Jonah Owen. Luigi Mangione’s missing-person report: See what SFPD gave to the FBI. The San Francisco Standard. 2024-12-16 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-17) (英語). 
  40. ^ Skene, Lea; Kelleher, Jennifer Sinco. Back trouble and brain fog bothered suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO killing, his posts show. Associated Press. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-13) (英語). 
  41. ^ Cassidy, Megan. SFPD report: Luigi Mangione's mother filed missing persons report, believing son was working in S.F.. San Francisco Chronicle. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-12] (英語). 
  42. ^ Klee, Miles. Luigi Mangione Wrote Online About a Spine Disorder. Other Patients Say It's Hell. Rolling Stone. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-17) (英語). 
  43. ^ Baker, Mike; Bogel-Burroughs, Nicholas; Hubler, Shawn; Fortin, Jacey. Months Before C.E.O.’s Killing, the Suspect Went Silent. Where Was He?需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2024-12-12 [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-19) (英語). 
  44. ^ Halpert, Madeline. Brian Thompson: United Healthcare CEO fatally shot outside Manhattan hotel. New York City: BBC News. 2024-12-04 [2024-12-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-04) (英語). 
  45. ^ What we know about New York City shooting of UnitedHealthcare boss Brian Thompson. Sky News. 2024-12-05 [2024-12-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  46. ^ UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting latest: Suspect's backpack had Monopoly money: Sources. abcnews.go.com. ABC News. [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-08) (英語). 
  47. ^ NYPD hunts gun-wielding assailant who killed UnitedHealthcare CEO outside hotel. bbc.com. BBC. [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  48. ^ Miller, John; Musa, Amanda; Riess, Rebekah; Goldman, David; Gingras, Brynn. Gunman at large after UnitedHealthcare CEO fatally shot in 'brazen targeted attack,' police say. CNN. 2024-12-04 [2024-12-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-05) (英語). 
  49. ^ Williams, Ashley R.; Luhby, Tami; Duffy, Clare. 'Delay,' 'deny' and 'depose' written on ammunition found after killing of health care CEO, NYPD says. CNN. 2024-12-07 [2024-12-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-14) (英語). 
  50. ^ Police clarify bullet language. Associated Press. 2024-12-07 [2024-12-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-17) (英語). 
  51. ^ Ford, Matt. Why Many Americans Are Celebrating the UnitedHealthcare CEO's Murder. The New Republic. 2024-12-06 [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  52. ^ Police Find Backpack in Central Park, a Possible Link to Gunman Who Killed C.E.O.. The New York Times. [2024-12-10] (英語). 
  53. ^ Goldman, Maya. UnitedHealth CEO's killing unleashes social media rage against insurers. Axios. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09] (英語). 
  54. ^ Dienst, Jonathan; Ma, Kai; Helsel, Phil. Suspect in CEO's killing wasn't insured by UnitedHealthcare, company says. NBC News. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-13) (英語). 
  55. ^ Police say suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO killing wasn't a client of the insurer. AP News. 2024-12-12 [2024-12-18] (英語). 
  56. ^ Who is Luigi Mangione, detained in UnitedHealthcare CEO's killing? Here's what we know. USA Today. USA Today. [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-09). 
  57. ^ Liddell, James. Luigi Mangione 'went missing' after back surgery as friends reveal health issues. The Independent. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-10]. 
  58. ^ Sayer, Ricky. Luigi Mangione's arrest in Altoona McDonald's baffles residents: 'Here of all places'. CBS News. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-12]. 
  59. ^ Romine, Elise Hammond, Lauren Mascarenhas, Michelle Watson, Steve Almasy, Taylor. Luigi Mangione, the suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting, appears in court. CNN. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10] (英語). 
  60. ^ Rubin, April. Who is Luigi Mangione, person of interest in UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting. Axios. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09] (英語). 
  61. ^ LIVE: NYC Mayor Eric Adams holds press conference on UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting. Associated Press. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09] –透過YouTube (英語). 
  62. ^ Live updates: Man questioned in UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson killing had gun, silencer and fake ID. NBC News. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09] (英語). 
  63. ^ Andy Newman. Suspect in Health Care C.E.O.'s Killing Charged With Murder. December 9, 2024 (CNN). 2024-12-09 (英語). 
  64. ^ Alaimo, Kara. The Internet Missed the Point on Luigi Mangione. TIME. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-20] (英語). 
  65. ^ 65.0 65.1 65.2 Suspect in Health Care C.E.O.'s Killing Charged With Murder. New York Times. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  66. ^ UnitedHealthcare shooting 'person of interest' Luigi Mangione arraigned in Pennsylvania. npr.org. NPR. [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  67. ^ Luigi Mangione Questioned By Police At Blair County Courthouse. inkl. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10] (英語). 
  68. ^ Williams, Ashley R.; Pazmino, Gloria; Morales, Mark; Gingras, Brynn; Miller, John; Andone, Dakin. Suspect in killing of health care CEO arrested on gun charge in Pennsylvania, NYC top cop says. CNN. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-09) (英語). 
  69. ^ Mangan, Dan. Luigi Mangione rages about ‘insult' to American people, challenges UnitedHealthcare murder extradition. NBCNewYork.com. 2024-12-10 (英語). 
  70. ^ Bohannon, Molly. What We Know About Luigi Mangione: Suspected UnitedHealthcare Shooter Found With 'Written Admissions,' Police Say. Forbes. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-10] (英語). 
  71. ^ Corey Kilgannon; Baker, Mike; Broadwater, Luke; Hubler, Shawn. Suspect in C.E.O. Killing Withdrew From a Life of Privilege and Promise需要付費訂閱. The New York Times. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-10) (英語). 
  72. ^ Inside SCI-Huntingdon, the prison where Luigi Mangione is being held. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. [2024-12-13] (英語). 
  73. ^ Romero, Dennis; Planas, Antonio. Luigi Mangione indicted on first-degree murder charge in UnitedHealthcare CEO's killing. NBC News. 2024-12-17 (英語). 
  74. ^ 74.0 74.1 74.2 CNN News Central: Luigi Mangione Indicted in Murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO. transcripts.cnn.com (transcript). CNN. 2024-12-17 [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  75. ^ Luigi Mangione returns to New York to face federal charges in fatal shooting. www.bbc.com. [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-20) (英國英語). 
  76. ^ Office of Public Affairs: Luigi Mangione Charged with the Stalking and Murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and Use of a Silencer in a Crime of Violence. www.justice.gov. 2024-12-19 [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  77. ^ Luigi Mangione returns to New York to face federal charges in fatal shooting. www.bbc.com. [2024-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-20) (英國英語). 
  78. ^ Marino, Joe; Kochman, Ben; Troutman, Matt. Exclusive: Insurance industry leaned on DOJ to take Luigi Mangione case as deterrent against copycat killers: sources. 2024-12-21 [2024-12-26] (美國英語). 
  79. ^ Did health insurance leaders pressure DOJ over Luigi Mangione case? New report reveals details. The Times of India. 2024-12-21 [2024-12-26]. ISSN 0971-8257 (英語). 
  80. ^ Cann, Christopher; Ortiz, Jorge L. Luigi Mangione denied bail, will fight extradition in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO. USA Today. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-10] (英語). 
  81. ^ Collins, Kaitlan. Luigi Mangione retains high-powered New York attorney as he faces second-degree murder charge. CNN. 2024-12-14 [2024-12-14] (英語). 
  82. ^ Lenthang, Marlene; Reiss, Adam; Planas, Antonio. UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect Luigi Mangione hit with federal charges in New York after waiving extradition. NBC News. 2024-12-19 [2024-12-26] (英語). 
  83. ^ Banfield, Ashleigh; Caprariello, Alex. Luigi Mangione's fellow inmates: Free him, 'conditions suck'. NewsNation. 2024-12-11 (英語). 
  84. ^ Back pain, writings and more: Details emerge about Luigi Mangione, suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO killing. NBC Chicago. 2024-12-11 [2024-12-12] (美國英語). 
  85. ^ What to know about the 'strong person of interest' in UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting. The Independent. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-09) (英語). 
  86. ^ Napier, Andi Shae. Severe back pain considered central to Mangione's alleged motive - Washington Examiner. 2024-12-11 [2024-12-12] (美國英語). 
  87. ^ Newsham, Jack. Luigi Mangione's deleted social-media posts showed support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and skepticism of doctors. Business Insider. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-10] (美國英語). His deleted posts support the idea that his worldview was influenced by reactionary right-wing thinkers. 
  88. ^ Alaimo, Kara. The Internet Missed the Point on Luigi Mangione. TIME. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-13] (英語). 
  89. ^ 89.0 89.1 Dee, Katherine. Inside the mind of Luigi Mangione. The Spectator World. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10] (美國英語). 
  90. ^ Branko Marcetic. Luigi Mangione's Anger Wasn't Neatly Ideological. Jacobin. 2024-12-10 (英語). 
  91. ^ Katersky, Aaron. UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting suspect inspired by Unabomber: NYPD analysis. ABC News. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-11] (英語). 
  92. ^ Ferguson, Malcolm. The Murky Right-Wing Politics of the Alleged UHC Shooter. The New Republic. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-09]. ISSN 0028-6583 (英語). 
  93. ^ Rhian Lubin. Alleged CEO killer praised Elon Musk and backed Peter Thiel in social media posts. Independent.co.uk. 2024-12-10 (英語). 
  94. ^ Coen, Susie; Jewers, Chris. Who is Luigi Mangione? The Ivy League student charged with murdering insurance boss. The Telegraph. 2024-12-11 [2024-12-11]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英國英語). 
  95. ^ Luigi Mangione is the median American voter. The Guardian. [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  96. ^ There Are a Lot of Men Like Luigi Mangione. gq.com. GQ. [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  97. ^ The political lessons of Luigi Mangione's media diet. politico.com. Politico. [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  98. ^ Dodds, Io. The very online 'gray tribe' philosophy of alleged UnitedHealth killer Luigi Mangione. The Independent. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-17) (英語). 
  99. ^ Luigi Mangione and the Gray Tribe: The peculiar worldview of America's latest heartthrob. The Times of India. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-14) (英語). 
  100. ^ Rothpletz, Peter. Luigi Mangione is the median American voter. The Guardian. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  101. ^ McCartney, Micah. Luigi Mangione proposed plan to tackle Japan's falling birth rate. Newsweek. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-15) (英語). 
  102. ^ Romine, Elise Hammond, Lauren Mascarenhas, Michelle Watson, Steve Almasy, Taylor. Luigi Mangione, the suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting, appears in court. CNN. 2024-12-09 [2024-12-10] (英語). 
  103. ^ Edwards, Samantha. The UnitedHealthcare CEO's killing united the internet with an eerie anti-capitalist catharsis. The Globe and Mail. 2024-12-06 [2024-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-12-08) (加拿大英語). 
  104. ^ Meko, Hurubie. Some on Social Media See Suspect in C.E.O. Killing as a Folk Hero. The New York Times. 2024-12-07 (英語). 
  105. ^ Castro, Sabrina. Hundreds gather at UF for Luigi Mangione lookalike contest amid murder case. The Independent Florida Alligator. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-17] (美國英語). 
  106. ^ Roberson, Evan. The Alleged UnitedHealthcare Shooter Has Merch. A Lot of Merch.. VICE. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-11] (美國英語). 
  107. ^ Ritzen, Stacey. GoFundMe, Etsy Crack Down on Support of Luigi Mangione, Accused of Killing Healthcare CEO. Mens' Journal. 2024-12-10 [2024-12-11] (英語). 
  108. ^ Gilbert, David. Luigi Mangione Is Everywhere. Wired (英語). 
  109. ^ Bhojwani, Janhvi; Goggin, Ben. As GoFundMe pulls Luigi Mangione fundraisers, another platform is featuring one on its front page. NBC News. 2024-12-13 [2024-12-13] (英語). 
  110. ^ Hutchinson, Bill. Defense fund established by supporters of suspected CEO killer Luigi Mangione tops $100K. ABC News. 2024-12-15 [2024-12-17] (英語). 
  111. ^ Erin, Keller. Luigi Mangione Fundraiser Raises More Than Madison Shooting Victim GoFundMe. Newsweek. Newsweek Digital LLC. 2024-12-18 [2024-12-19] (英語). 
  112. ^ Sundel, Jenna. Why Luigi Mangione May Not Get $45,000 Donated to His Legal Defense. Newsweek. 2024-12-12 [2024-12-12] (英語).