

Augustin-Joseph Victorin Trébuchon
Montchabrier, France
国籍 法国

奥古斯丁-约瑟夫·维多利·特雷比雄(法语:Augustin-Joseph Victorin Trébuchon,1878年5月30日—1918年11月11日)[1]是第一次世界大战中死在战场上的最后一名法军士兵[2][3][4]。他在停战协定正式生效前十五分钟的1918年11月11日上午10:45被枪击中身亡[3]法国陆军尴尬于在与德军签订停战协定后依然派兵上阵,于是将其死亡日期记录为前一天[4][5][6]



奥古斯丁·特雷比雄1878年5月30日生于蒙特卡布里耶洛泽尔省勒马尔齐厄福兰附近),有四个兄弟姐妹[7][8]。母亲去世时,他还很年幼,九年后父亲也去世了。1914年他加入军队[3]。1914年8月4日志愿加入军队之前,他曾是村里一名公共牧羊人以及婚礼手风琴演奏[6][4]。在那之后他作为一名传令兵加入第415步兵团法语415e régiment d'infanterie。在战争行将结束并抵达阿登之前,他曾两度参加马恩地区的作战,并在凡尔登阿图瓦索姆等地参加过战斗。他曾两度负伤,其中一次被一颗爆弹的弹壳严重伤及左臂[6]。1918年9月,在他的一等兵晋升令上写道“一位好士兵,总是以非凡的冷静尽到自己的职责,是其他年轻人的榜样”[6]

在阿登的Vrigne马斯河畔,第163步兵师法语163e division d'infanterie (France)奉命攻击的德军精英部队“Hannetons”[9]亨利·洛德英语Henri Gouraud (French Army officer)将军告诉他的手下要“尽可能快,以任何手段和不计成本”的穿过默兹并发起攻击[6]。据推测,这次攻击是为了结束德国谈判代表在贡比涅的任何可能的犹豫[9]福煦元帅认为德国人不愿签署,于是下令菲利普·贝当将军继续前进[10]

Trébuchon, as a messenger, knew an agreement had been signed before the rest of his unit.[6] It has been speculated that the attack was to end any possible hesitations by German negotiators at Compiègne,[9] that Maréchal Foch believed the Germans were reluctant to sign and so ordered Général Philippe Pétain to press on across the Meuse.[10]

Trébuchon, as a messenger, knew an agreement had been signed before the rest of his unit.[6] At Vrigne-sur-Meuse, in the Ardennes, the 163rd Infantry Division was ordered to attack an élite German unit, the Hannetons.[9] General Henri Gouraud told his men to cross the 默兹河 and to attack "as fast as possible, by whatever means and regardless of cost".[6] It has been speculated that the attack was to end any possible hesitations by German negotiators at Compiègne,[9] that Maréchal Foch believed the Germans were reluctant to sign and so ordered Général 菲利普·贝当 to press on across the Meuse.[10]

Trébuchon was halfway between Sedan and 沙勒维尔-梅济耶尔. Rain was falling and the Meuse was flooding. Its width was put at 70m.[5] The temperature was well below freezing. Warfare had destroyed bridges across the river and 工兵s worked by night and in fog to build a plank footbridge across a lock.[5] There had been no reconnaissance of the other bank because bad weather had kept the spotter plane on the ground. Around 700 men crossed the river a little after 8am, taking a telephone wire with them. Some fell in the river and the first deaths were by drowning.[来源请求]

The fog cleared at 10.30am and the French could see the Germans installed a little higher than them, a few hundred metres away. The French were spread over three kilometres between the Meuse and a railway line. The Germans opened fire with machine guns. The French sent up a spotter plane now that the fog had lifted and the artillery on the other bank could open fire without fear of killing their own side. Darkness fell again at 6pm and the battle continued until news of the armistice arrived.[5]

The last of the 91 French soldiers to die was Trébuchon, "with a red hole in his right side",[9] probably a figure of speech as this expression comes from 阿蒂尔·兰波's very famous poem "Le Dormeur du Val" (The Sleeper in the Valley). He was 40. He fell near the railway line with his message still in his hand.[6] It read "Rassemblement à 11h 30 pour le ravitaillement - "Muster at 11.30 for food." The armistice followed and the French withdrew without honouring their dead.[5]





The date on his memorial at Malzieu-Forain and in the village records[5] is 10 November 1918. The Germans had asked for an armistice on 9 November and it came into effect on 11 November. Nobody knows who ordered the death date to be changed[5] but it is said to be so for all French soldiers who died on 11 November.[2] Speculation that the army was ashamed of sending men into battle knowing the armistice had already been agreed grew when the 115th Infantry Regiment was not invited to the victory parade through Paris on 14 July 1919.[6]

Trébuchon is named on the village memorial as Victorin—his second given name—rather than Augustin.

A street at Vrigne-Meuse, where he died and where he is buried with 17 colleagues in the cemetery, has been named after him.[4]






  1. ^ France Mail, Le Figaro, 11.11.2003, Claude Jacquemart, Il y a 85 ans, un armistice dans le soulagement mais aussi le doute
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 The last soldiers to die in World War I. BBC. 29 October 2008 [27 January 2009]. At 10.45 another 40-year-old soldier, Frenchman Augustin Trebuchon, was taking a message to troops by the River Meuse saying that soup would be served at 11.30 after the peace, when he too was killed. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 France 3, 06/11/2008, Lorraine, Champagne, Ardenne, - Augustin Trébuchon, le dernier héros de 14
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 L'Union, Presse Regionale - En memoire d' Augustin Trebuchon
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Secret Defense, at Liberation.fr - 11 novembre 1918 : Vrigne-Meuse, la bataille de trop, Par Jean Dominique Merchet.
  6. ^ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 Le Journal du Dimanche, France, 9 November 2008, P14
  7. ^ « Augustin Trébuchon », sur le site Amilo, consulté le 14 novembre 2008.
  8. ^ Acte de naissance d'Augustin Trébuchon
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Midi Libre, France, 11 November 2008
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Web Matters, WW1 Armistice - France's last casualty 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期5 July 2008. 引用错误:带有name属性“WebMatters”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  11. ^ French soldiers in the first world war were called poilus, or hairies, because of their unkempt appearance when they returned from the front.
