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== 生平 == |
== 生平 == |
根據斯滕特特先生的說法,上一次記錄在案的表演被處以懲罰是在 1856 年,當時在直隸抓獲了一些叛亂分子,其中有幾個 15 歲以下的男孩。 大人全被斬首,孩子全被閹割但在 1877 年 11 月 28 日的《京報》上發表的一項法令證明,在特殊情況下,甚至仍然會受到同樣的懲罰。以下是所指詔書的譯文: |
安徽巡撫裕禄上奏,報告說,1872 年,當起義領袖李Liu被捕後,在該省和河南邊境發生了某些騷亂,發生在河南,皖府軍進一步抓捕了這個土匪的兒子李Mao-tz'e,當時他六歲。孩子被時任巡撫([[英翰]])移交懷寧縣縣令關押,直至達到依法處理的適當年齡;該區縣令現已通報,犯人已滿十一歲,承認為起義首領李Liu之子,但因當時年幼,對父親身世一無所知。叛國的設計。法律運行如下: |
叛軍的子孫,如果不知道他們父母的叛國圖謀,將被交由內務府去閹割,並被送往新疆,並作為奴隸交給軍隊。未滿十歲者,應被拘禁至十一歲時,刑罰生效。 |
由於該犯人已達到規定年齡,必須依法執行刑罰;按察使已就此提出意見,應華慶府知府的申請,省長已批准,並已按適當形式與董事會溝通。他要求作出相應的指示。 |
Rescript:-讓懲罰委員會注意。 2<ref>{{cite book |author1=China. Hai guan zong shui wu si shu |title=Medical Reports, Issues 9-16 |date=1875 |publisher=Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs. |page=52 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2B9BAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA5-PA52&dq=castrated+sons+imperial+household&hl=en&newbks=1#v=onepage&q=castrated%20sons%20imperial%20household&f=false}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Volume 25 |date=1880 |pages=98, 99 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=fLIRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA99&dq=castrated+sons+imperial+household&hl=en&newbks=1#v=onepage&q=castrated%20sons%20imperial%20household&f=false}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |author1=United States. Congress. House |title=House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th Congress, 2d Session-49th Congress, 1st Session, Volume 24 |page=4,5 |series=United States congressional serial set |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=LpkFAAAAQAAJ&pg=RA7-PA4&dq=castrated+sons+imperial+household&hl=en&newbks=1#v=onepage&q=castrated%20sons%20imperial%20household&f=false}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |work= Great Britain. Parliament |title=Correspondence Respecting the Alleged Existence of Chinese Slavery in Hong Kong: Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty |date=1882 |publisher=G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode |volume=Volume 3185 of C (Series) (Great Britain. Parliament) |page=60 |edition=reprint |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=hswPjsESizYC&pg=PA60&dq=castrated+sons+imperial+household&hl=en&newbks=1#v=onepage&q=castrated%20sons%20imperial%20household&f=false}}</ref><ref>According to Mr. STENT, the last recorded occasion on which its performance was inflicted as a penalty was in 1856 when a number of rebels were captured in the metropolitan province, having with them several boys under 15 years old. The adults were all beheaded, and the children all castrated. But an edict which appeared in the Peking Gazette of the 28th November 1877, proves that in special cases the same punishment is even still inflicted. The following is a translation of the edict referred to: |
Yu Luh, governor of Anhwei, memorialises, reporting that when, in 1872, certain disturbances had broken out on the borders of that province and of Honan, after the apprehension of the leader of the rising, Li Liu by name, which took place in Honan, the government forces in Anhwei further effected the capture of this malefactor's son, LI MAO-TZ’E, at that time six years of age. The child was handed over by the governor then in office to the district magistrate of Hwaining to be kept imprisoned until he should reach the proper age to be dealt with according to law; and the magistrate of the said district has now reported that the prisoner has reached the age of eleven, and acknowledges that he is the son of the insurgent leader Li Liu, but that owing to his tender years at the time he knew nothing of his father's treasonable designs. The law runs as follows : |
The children and grandchildren of rebels, if not themselves privy to the treasonable designs of their parents, shall be delivered into the hands of the Imperial Household to be castrated, and shall be forwarded to Turkestan and given over as slaves to the soldiery. If beneath the age of ten, they shall be confined in prison until they shall have reached the age of eleven, whereupon the sentence of the law shall be carried into effect. |
As the prisoner in question has now reached the prescribed age, execution of the sentence of the law must be proceeded with; and submission to this effect having been made by the Provincial Judge, on application made by the Prefect of Hwaik'ing-fu, the governor has approved the same, and has communicated with the Board in due form. He requests that instructions be issued accordingly. |
Rescript:-Let the Board of Punishments take note. 2</ref> |
1900年,[[义和团]]由山東擴展至直隸,裕祿發兵圍剿,採取「不分首從,一律處死」的手段鎮壓,當時百姓有民謠說道:「遇著梅東益,家家沒飯吃;遇著范天貴,家家都是會」,[[梅東益]]、[[范天貴]]都是直隸清軍的軍官。在裕祿的鎮壓下,義和團仍然愈剿愈多,清軍副將楊福同被團民襲殺。義和團在[[北京]]得到保守派官員端郡王[[載漪]]、[[剛毅]]、[[趙舒翹]]等人的支持,進入北京攻擊教堂洋人,致使各國公使一方面要求天津英軍司令[[爱德华·霍巴特·西摩尔|西摩爾]]率領各國聯軍至北京保護使館,另一方面要求各國增派軍隊到中國。 |
6月17日,聯軍攻擊大沽砲台,砲台守將[[羅榮光]]發砲還擊。6月18日,[[董福祥]]甘軍與西摩爾軍在[[廊坊]]激戰,西摩爾軍退回天津,戰事實際已經爆發。6月19日,[[慈禧太后]]命令裕祿:「各國洋兵欲行佔據大沽砲台一所,事機緊迫,兵釁已開,該督須急招義勇,固結民心,幫助官兵節節防護抵禦,萬不可畏葸瞻顧,任令外兵直入。」 |
6月17日起,裕祿指揮[[聶士成]]武衛前軍與[[馬玉崑]]武衛左軍圍攻天津租界區,意欲向西方列強施加壓力,迫使列強撤兵。6月27日,大沽援軍與西摩爾軍集結於天津租界,轉守為攻,7月9日聶士成陣亡,13日裕祿、馬玉崑兵敗逃往[[北倉]],14日[[天津]]陷落,8月初逃至[[杨村]],服毒自杀。 |
"從野史《奴才小傳》記載一些細節:裕祿拔出手槍,先對自己的左胸開一槍,卻沒有打中心臟,倒在地上痛苦地翻滾,他想再補一槍,但是已經沒有力氣了,這名僕人背起他想混在逃難的人群中,沒走多遠,卻發現裕祿早已經斷氣了。於是,只好找來幾塊木板,裹住裕祿的屍體,草草掩埋在路邊。等到下葬的時候,屍體已經腐爛生蛆……" |
"8月11日,八國聯軍攻破紫禁城後,裕祿的家人遭到了慘無人道的報復,他的七個女兒全部被抓到天壇輪姦,然後被迫淪為“官妓”,由此也看出,裕祿率領軍民在天津殊死抵抗,讓聯軍惱羞成怒。"<ref>{{cite web |url= https://www.laitimes.com/zh/article/hczg_hpr9.html|title=1900年6月,八国联军攻入天津,直隶总督及家人这种死法 直隶总督的策略:“保天津” 罗荣光的求救 天津城血流成河 京津保卫战再次失败 只有这种结局了 后世评价 裕禄家人惨遭联军报复 author=磁带放音机 |date=2021-10-31 |website= 天天看點|publisher= |access-date= |quote=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= https://www.laitimes.com/en/article/hczg_hpr9.html|title= In June 1900, the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Tianjin, and the Death Method of the Governor and His Family The Strategy of the Governor directly under the Governor: "Protect Tianjin" Luo Rongguang's plea for help The blood of Tianjin City flowed into a river the Defense Of Beijing and Tianjin failed again Only this end Was this the end Of later generations, Yu Lu's family was tragically retaliated by the coalition forces|author=Tape amplifier |date= 2021-10-31 |website=LaiTimes |publisher= |access-date= |quote=}}</ref> <ref>Sawara also reports on the seven daughters of the Manchu bannerman Yulu 裕禄, the Viceroy of the province of Zhili (present day Hebei). Yulu was on good terms with the invaders. He was a man who always sought to create good impressions, and due to this, the British Consul at Tianjin offered him asylum on board of one of Her Majesty’s ships for his loyalty to the British (Fleming 84). Later in the war Yulu perished in the battle for Yangcun. When Beijing fell, the Allies abducted all seven of his daughters and then sent them to the Heavenly Palace in Beijing where they were violated repeatedly. Then they were held captive as s3x slaves for the soldiers in one of the rape-manors mentioned above (Sawara 268). Sawara Tokusuke, “Miscellaneous Notes about the Boxers” (Quanshi zaji), in Compiled Materials on the Boxers (Yihetuan wenxian huibian), ed. Zhongguo shixue hui (Taipei: Dingwen, 1973), 1: 266-268. His efforts to please the British ultimately exploded in his face which his daughters paid the price for; no good deed goes unpunished. |
Another story relays the fate that befell the women of Chongqi’s household. Chongqi [[崇绮]] was a nobleman from the Mongolian Alute clan and scholar of high standing in the Imperial Manchu court. He was also the father-in-law of the previous Emperor. His wife and one of his daughters, much like Yulu’s daughters, were captured by the invading soldiers. They were taken to the Heavenly Temple, held captive and were then brutally raped by dozens of Eight Nations Alliance soldiers during the entire course of the Beijing occupation. Only after the Eight Nations Alliance’s retreat did the mother and daughter return home, only to hang themselves from the rafters. Upon this discovery, Chongqi, out of despair, soon followed suit (Sawara 266). He hanged himself on August 26st, 1900. His son, Baochu, and many other family members commited suicide shortly after (Fang 75). Chao-ying Fang. “Chongqi.” In Eminent Chinese of the Qing Period: (1644-1911/2), 74–75. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2018.</ref> |
==親屬== |
==親屬== |
2022年12月2日 (五) 06:31的版本
根據斯滕特特先生的說法,上一次記錄在案的表演被處以懲罰是在 1856 年,當時在直隸抓獲了一些叛亂分子,其中有幾個 15 歲以下的男孩。 大人全被斬首,孩子全被閹割但在 1877 年 11 月 28 日的《京報》上發表的一項法令證明,在特殊情況下,甚至仍然會受到同樣的懲罰。以下是所指詔書的譯文:
安徽巡撫裕禄上奏,報告說,1872 年,當起義領袖李Liu被捕後,在該省和河南邊境發生了某些騷亂,發生在河南,皖府軍進一步抓捕了這個土匪的兒子李Mao-tz'e,當時他六歲。孩子被時任巡撫(英翰)移交懷寧縣縣令關押,直至達到依法處理的適當年齡;該區縣令現已通報,犯人已滿十一歲,承認為起義首領李Liu之子,但因當時年幼,對父親身世一無所知。叛國的設計。法律運行如下:
Rescript:-讓懲罰委員會注意。 2[1][2][3][4][5]
"8月11日,八國聯軍攻破紫禁城後,裕祿的家人遭到了慘無人道的報復,他的七個女兒全部被抓到天壇輪姦,然後被迫淪為“官妓”,由此也看出,裕祿率領軍民在天津殊死抵抗,讓聯軍惱羞成怒。"[6][7] [8]
- 父湖北巡撫崇綸。
- 胞弟裕德,光绪二年(1876年)恩科进士。原配覺羅氏,继妻尚氏(其父镶蓝旗汉军尚昌懋,胞兄尚其源与正蓝旗汉军、光绪二年(1876年)恩科进士胡俊章家族联姻,胞姊尚氏嫁正藍旗滿洲、广州将军西林覺羅氏孚琦)。
- 妻赫舍里氏,其父满洲镶蓝旗隆山,胞叔道光十八年戊戌科进士如山,姑母道光帝常妃 (道光帝)。
- 長子熙臣
- 次子熙元,光緒己丑科進士。
- 三子熙彥,光緒壬辰科進士。
- 四子熙徵;妻完顏氏,其父內務府鑲黃旗滿洲、同治戊辰科進士嵩申。
- 熙瑞(殤)
- 熙文
- 熙輔
- 九子熙俊,為裕祿族兄裕輝嗣子,襲孝淑睿皇后喜塔臘氏后族之承恩公爵,娶慶親王奕劻女四格格,光緒二十六年(1900)卒。[9][10]
- 女一喜塔臘氏,嫁鈕祜祿氏恩灝,其父御前侍衛、杭州將軍廣科,姑母鈕祜祿氏系咸丰帝之孝貞顯皇后(慈安太后),祖父穆揚阿,。
- 林華國《歷史的真相-義和團運動的史實及其再認識》,天津古籍出版社,2002。
- ^ China. Hai guan zong shui wu si shu. Medical Reports, Issues 9-16. Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs. 1875: 52.
- ^ Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Volume 25. 1880: 98, 99.
- ^ United States. Congress. House. House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th Congress, 2d Session-49th Congress, 1st Session, Volume 24. United States congressional serial set. : 4,5.
- ^ Correspondence Respecting the Alleged Existence of Chinese Slavery in Hong Kong: Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. Great Britain. Parliament. Volume 3185 of C (Series) (Great Britain. Parliament) reprint (G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode). 1882: 60.
- ^ According to Mr. STENT, the last recorded occasion on which its performance was inflicted as a penalty was in 1856 when a number of rebels were captured in the metropolitan province, having with them several boys under 15 years old. The adults were all beheaded, and the children all castrated. But an edict which appeared in the Peking Gazette of the 28th November 1877, proves that in special cases the same punishment is even still inflicted. The following is a translation of the edict referred to: Yu Luh, governor of Anhwei, memorialises, reporting that when, in 1872, certain disturbances had broken out on the borders of that province and of Honan, after the apprehension of the leader of the rising, Li Liu by name, which took place in Honan, the government forces in Anhwei further effected the capture of this malefactor's son, LI MAO-TZ’E, at that time six years of age. The child was handed over by the governor then in office to the district magistrate of Hwaining to be kept imprisoned until he should reach the proper age to be dealt with according to law; and the magistrate of the said district has now reported that the prisoner has reached the age of eleven, and acknowledges that he is the son of the insurgent leader Li Liu, but that owing to his tender years at the time he knew nothing of his father's treasonable designs. The law runs as follows : The children and grandchildren of rebels, if not themselves privy to the treasonable designs of their parents, shall be delivered into the hands of the Imperial Household to be castrated, and shall be forwarded to Turkestan and given over as slaves to the soldiery. If beneath the age of ten, they shall be confined in prison until they shall have reached the age of eleven, whereupon the sentence of the law shall be carried into effect. As the prisoner in question has now reached the prescribed age, execution of the sentence of the law must be proceeded with; and submission to this effect having been made by the Provincial Judge, on application made by the Prefect of Hwaik'ing-fu, the governor has approved the same, and has communicated with the Board in due form. He requests that instructions be issued accordingly. Rescript:-Let the Board of Punishments take note. 2
- ^ 1900年6月,八国联军攻入天津,直隶总督及家人这种死法 直隶总督的策略:“保天津” 罗荣光的求救 天津城血流成河 京津保卫战再次失败 只有这种结局了 后世评价 裕禄家人惨遭联军报复 author=磁带放音机. 天天看點. 2021-10-31.
- ^ Tape amplifier. In June 1900, the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Tianjin, and the Death Method of the Governor and His Family The Strategy of the Governor directly under the Governor: "Protect Tianjin" Luo Rongguang's plea for help The blood of Tianjin City flowed into a river the Defense Of Beijing and Tianjin failed again Only this end Was this the end Of later generations, Yu Lu's family was tragically retaliated by the coalition forces. LaiTimes. 2021-10-31.
- ^ Sawara also reports on the seven daughters of the Manchu bannerman Yulu 裕禄, the Viceroy of the province of Zhili (present day Hebei). Yulu was on good terms with the invaders. He was a man who always sought to create good impressions, and due to this, the British Consul at Tianjin offered him asylum on board of one of Her Majesty’s ships for his loyalty to the British (Fleming 84). Later in the war Yulu perished in the battle for Yangcun. When Beijing fell, the Allies abducted all seven of his daughters and then sent them to the Heavenly Palace in Beijing where they were violated repeatedly. Then they were held captive as s3x slaves for the soldiers in one of the rape-manors mentioned above (Sawara 268). Sawara Tokusuke, “Miscellaneous Notes about the Boxers” (Quanshi zaji), in Compiled Materials on the Boxers (Yihetuan wenxian huibian), ed. Zhongguo shixue hui (Taipei: Dingwen, 1973), 1: 266-268. His efforts to please the British ultimately exploded in his face which his daughters paid the price for; no good deed goes unpunished. Another story relays the fate that befell the women of Chongqi’s household. Chongqi 崇绮 was a nobleman from the Mongolian Alute clan and scholar of high standing in the Imperial Manchu court. He was also the father-in-law of the previous Emperor. His wife and one of his daughters, much like Yulu’s daughters, were captured by the invading soldiers. They were taken to the Heavenly Temple, held captive and were then brutally raped by dozens of Eight Nations Alliance soldiers during the entire course of the Beijing occupation. Only after the Eight Nations Alliance’s retreat did the mother and daughter return home, only to hang themselves from the rafters. Upon this discovery, Chongqi, out of despair, soon followed suit (Sawara 266). He hanged himself on August 26st, 1900. His son, Baochu, and many other family members commited suicide shortly after (Fang 75). Chao-ying Fang. “Chongqi.” In Eminent Chinese of the Qing Period: (1644-1911/2), 74–75. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2018.
- ^ 《清實錄‧德宗景皇帝實錄》,卷460。《清史稿》,卷167。
- ^ 全球家譜:熙俊(九) 喜塔臘. [2016-05-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-11).