用户:Allthingsgo/Avital Ronell
Avital Ronell | |
出生 | Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) | 1952年4月15日
时代 | 20th-/21st-century philosophy |
地区 | Western philosophy |
学派 | Continental philosophy, critical theory, deconstruction, disability studies, existentialism, hermeneutics, post-structuralism, third-wave feminism, queer theory |
主要领域 | Addiction,[1] deficiency,[2] dictation,[3] disappearance of authority,[4] disease,[5] drugs,[1] excessive force,[6] ethics,[6] legal subjects,[6] rumor,[7] stupidity,[8] technology,[9] telephony,[9] tests,[10] trauma,[10] war[11] |
著名思想 | Allotechnology, "Being-on-drugs," biophony, killer texts, narcoanalysis, supreme-suppression, applied censorship, narcossism, obliterature, toxicogeography |
Avital Ronell(/ˈɑːvɪtəl roʊˈnɛl /;出生于1952年4月15日)是一位美国学者写了大陆哲学、文学研究、精神分析女性主义哲学、政治哲学和伦理学。[12]她是一个教授在人文学科和部门的日耳曼语言和文学和比较文学在纽约大学,在那里她也是创伤和暴力跨学科的研究项目。[13]雅克·德里达的哲学教授,她在Saas-Fee欧洲研究生院任教。她曾写过关于歌德等主题;亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔在20世纪初建立电子传输系统;测试的结构在法律、医药、艺术、科学、禅,和历史领域;愚蠢的;权威的消失;童年;和不足。
[编辑]Avital Ronell出生在布拉格以色列外交官和一个表演艺术家在进入学术界。[17]她于1956年移居纽约。她参加了罗格斯大学预备学校,1970年毕业。[18]作为一个年轻的移民,她经常遇到排外主义和反犹太主义。[19]她从明德学院获得文学学士,随后研究了雅各陶布和Hans-Georg伽达默尔解释学研究所柏林自由大学。她收到了普林斯顿大学的哲学博士在德国的研究在1979年,她的导师是斯坦利Corngold和有关她的论文在歌德反省,弗里德里希·荷尔德林,弗朗茨•卡夫卡。当她遇见雅克·德里达是在一个研讨会上,他问她的名字,她介绍了自己是“形而上学,”他后来写道,“发现了这个小游戏,而聪明的。”[20][21]她随后研究了德里达和海琳Cixous在巴黎。Ronell成了亲密的朋友皮埃尔•Alferi诗人兼小说家后来影响Ronell烫金的几个她的主要作品。[22]弗吉尼亚大学教授在短时间内,Ronell声称她被解雇了,因为她教大陆哲学和“定期去健身房:[她]的同事们震惊这没有对应于图像的一个学术的女人!”[23]她加入了比较文学教授在加州大学河滨分校然后在加州大学伯克利分校,她教Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe jean - luc南希和朱迪思巴特勒。[24]她是一个作家凯西涡流和认同的密友涡流的小说,说他们是“注定要彼此。”[25]1996年,她搬到纽约大学,直到2004年她和雅克·德里达教授一门。2009年,她开始教学课程SlavojŽižek。2010年,弗朗索瓦•Noudelmann还和她合作教授,和这次的墙壁和桥梁项目在2011年与她。[26]除了她自己的写作,她把雅克·德里达介绍给美国观众通过翻译论卡夫卡的“在法律面前,”他论性别/类型的法律,他的讲座在尼采的有关传记,以及他的其他作品。[27]
Ronell开始她在歌德的科学著作和调查探讨了歌德的关注“特定域immateriality-the nonsubstantializable幽灵……的天气预报……鬼魂、梦想和某些形式的隐藏,心灵感应传输。”[3]Ronell重命名的Goethe-effect她所说的“杀手级文本”,描述了影响文本阴谋破坏值,的“声嘶力竭(维特,从少年维特之烦恼)。”第一部分将于弗洛伊德的债务歌德和再版《日常生活的精神病理学》的标题页。Ronell名字歌德的“秘密委员(Geheimrat)”弗洛伊德和已经在老鼠的人预计她的工作第三个脚注,她提到“栓剂逻辑,重要元素插入的叙述。”[32]在第一部分Ronell旨在“调[她]耳朵歌德的幽灵的心灵感应订单传送到弗洛伊德的远程控制系统。[33]
Warning: The Telephone Book is going to resist you. Dealing with a logic and topos of the switchboard, it engages the destabilization of the addressee. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn how to read with your ears. In addition to listening for the telephone, you are being asked to tune your ears to noise frequencies, to anticoding, to the inflated reserves of random indeterminateness—in a word, you are expected to stay open to the static and interference that will occupy these lines. We have attempted to install a switchboard which, vibrating a continuous current of electricity, also replicates the effects of scrambling. At first you may find the way the book runs to be disturbing, but we have had to break up its logic typographically. Like the electronic impulse, it is flooded with signals. To crack open the closural sovereignty of the Book, we have feigned silence and disconnection, suspending the tranquil cadencing of paragraphs and conventional divisions. At indicated times, schizophrenia lights up, jamming the switchboard, fracturing a latent semantics with multiple calls. You will become sensitive to the switching on and off of interjected voices. Our problem was how to maintain an open switchboard, one that disrupts a normally functioning text equipped with proper shock absorbers. Respond as you would to the telephone, for the call of the telephone is incessant and unremitting. When you hang up, it does not disappear but goes into remission. This constitutes its Dasein. There is no off switch to the technological. Remember: When you're on the telephone, there is always an electronic flow, even when that flow is unmarked. The Telephone Book releases the effect of an electronic-libidinal flow using typography to mark the initiation of utterances. To the extent that you are always on call, you have already learned to endure interruption and the
click.——"A User's Manual" in The Telephone Book, pg.xv[40]
[编辑]许多学者称赞Ronell的工作。1994年,附加符号提供了一个特别版”的工作Avital Ronell。”[46],乔纳森•卡勒写道:“在过去的十年中,Ronell总和必须是我们这个时代的最引人注目的重要作品之一。。。Zeugmatically连结俚语的流行文化的哲学分析,迫使文学和高技术的对抗或毒品文化,Avital Ronell产生惊吓的句子,激怒,照亮。一次搞笑和耐火材料,她的书就像没有别人。”[47]朱迪斯•巴特勒表示她深感感谢Ronell的影响她的工作,并在一个编辑收集阅读Ronell写道:“不同的路径,Ronell正是路径的区别:同性恋,困难的,肯定的,讽刺。”[48][49]集合编辑器的黛安·戴维斯强调了“奇异挑衅Ronell的非凡的重要作品,”“毁灭性的见解,前所未有的写作风格,无情的不稳定。”[50]在第六届野兽和主权在2002年的2月6日,雅克·德里达将特别注意Ronell愚蠢的不可翻译的复杂性和赞赏她的“讽刺”。[51]Ronell据说已经“达到最高水平的工作思维,“生产”写作,总是精明和imaginative-even诙谐[…]中肯地说,非常博学的,惊人的,”和“美国最有趣的学者。”[52][53][54]
[编辑]2009年,蓬皮杜中心邀请Ronell举行面试系列等艺术家和思想家沃纳赫尔佐格,朱迪思巴特勒,丹尼斯·库珀jean - luc南希,苏珊娜Doppelt。[55]她收到了亚历山大•冯•Humboldt-Stiftung奖学金从1981年到1983年,1991年美国文化联谊,研究员奖,1993年加州大学的总统奖学金从1995年到1996年。[56]她担任主席的部门哲学和文学和比较文学的部门在现代语言协会从1993年到1996年,和给了两个主题地址在美国比较文学协会年度会议在2012年。[57]
[编辑]2017年9月, 她的博士研究生宁录莱特曼在纽约大学第九条投诉办公室,指责Ronell性骚扰、性侵犯、跟踪和报复。2018年5月,大学发现Ronell实有性骚扰的负责和2018 - 19学年暂停了她。Ronell没有承认任何莱特曼的投诉的指控。
纽约大学继续调查指控的报复,在捍卫Ronell写给大学后从主要人物女权主义、哲学、文学和历史,包括朱迪斯•巴特勒SlavojŽižek,琼·斯科特和jean - luc南希,2018年5月11日。[58][59][60]泄露的信被批评为表明Ronell应该原谅她的学术贡献的重要性的基础上,将雷特曼的“恶意意图”。[61]巴特勒后来后悔信的措辞。[62]
[编辑]- 1995 - 1996:加州大学总统奖学金
- 1993:研究员奖
- 1991年:美国文化奖学金
- 1981 - 1983:亚历山大•冯•Humboldt-Stiftung奖学金
[编辑]- (2012)失败者儿子:政治和权力(ISBN 0-252-03664-6)
- (2010)战斗理论:在谈话中与安妮Dufourmantelle(ISBN 0-252-07623-0)反式。来自法国的凯瑟琳·波特
- (2010)主张德面前(ISBN 2 - 234 - 06404 - x)。由丹尼尔Loayza英语
- (2008)UberReader:毛泽东选集的Avital Ronell(ISBN 0-252-07311-8)(ed。黛安·戴维斯)
- (2007)生活极端:是一个新生命的图示(ISBN 2-914563-34-5)Eduardo Kac合著的
- 美国菲罗(2006):Entretiens用安妮Dufourmantelle(ISBN 2-234-05840-6)
- (2005)测试驱动(ISBN 0 - 252 - 02950 - x)
- (2002)愚蠢(ISBN 0-252-07127-1)
- (1994)界限的分数:论文的年(ISBN 0-8032-8949-9)
- (1992)裂纹战争:文学、成瘾、躁狂(ISBN 0-252-07190-5)
- (1989)电话书:技术——精神分裂症——电动演讲(ISBN 0-8032-8938-3)
- (1986)口述:在闹鬼的写作(ISBN 0-8032-8945-6)
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Avital Ronell, Crack Wars: Literature, Addiction, Mania, (University of Nebraska Press, 1992) ISBN 978-0-8032-8944-4[页码请求]
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Preface," in Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, (University of Illinois Press, 1994) p. xiv, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Avital Ronell, "Introduction" in Dictations: On Haunted Writing, University of Illinois Press, pg. xxii, ISBN 0-252-07349-5
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Introduction" in Loser Sons: Politics and Authority, University of Illinois Press, pg. xxii, ISBN 0-252-03664-6
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Queens of the Night," Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, University of Illinois Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9[页码请求]
- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Avital Ronell, "TraumaTV," Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, University of Illinois Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9[页码请求]
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Street Talk," Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, University of Illinois Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9[页码请求]
- ^ Avital Ronell, Stupidity, University of Illinois Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0-252-07127-0[页码请求]
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Avital Ronell, The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech, (University of Nebraska Press, 1989)
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Avital Ronell, The Test Drive, (University of Illinois Press, 2005) ISBN 978-0-252-07535-3[页码请求]
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Support Our Tropes," Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, University of Illinois Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9[页码请求]
- ^ Avital Ronell - Professor of Philosophy - Biography. Web.archive.org. 24 July 2010 [17 December 2017]. (原始内容存档于24 July 2010). 无效
|deadurl=bot: unknown
(帮助)CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link) - ^ Department of Comparative Literature. [17 December 2017].
- ^ Qui Parle » About Us. 6 July 2012 [17 December 2017]. (原始内容存档于6 July 2012).
- ^ Israeli Artists Condemn Settlements. 6 September 2010 [17 December 2017].
- ^ Artforum Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, backmatter, University of Illinois Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9[页码请求]
- ^ Andrea Juno, "Avital Ronell," in Re/Search: Angry Women 13, (Re/Search Publications, 1991), pp. 127, ISBN 1-890451-05-3
- ^ Avital Ronell, The ÜberReader: Selected Works of Avital Ronell, pg. 10–11, University of Illinois Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-252-07311-3
- ^ Avital Ronell, Fighting Theory: Avital Ronell in Conversation with Anne Dufourmantelle, pg. ix, translated by Catherine Porter, University of Illinois Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-252-07623-7
- ^ Benoît Peeters, Derrida: A Biography, pg. 308, translated by Andrew Brown, Polity Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-7456-5615-1
- ^ Jacques Derrida, "Envois," The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond, pg. 196, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-14322-8
- ^ Benoît Peeters, Derrida: A Biography, pg. 310, translated by Andrew Brown, Polity Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-7456-5615-1
- ^ Avital Ronell, Fighting Theory: Avital Ronell in Conversation with Anne Dufourmantelle, pg. 28–9, translated by Catherine Porter, University of Illinois Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-252-07623-7
- ^ Avital Ronell, "The Rhetoric of Testing" in Stupidity (University of Illinois Press, 2002), pp. 120
- ^ Avital Ronell, Kathy Goes to Hell, pg.14, University of Illinois Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-252-07623-7
- ^ Walls and Bridges : Season 4 : Ideas & Performances (PDF). [17 December 2017].
- ^ Amazon.com: The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation: Books: Jacques Derrida, Christie McDonald, Peggy Kamuf, Avital Ronell[页码请求]
- ^ YouTube上的视频
- ^ Avital Ronell, "TraumaTV," Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, pg. 307, University of Illinois Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9
- ^ YouTube上的视频
- ^ Avital Ronell, "The Worst Neighborhoods of the Real: Philosophy - Telephone - Contamination," in Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium (University of Illinois Press, 1994), pp. 221, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Notes" in Dictations: On Haunted Writing, University of Illinois Press, pg. 194, ISBN 0-252-07349-5
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Part One" in Dictations: On Haunted Writing, University of Illinois Press, pg. 5, ISBN 0-252-07349-5
- ^ Liliane Weissberg, "Avital Ronell, 'Dictations: On Haunted Writing' (Book Reivew)," Germanic Review, 64:3 (1989:Summper), pg.136
- ^ Avital Ronell, "The Pas de Deus or Was is Goethe," in Dictations: On Haunted Writing (University of Illinois Press, 1986), pp. 71
- ^ Avital Ronell, "The Pas de Deus or Was is Goethe," in Dictations: On Haunted Writing (University of Illinois Press, 1986), pp. 80
- ^ Avital Ronell, "The Pas de Deus or Was is Goethe," in Dictations: On Haunted Writing (University of Illinois Press, 1986), pp. 81
- ^ Don Mills, "Deconstructed the conventions of graphic design: Obituary of Richard Eckersley," National Post, 21 April 2006: PM.11, [Toronto Edition]
- ^ Avital Ronell, "A User's Manual," in The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech, (University of Nebraska Press, 1989), pg. xv
- ^ Avital Ronell, "A User's Manual" in The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech (University of Nebraska Press, 1989), pp. xv, ISBN 0-8032-8938-3
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Delay Call Forwarding" in The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech (University of Nebraska Press, 1989), pp. 2, ISBN 0-8032-8938-3
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Delay Call Forwarding" in The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech (University of Nebraska Press, 1989), pp. 3, ISBN 0-8032-8938-3
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Hits," in Crack Wars: Literature, Addiction, Mania, (University of Nebraska Press, 1992) pp. 3 ISBN 978-0-8032-8944-4
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Toward a Narcoanalysis," in Crack Wars: Literature, Addiction, Mania, (University of Nebraska Press, 1992) pp. 50 ISBN 978-0-8032-8944-4
- ^ Avital Ronell, "Preface," in Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium, (University of Illinois Press, 1994) pp. ix, ISBN 0-8032-8949-9
- ^ Special Section: On the Work of Avital Ronell. diacritics (The Johns Hopkins University Press). Winter 1994, 24 (4). JSTOR i219995.
- ^ Culler, Jonathan. On the Work of Avital Ronell. diacritics (The Johns Hopkins University Press). Winter 1994, 24 (4): 2–3. JSTOR 465354.
- ^ The 11th Annual Oscar Sternbach Awards and Lecture: Judith Butler on Ideologies of the Superego. The New School. (原始内容存档于20 Jan 2012).
- ^ Butler, Judith. Avital Ronell as Gay Scientist. Davis, Diane (编). Reading Ronell. University of Illinois Press. 2009: 30. ISBN 978-0-252-07647-3.
- ^ Davis, Diane. Introduction. Davis, Diane (编). Reading Ronell. University of Illinois Press. 2009: 3. ISBN 978-0-252-07647-3.
- ^ Derrida, Jacques. The Beast and the Sovereign. University of Chicago Press. 2009: 171. ISBN 978-0-226-14428-3.
- ^ Leavey, John P., Jr. Finitude's Score: Essays for the End of the Millennium. University of Illinois Press. 1994. backmatter. ISBN 0-8032-8949-9.
- ^ de Vries, Hent. The Test Drive. University of Illinois Press. 2005. backmatter. ISBN 978-0-252-07535-3.
- ^ Ree, Jonathan. It's Philosophy, Stupid. The Times Literary Supplement (London, England). March 22, 2002, (5164): 8.
- ^ Selon... Avital Ronell. [17 December 2017].
- ^ Department of German. german.as.nyu.edu. [17 December 2017].
- ^ ACLA 2012 » Plenary Sessions. 19 November 2011 [17 December 2017]. (原始内容存档于19 November 2011).
- ^ Greenberg, Zoe. What Happens to #MeToo When a Feminist Is the Accused?. The New York Times. August 13, 2018 [2018-08-13] (英语).
- ^ Goldhill, Olivia. Feminist scholars argue a Title IX case is unfair—when a woman is under investigation. Quartz. June 12, 2018.
- ^ Gluckman, Nell. How a Letter Defending Avital Ronell Sparked Confusion and Condemnation. Chronicle of Higher Education. June 12, 2018 [August 17, 2018].
- ^ Harris, Adam; Wong, Alia. When Academics Defend Colleagues Accused of Harassment. The Atlantic. August 15, 2018.
- ^ Mangan, Katherine. New Disclosures About an NYU Professor Reignite a War Over Gender and Harassment. Chronicle of Higher Education. August 15, 2018 [August 17, 2018].
We ought not to have attributed motives to the complainant, even though some signatories had strong views on this matter," Butler wrote. "And we should not have used language that implied that Ronell’s status and reputation earn her differential treatment of any kind.
[编辑]- 传记(归档)——纽约大学比较文学
- 传记(归档)——欧洲的研究生院
- 戴安娜·d·戴维斯。Avital Ronell弗吉尼亚理工大学数字话语和文化中心
[[Category:1952年出生]] [[Category:20世纪翻译家]] [[Category:21世纪翻译家]] [[Category:美國女性主義者]] [[Category:美国文学评论家]] [[Category:以色列猶太人]] [[Category:解構主義]] [[Category:女性主義哲學家]] [[Category:犹太裔美国作家]] [[Category:猶太哲學家]] [[Category:在世人物]] [[Category:布拉格人]] [[Category:政治哲學家]] [[Category:後現代女性主義者]] [[Category:普林斯顿大学校友]]