托馬斯·埃利奧特 | |
![]() 托馬斯·埃利奧特像 | |
出生 | 1490年 |
逝世 | 1546年 |
職業 | 學者、外交家 |
托馬斯·埃利奧特(英語:Thomas Elyot),(1490年—1546年),文藝復興時期歐洲學者。他寫作了《統治者》(1531年出版)一書,闡明人文主義教育如何受用於國家。他也翻譯了若干關於治國之術的論著,並作為外交家效力於英國國王。[1]
[編輯]- ^ Sandra Sider.(2007). Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195330847.
[編輯]- 公有領域出版物的文本: Chisholm, Hugh (編). Drayton, Michael. Encyclopædia Britannica (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press. 1911. 本條目包含來自
- Raymond Wilson Chambers (1935), Thomas More, London: Cape.
- The Doctrinal of Princes (1533?), from Isocrates
- Cyprianus, A Swete and Devoute Sermon of Holy Saynt Ciprian of the Mortalitie of Man (1534)
- Rules of a Christian Life (1534), from Pico della Mirandola
- The Education or Bringing up of Children (c. 1535), from Plutarch
- Howe one may lake Profile of his Enymes (1535), from the same author is generally attributed to him.
- The Boke named the Governour (1531)
- The Knowledge which maketh a Wise Man and Pasquyll the Playne (1533)
- The Bankette of Sapience (1534), a collection of moral sayings
- The Castell of Helth (1536)
- Latin Dictionary (1538). Enlarged second edition, 1542; reprinted 1545
- The Defence of Good Women (1540), a eulogy of Anne of Cleves, disguised as a biography of Queen Zenobia of Palmyra.
- Preservative agaynste Deth (1545), which contains many quotations from the Church Fathers