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19 August 2009

1 August 2009

7 July 2009

10 June 2009

6 May 2009

30 April 2009

  • 00:2900:29, 30 April 2009 diff hist 0 Korobeiniki Lyrics: Fixed transliteration... Молодецкого is pronounced molodetskoVo, not molodetskoGo, despite how it looks. Likewise, погожу is poVozhu. Just a vagary of the evolution of the language.
  • 00:2500:25, 30 April 2009 diff hist 0 Korobeiniki Lyrics: Fixed transliteration... Молодецкого is pronounced molodetskoVo, not molodetskoGo, despite how it looks. This is simply a vagary of the evolution of the language.