User:Alfons Höjman/Books/Life
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[edit]- Kingdom
- Kingdom (biology)
- Animal
- Phyla
- Phylum
- Arthropod
- Chordate
- Class (biology)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------INSECTS----------
- Insect
- -----------------------------------------------------------------MOCONDYLIA - subclass of Insecta
- Area 51
- ------------------------------------------------------------ARCHAEOGNATHA - order of Mocondylia
- Archaeognatha
- -----------------------------------------------------------------DICONDYLIA - clade of Insecta
- Dicondylia
- ------------------------------------------------------------ZYGENTOMA - order of Dicondylia
- Zygentoma
- ------------------------------------------------------------PARANOTALIA - extant of Dicondylia
- 420 (cannabis culture)
- -------------------------------------------------------PTERYGOTA - subclass of Insecta/Dicondylia and Paranotalia
- Pterygota
- --------------------------------------------------HYDROPALAEOPTERA - taxa of Pterygota
- Cars (franchise)
- ---------------------------------------------ODONATOPTERA - order of Hydropaleoptera
- Odonatoptera
- ---------------------------------------------PANEPHEMEROPTERA - order of Hyrdopaleoptera
- West Virginia
- --------------------------------------------------NEOPTERA - infraclass below Pterygota
- Neoptera
- ---------------------------------------------POLYNEOPTERA - cohort of Neoptera
- Polyneoptera
- ----------------------------------------HAPLOCERCATA - clade of Polyneoptera
- September 11 attacks
- -----------------------------------ZORAPTERA - order of Haplocercata
- Zoraptera
- -----------------------------------DERMAPTERA - order of Haplocercata
- Earwig
- ----------------------------------------PLECOPTERA - order of Polyneoptera
- Plecoptera
- ----------------------------------------ORTHOPTERA - order of Polyneoptera
- Orthoptera
- ----------------------------------------DICTYOPTERA - superorder of Polyneoptera
- Dictyoptera
- -----------------------------------MANTODEA - order of Dictyoptera
- Mantis
- -----------------------------------BLATTODEA - order of Dictyopter
- Blattodea
- -------------------------ISOPTERA - infraorder of Blattodea
- Termite
- Termitidae - Higher Termites
- Termitidae
- Macrotermes bellicosus
- Macrotermes carbonarius
- Macrotermes convulsionarius
- Macrotermes gilvus
- Macrotermes michaelseni
- Macrotermes natalensis
- Hospitalitermes
- Nasutitermes
- Tenuirostritermes
- Trinervitermes
- Trinervitermes trinervoides
- Ahamitermes
- Amitermes
- Globitermes
- Gnathamitermes
- Termes (insect)
- Hodotermitidae - Harvester Termites
- Hodotermitidae
- Anacanthotermes viarum
- Hodotermes
- Meiatermes
- Microhodotermes
- Odontotermes
- ----------------------------------------XENONOMIA - clade of Polyneoptera
- Notoptera
- -----------------------------------GRYLLOBLATTIDAE - order of Xenonomia
- Grylloblattidae
- -----------------------------------MANTOPHASMATIDAE - order of Xenonomia
- Mantophasmatidae
- ----------------------------------------EUKINOLABIA - clade of Polyneoptera
- Homer Simpson
- -----------------------------------PHASMATODEA - order of Eukinolabia
- Phasmatodea
- -----------------------------------EMBIOPTERA - order of Eukinolabia
- Embioptera
- ---------------------------------------------EUMETABOLA - clade of Neoptera
- Eumetabola
- ----------------------------------------ACERARIA - superorder of Eumetabola
- Paraneoptera
- -----------------------------------PSOCODEA - order of Aceraria
- Psocodea
- -----------------------------------HEMIPTERA - order of Aceraria
- Hemiptera
- -----------------------------------THYSANOPTERA - order of Aceraria
- Thrips
- ----------------------------------------HOLOMETABOLA - superorder of Eumetabola
- Endopterygota
- -----------------------------------HYMENOPTERIA - superorder of Holometabola
- Pepe the Frog
- ------------------------------HYMENOPTERA - order of Hymenopteria
- Hymenoptera
- -----------------------------------APARAGLOSSATA - clade of Holometabola
- Aparaglossata
- ------------------------------NEUROPTERIFORMA - taxon of Aparaglossata
- Hiroshima
- -------------------------COLEOPTERIDA - taxon of Neuropteriforma
- Nagasaki
- --------------------STREPSIPTERA - order of Coleoptera
- Strepsiptera
- --------------------COLEOPTERA - order of Coleopterida
- Beetle
- -------------------------NEUROPTERIDA - clade of Neuropteriforma
- Neuropterida
- --------------------RAPHIDIOPTERA - order of Neuroptida
- Snakefly
- --------------------NEUROPTERA - order of Neuropterida
- Neuroptera
- --------------------MEGALOPTERA - order of Neuropterida
- Megaloptera
- ------------------------------PANORPIDA - superorder of Aparaglossata
- Panorpida
- -------------------------AMPHIESMENOPTERA - superorder of Panorpida
- Amphiesmenoptera
- --------------------LEPIDOPTERA - order of Amphiesmenoptera
- Lepidoptera
- ----------HETERONEURA - infraorder of Lepidoptera
- Heteroneura
- Nymphalidae - Brush/four-footed Butterflys
- Nymphalidae
- Vanessa (butterfly)
- Vanessa cardui
- Vanessa indica
- --------------------TRICHOPTERA - order of Amphiesmenoptera
- Caddisfly
- -------------------------ANTILOPHORA - clade of Panorpida
- Stockholm
- --------------------DIPTERA - order of Antilophora
- Fly
- --------------------NANNOMECOPTERA - order of Antilophora
- Brussels
- --------------------MECOPTERA - order of Antilophora
- Mecoptera
- --------------------NEOMECOPTERA - order of Antilophora
- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
- --------------------SIPHONAPTERA - order of Antilophora
- Flea
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------BIRDS------------------
- Bird
- -----------------------------------------------------------------PALAEOGNATHAE - infraclass of Aves
- Palaeognathae
- -------------------------------------------------------STRUTHIONIFORMES - order of Palaeognathe
- Ostrich
- ------------------------------------------------------------NOTOPALAEOGNATHAE - clade of Palaeognathae
- Notopalaeognathae
- -------------------------------------------------------RHEIFORMES - order of Notopalaeognathae
- Rheidae
- -------------------------------------------------------NOVAERITITAE - clade of Notopalaeognathe
- Novaeratitae
- --------------------------------------------------CASUARIIFORMES - order of Novaerititae
- Casuariiformes
- --------------------------------------------------APTERYGIFORMES - order of Novaerititae
- Kiwi
- -------------------------------------------------------TINAMIFORMES - order of Notopaeognathae
- Tinamou
- -----------------------------------------------------------------NEOGNATHAE - infraclass of Aves
- Neognathae
- ------------------------------------------------------------GELLOANSERAE - superorder of Neognathe
- Fowl
- -------------------------------------------------------GALLIFORMES - order of Galloanserae
- Galliformes
- -------------------------------------------------------ANSERIFORMES - order of Galloanserae
- Anseriformes
- --------------------PASSERIFORMES - order of Birds---------------------------
- Passerine
- ----------------PASSERI - suborder of Passeriformes----------------------------
- Songbird
- -----CORVIDA - parvorder of Passeri---------------------------------------------
- Corvida
- -MELIPHAGOIDEA - superfamily of Corvida------------------------------------
- Meliphagoidea
- Maluridae - Australasian Wrens
- Australasian wren
- Malurus
- Splendid fairywren
- -----PASSERIDA - parvorder of Passeri----------------------------------------
- Passerida
- -MUSCICAPOIDEA - superfamily of Passerida--------------------------------
- Order (biology)
- Muscicapidae - Old World FlyCatchers
- Old World flycatcher
- Ficedula
- Ultramarine flycatcher
- Myrmecocichla
- Ant-eating chat
- -----------------------------------MAMMALS-----------------------------------------------
- Mammal
- -------------------------AFROTHERIA - superorder of Mammals--------------
- Afrotheria
- --------------------TUBULIDENTATA - order of Afrotheria---------------------
- Multi-stage fitness test
- Orycteropodidae -
- Orycteropodidae
- Orycteropus
- Aardvark
- --------------------CARNIVORA - order of Mammals--------------------------
- Carnivora
- ---------------FELIFORMA - suborder of Carnivora----------------------------
- Feliformia
- ----------VIVERROIDEA - infraorder of Feliforma------------------------------
- Viverroidea
- Hyaenidae - Hyenas
- Hyena
- Aardwolf
- Hyaena
- Striped hyena
- Viverridae - Viverrids
- Viverridae
- Egyptian slit-faced bat
- African civet
- Bat