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User:Alyssagpp/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article title
Homelessness in the San Fransisco Bay Area
Article Evaluation
adding to the subsection Current efforts to address the issue by region: article title"Homeless Street Outreach"
Homelessness in the United States by state#California
Helping Homeless Veterans Act of 2013
Homeless Bill of Rights
Housing Act 1996
Anti-homelessness legislation

Option 2

Article title
Homeless advocacy
Article Evaluation
A little more closely related to my PE, would be interesting to explore what methods of advocacy are provided by the government/policy and what kinds of organizations are stepping up to represent these under-represented groups
The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
Homeless Bill of Rights
Category:Homeless shelters in the United States
Rapid Re-Housing
Supportive housing

Option 3

Article title
Homelessness and co-occuring disorders
Article Evaluation
Interesting topic especially in the sense that it debunks a lot of myths about homelessness and mental health but is also eye-opening to learn about how declining health and the condition of homelessness are self-perpetuating
Homeless dumping
Homelessness and mental health

Option 4

Article title
Homelessness and the Built Environment
Article Evaluation
This is the article that would be the most interesting for me to write- it wouldn't be a part of the wikiproject for homelessness but seeing that homelessness is a product of a lack of affordable housing, it is extremely interesting to me to see how our current built environment accommodates for unhoused individuals and how alternative forms of temporary or ad-hoc housing is created in urban areas. There seem to be a great deal of sources both on wikipedia and google scholar, but it seems as if these things have yet to be compiled into one comprehensive article.
Hostile architecture
Tent city
Pavement dwellers
IKozie micro-home
Housing First
Supportive housing
Shanty town