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User:Amatdiou/Books/Root-finding algorithms

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Root-finding algorithms

Root-finding algorithm
Aberth method
Alpha max plus beta min algorithm
Bairstow's method
Bisection method
Brent's method
Broyden's method
Durand–Kerner method
False position method
Fast inverse square root
Fixed-point iteration
Graeffe's method
Geometry of roots of real polynomials
Halley's method
Householder's method
Illinois algorithm
Integer square root
Inverse quadratic interpolation
Jenkins–Traub algorithm
Laguerre's method
Lehmer–Schur algorithm
Methods of computing square roots
Muller's method
Newton's method
Nth root algorithm
Rational root theorem
Ridders' method
Ruffini's rule
Secant method
Shifting nth root algorithm
Sidi's generalized secant method
Solving quadratic equations with continued fractions
Splitting circle method
Steffensen's method