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User:Annetteod/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article title
Incarceration in the United States
Article Evaluation
The entirety of this article is thorough and well done. Specifically, the section on the Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children, there is a lot of research that I have found being implemented in the article. Where they are lacking is their analysis on the effects of both maternal and paternal incarceration. This description is very health and policy focused. I am more focused on the educational and behavioral effects of the incarceration. This section specifically only looks at maternal incarceration and the policies in place about caretaking in prison, as well as the long term health effects of children.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Kristin Turney. "Positive, Negative, or Null? The Effects of Maternal Incarceration on Children’s Behavioral Problems." Demography 51.3 (2014): 1041-068. Web.

Option 2

Article title
African-American family structure
Article Evaluation
This is a very good article. It has sections that discuss incarceration and the Black male incarceration rate effect on mortality. There is a brief mention of the effects of paternal incarceration on children's health and education. For this option, I would want to go into more specifics about these effects. There could be a new section entirely on the effects of parental incarceration on children, rather than it being a tiny subset of the Black male incarceration effect sub category. That way there can be discussion on maternal and paternal incarceration and how that addresses the family structure.
Hagan, John, and Holly Foster. "Intergenerational Educational Effects of Mass Imprisonment in America." Sociology of Education 85.3 (2012): 259-86. Web.
Turney, Kristen. "The Unequal Consequences of Mass Incarceration for Children" https://rdcu.be/b2pt2

Option 3

Article title
Relationships for incarcerated individuals#Children of incarcerated parents
Article Evaluation
This article has a much stronger start than the others on the subjects of the effects of child Incarceration. It discusses the mental and behavioral blocks to development that comes from a parent incarcerated as well as the ethnic distribution of this incarceration. The article also discusses that parent-child contact while in prison is proven to help the children behaviorally. My research would add to the effects on child education, and the differing outcomes for maternal vs paternal incarceration.
Foster, Holly, and John Hagan. “The Mass Incarceration of Parents in America: Issues of Race/ Ethnicity, Collateral Damage to Children, and Prisoner Reentry.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 623, no. 1, May 2009, pp. 179–194, doi:10.1177/0002716208331123.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Kristin Turney. “Positive, Negative, or Null? The Effects of Maternal Incarceration on Children’s Behavioral Problems.” Demography, vol. 51, no. 3, 2014, pp. 1041–1068., doi:10.1007/s13524-014-0291-z.

Option 5

Article title
Article Evaluation