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User:DrSylvan/Illinois State Universities Civil Service System

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The Illinois State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS) governs personnel policies at public institutions of higher education in the state of Illinois, as well as certain related organizations like the State Universities Retirement System of Illinois.

Scope of Covered Organizations


These organizations are obligated by law to observe the rules of SUCSS:[1]

In the third quarter of 2009, these institutions employed over 60,000 individuals.[2]

History and Purpose


The Illinois legislature established SUCSS in the 67th General Assembly with the passage of House Bill 831 and its entry into law on January 1, 1952.[1] The State Universities Civil Service Act (110 ILCS 70/) contains the System's authorizing statutes, distinct from the administrative rules governing covered institutions, which appear under 80 Ill. Adm. Code Part 250. While state legislators deliberated the System's establishment, opposition emerged from the potentially impacted institutions, such as the University of Illinois Board of Trustees' 1949 position that it "would seriously handicap internal control of the University." (At the time, the Board oversaw University civil service.)[3]

Like other civil service systems, SUCSS exists to regulate public-sector employment practices which might otherwise be corruptible by politically influential individuals seeking to receive or distribute jobs as patronage.

Key Employment Practices


Types of Employment


Exemptions from Civil Service Classification


The authorizing statute, under section 36(e), excludes several categories of employee from its oversight:[1]

  • Certain "members and officers" overseeing the System, and the "commissioners" of the institutions covered by SUCSS, as well as the presidents and vice-presidents of each educational institution
  • Other "principal administrative employees" of each institution (see Academic Professionals under Criticisms)
  • The faculties of each institution
  • Student employees



Permanent, or "Status", employees are the archetypal staff employees. Their positions are generally long-term, although some are part-time or have specified months off each year (generally connected to the academic calendar).

Non-Status (Trainee/Provisional)


Extra Help


Extra Help is the label of temporary employment

Testing and Registers


SUCSS-governed institutions fill vacancies through a competitive examination process open to the public.[4] Applicants must be Illinois residents unless there is an inadequate supply of in-state applicants, and even in that case, the in-state applicants are automatically prioritized above non-residents.[5]

The System develops a uniform examination for each of its over 1200 classifications,[6] to be administered by each employing institution under prescribed conditions, such as time limits.

Seniority and Layoff Procedures


Enforcement Mechanisms


SUCSS staff conduct biennial audits, required by 80 Ill. Adm. Code §250.140(c)[7], of each institution to review compliance with prescribed practices and formally report findings of noncompliance to the state government. The Audit and Advisory Services Division reviews employer records such as "job descriptions, payroll documents, employee files, reconstruction of employment registers, Employer actions related to suspension and dismissal" in comparison with records compiled between audits and interviews with employees.[8]



-slow test revision
-testing for the wrong characteristics / high scores aren't best candidates

Academic Professionals


Areas Not Regulated


SUCSS does not audit for racial diversity (institutions receiving federal contracts report to the OFCCP concerning affirmative action programs). Further, the System does not control employee benefits or



State Universities Civil Service System official site

Category:Civil_service_in_the_United_States Category:Government_of_Illinois

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