This resource of more than 3,100 members is the Internet's only professional technical forum on Lightning Protection, Lightning Safety, Power Quality, & Keraunic (lightning shock) Medicine. We are the reference for electrical engineers, safety Officers, administrators, and journalists concerned with lightning safety, surge and harmonic mitigation, accurate peer-reviewed information, and keraunic (electrical shock) medicine. CO-MODERATORS & LIST MEMBERS include recognized experts who generously give their time in fostering accurate information &, especially, saving lives (lightning safety).
WE DISCUSS these areas and more:
- Boating safety
- Broadcast tower protection
- Facilities protection, outside and indoors
- Faraday cages
- Fraudulent claims & specifications
- Generators & genset maintenance
- Grounding, grounding defects, & testing/maintenance
- Harmonics & mitigation
- Home, outdoor lighting, electric gate controls … and structure protection
- Informing meteorologists & public safety personnel in accurate lightning facts & safety
- Lightning myths & safety
- Medicine: causes, corrections, & the treatment & effects of electric shock
- Power Quality (PQ) concerns are covered
- Power sags & outages
- Protecting electrical systems & electronics from transient voltage surges
- Protecting people, electronics and structures from lightning
- Recreation: indoor & outdoor swimming pools, golf courses, hot tubs, ....
- Surge protective devices/transient voltage surge suppressors (SPD/TVSS)
- Surge suppression techniques and faults
- Testing & maintenance tools
- Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) & batteries
THIS LIST IS NOT a substitute for correctly solving site problems. That requires hiring (i.e., paying) a qualified, experienced power quality Electrical Engineer (E.E.) or Professional Engineer (P.E.)! We like hearing about difficult situations & scientifically proven effective solutions.
- Please follow these instructions. POSTING MESSAGES: In signing each message, we request that each poster clearly identifies his or her true name & work affiliation (credentials). Those intending to supply authoritative information are asked to provide citations, as needed, for technical advice given. Questions are welcome. We moderate all messages to restrict most of the chatter & encourage valid information. It sometimes takes a couple of weeks before an approved message might be posted.
- Please examine "Files" & "Links" for useful information, & "search" the messages before asking a question