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Dearest John,

As an author and researched for Wikipedia, I hereby exclaim that Walleye and Pickerel are NOT the same fish, as a matter of fact, not even close. Please refer to the proof below that I have accumulated with years of Wikipedian research. Clearly, Wikipedia is a reliable source.

1) Proof of Canadian distinction and error in distinguishing walleye as pickerel.

[1] Pickerel, common name for 3 closely related carnivorous, soft-rayed freshwater fishes in the PIKE family (Esocidae). In parts of Canada, the name is applied, erroneously, to theWALLEYE. The name is derived from an English diminutive of pike.

2) Definition of erroneous.

er⋅ro⋅ne⋅ous   [uh-roh-nee-uh s, e-roh-] Show IPA


1. containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong: an erroneous answer.

3) Proof that Americans recognize pickerel as a distinct fish.

[2] Fish in the Blackwater River and the Little Blackwater River play an important role in providing food for numerous species including herons, bald eagles and ospreys. Fish species at the Refuge include tidal largemouth bass (black bass), striped bass (rock fish), white and yellow perch, black crappie, and bullhead and channel catfish. Other species available in the waters of the Refuge are carp, blue gill and pickerel.

4) Pictures of two DIFFERENT fish!!! (Follow the links)

Walleye- http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~frf/rfe0wy.html (U.S. Food & Drug Administration)

Pickerel–http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/13800/13816/pickerel_13816.htm (Online Service of Florida’s Educational technology)

5) The different patterns of Walleye and Pickerel.


Pickerel prefer to spend their days in shoreline weed beds while walleye can hide out just about anywhere. The walleye day may start out in the weeds but as the sun moves into the sky, they quickly start moving towards deeper water for shade and protection. During early spring the pickerel stay in the weed beds. This is spawning season for walleye and they head towards feeder streams and shallow waters. As fall season comes around, the pickerel prefer to hide out under wood structures such as fallen trees and logs. Another popular location for pickerel is any area of overhanging brush or lily pads. When in these locations, the pickerel go no deeper than 7 to 10 feet at the most. Walleye prefer deeper water depths to the shallower levels. The only real time walleye reside towards the top of the water is early in the morning to feed or during spawning season. The only similarity between pickerel and walleye are their love of vibrant, flashy lure selections.

With love,

Your brother (the PhD, with a specialist in fish)