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Black hole
Bulge (astronomy)
Galaxy morphological classification
Dark matter halo
Dwarf galaxy problem
Galaxy formation and evolution
Galaxy color–magnitude diagram
Galaxy merger
Galactic halo
Halo occupation distribution
Hess diagram
Hypercompact stellar system
Ionization cone
Kennicutt–Schmidt law
Luminosity function (astronomy)
Lyman-alpha emitter
Lyman-break galaxy
M–sigma relation
Pea galaxy
Sphere of influence (astronomy)
Supermassive black hole
Thick disk
Thin disk
Type-cD galaxy
Void galaxy
Elliptical galaxy
Active galactic nucleus
Star formation
Dark matter
Globular cluster
Andromeda Galaxy
Interstellar medium
Galaxy cluster
Milky Way
Solar mass
Dwarf galaxy
Spiral galaxy
Galaxy filament
Large quasar group
CfA2 Great Wall
Local Sheet
Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex
Sculptor Wall
Sloan Great Wall
Dark galaxy
Hubble sequence
Anemic galaxy
Barred irregular galaxy
Barred lenticular galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy
Disc galaxy
Dwarf elliptical galaxy
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Dwarf spiral galaxy
Flocculent spiral galaxy
Grand design spiral galaxy
Gravitationally aligned orbits
Intermediate spiral galaxy
Irregular galaxy
Lenticular galaxy
Magellanic spiral
Peculiar galaxy
Polar-ring galaxy
Ring galaxy
Rubin-Ford effect
Unbarred lenticular galaxy
Unbarred spiral galaxy
Galaxies in fiction
Andromeda–Milky Way collision
Aquarius Stream
Arcturus stream
Galactic astronomy
Baade's Window
Carina–Sagittarius Arm
Cassiopeia A
Far 3 kpc Arm
Field of Streams
Galactic anticenter
Galactic Center
Galactic coordinate system
Galactic plane
Galactic quadrant
Galactic ridge
Galactic year
Gould Belt
Great Rift (astronomy)
Helmi stream
List of most luminous stars
List of names for the Milky Way
List of novae in the Milky Way galaxy
List of stellar streams
Milky Way (mythology)
Monoceros Ring
Near 3 kpc Arm
Norma Arm
Orion Arm
Palomar 4
Perseus Arm
Sagittarius A
Sagittarius A*
Sagittarius B2
Sagittarius Star Cloud
Sagittarius Stream
Scutum–Centaurus Arm
Segue 3
Swift J1745-26
Virgo Stellar Stream
Zone of Avoidance
Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies
Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
David Dunlap Observatory Catalogue
Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database
Markarian galaxies
Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies
Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies
Principal Galaxies Catalogue
Uppsala General Catalogue
Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov Interacting Galaxies
Large-scale structure of the Cosmos
CfA Redshift Survey
Cosmic string
Delaunay tessellation field estimator
Domain wall (string theory)
Field galaxy
Galaxy cloud
Galaxy group
Great Attractor
Hubble Bubble (astronomy)
Hubble's law
Intracluster medium
Local Void
Lyman-alpha blob
Outer space
Planetary nebula luminosity function
Radio halo
Radio relics
Redshift survey
Shapley Supercluster
Singular isothermal sphere profile
Texture (cosmology)
Timeline of knowledge about galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure
Tip of the red-giant branch
Topological defect
Void (astronomy)
Zeldovich pancake
Extragalactic astronomy
Abell 520
Antlia Cluster
Cooling flow
Correlation function (astronomy)
Cosmic dust
Density wave theory
Diffuse extragalactic background radiation
Dropout (astronomy)
Extinction (astronomy)
Extragalactic planet
Faber–Jackson relation
Freeman Law
Fundamental plane (elliptical galaxies)
Galactic corona
Galactic tide
Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey
Interacting galaxy
Intergalactic dust
Intergalactic star
NGC 1728
Northern Local Supervoid
Ostriker–Peebles criterion
Peculiar velocity
Sołtan argument
Stebbins–Whitford effect
Supergalactic coordinate system
Tully–Fisher relation
Velocity dispersion
Virgo-centric flow
Virial mass
Celestial coordinate system
List of Star Trek regions of space
Galactic quadrant (Star Trek)
Core worlds
List of Spelljammer crystal spheres