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User:Intels1/Books/Intel, Ops, Strategy

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Intel, Ops, Strategy

Clandestine HUMINT asset recruiting
Opposition research
Campaign plan
Research strategies of election campaign communication research
Earned media
Minimal effects hypothesis
Political consulting
Think tank
Soft power
Strategic communication
Intangible asset
Power (social and political)
Smart power
Business intelligence
Competitive intelligence
Media intelligence
Influencer marketing
Press release
Social media intelligence
Social media measurement
Media monitoring
Share of voice
Business intelligence software
Operational intelligence
Organizational structure
Marketing research
Public relations
Formal organization
Informal organization
Strategic management
Diffusion (business)
Opinion leadership
Diffusion of innovations
Early adopter
Crossing the Chasm
Industrial and organizational psychology
Collective intelligence
Systems thinking
Strategic planning
Strategy map
Six forces model
Value migration
Military strategy
Matrix management
Organizational theory
Advocacy group