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- Epistemology
- Academic skepticism
- Agnosticism
- Anti-foundationalism
- Anti-realism
- Atomism
- Black swan theory
- Cartesian doubt
- Causal theory of knowledge
- Coherence theory of truth
- Coherentism
- Constructivist epistemology
- Contextualism
- Contrastivism
- Critical rationalism
- Critical realism (philosophy of perception)
- Cynicism (philosophy)
- Direct and indirect realism
- Disjunctivism
- Egocentric presentism
- Empiricism
- Ephectics
- Epistemic conservatism
- Epistemicism
- Epistemological anarchism
- Epistemological idealism
- Epistemological particularism
- Epistemological pluralism
- Epistemological realism
- Epistemological solipsism
- Evidentialism
- Evolutionary epistemology
- Experientialism
- Externism
- Factual relativism
- Fallibilism
- Falsifiability
- Fideism
- Finitism
- Formative epistemology
- Foundationalism
- Foundherentism
- Fragmentalism
- Freethought
- Hierarchical epistemology
- Illuminationism
- Inductivism
- Infallibilism
- Infinitism
- Innatism
- Internalism and externalism
- Irrealism (philosophy)
- Islamization of knowledge
- Latitudinarianism (philosophy)
- Logical holism
- Logical positivism
- Metaphysical naturalism
- Methodism (philosophy)
- Methodological solipsism
- Moral intellectualism
- Moral rationalism
- Multiperspectivalism
- Naïve empiricism
- Naïve realism
- Naturalism (philosophy)
- Naturalized epistemology
- Neopragmatism
- New realism (philosophy)
- Noogony
- Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
- Ontologism
- Pancritical rationalism
- Panrationalism
- Participatory theory
- Personal horizon
- Perspectival realism
- Perspectivism
- Phenomenal conservatism
- Phenomenalism
- Philosophical skepticism
- Philosophy of color
- Platonic epistemology
- Pluralism (philosophy)
- Positivism
- Postfoundationalism
- Postpositivism
- Preformation theory
- Presentationism
- Presuppositional apologetics
- Probabilism
- Psychological nominalism
- Pyrrhonism
- Rational fideism
- Rationalism
- Reasonism
- Reductionism
- Reformed epistemology
- Relevant alternatives theory
- Reliabilism
- Role of chance in scientific discoveries
- Scottish Common Sense Realism
- Semantic externalism
- Sensualism
- Simulation hypothesis
- Skepticism
- Solipsism
- Subjectivism
- Theory of Forms
- Theory of justification
- Transcendental idealism
- Transcendental realism
- Verificationism
- Virtue epistemology
- Voluntarism (metaphysics)
- List of epistemologists
- Richard Aaron
- Dharmarāja Adhvarin
- Aenesidemus
- Agrippa the Skeptic
- Robert F. Almeder
- William Alston
- Louise Antony
- David Malet Armstrong
- Arnór Hannibalsson
- Robert Audi
- Salvino Azzopardi
- Gaston Bachelard
- Nicolae Bagdasar
- Karen Barad
- Diderik Batens
- Henri Bergson
- George Berkeley
- Jean-Michel Berthelot
- Harry Binswanger
- Nader El-Bizri
- Laurence BonJour
- Jacques Bouveresse
- Traian Brăileanu
- C. D. Broad
- Léon Brunschvicg
- Tyler Burge
- Claudio Canaparo
- Monique Canto-Sperber
- Gregory Chaitin
- Roderick Chisholm
- Paul Churchland
- Sharyn Clough
- Lorraine Code
- Alice Crary
- William Crathorn
- Jonathan Dancy
- Norman Daniels
- Arda Denkel
- Keith DeRose
- René Descartes
- Michael Devitt
- François Dosse
- Fred Dretske
- Margaret Elizabeth Egan
- Catherine Elgin
- Sextus Empiricus
- Mário Ferreira dos Santos
- Heinz von Foerster
- Michel Foucault
- Steve Fuller (sociologist)
- Fuad Gasimzade
- Tamar Gendler
- Edmund Gettier
- Mohsen Ghanebasiri
- Giulio Giorello
- Ernst von Glasersfeld
- Alvin Goldman
- Gilles-Gaston Granger
- John Greco (philosopher)
- Reinhardt Grossmann
- Charles Guignon
- Anil Gupta (philosopher)
- Jürgen Habermas
- Everett Hall
- James Hall (philosopher)
- David W. Hamlyn
- Sandra Harding
- Gilbert Harman
- Atli Harðarson
- Nancy Hartsock
- Sally Haslanger
- Daniel M. Hausman
- John Hawthorne
- John Hick
- David Hume
- Frank Cameron Jackson
- Alison Jaggar
- William James
- Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins
- Ward Jones
- Joseph Kaipayil
- Immanuel Kant
- Hilary Kornblith
- Björn Kraus
- Angèle Kremer-Marietti
- Jonathan Kvanvig
- Jennifer Lackey
- Larry Laudan
- Keith Lehrer
- David Lewis (philosopher)
- Peter Lipton
- Oliver Lis
- John Locke
- Peter Ludlow
- Niklas Luhmann
- Norman Malcolm
- David Manley
- Jacques Maritain
- Damaris Cudworth Masham
- Freya Mathews
- Bimal Krishna Matilal
- Matthew W. McKeon
- Alexandre Mercereau
- Trenton Merricks
- Émile Meyerson
- Michael Bergmann (philosopher)
- Antonio Millán-Puelles
- Peter Millican
- Jitendra Nath Mohanty
- Jean-Louis Le Moigne
- Michel de Montaigne
- G. E. Moore
- Sidney Morgenbesser
- Edgar Morin
- Mozi
- Mioara Mugur-Schächter
- Constantin Noica
- Robert Nozick
- D. C. S. Oosthuizen
- Gloria Origgi
- George Pappas
- Leonard Peikoff
- Jean Piaget
- Alvin Plantinga
- Pyrrho
- Willard Van Orman Quine
- Ayn Rand
- Nicholas Rescher
- Nayef Al-Rodhan
- Richard A. Rogers
- Louis Rougier
- Sherrilyn Roush
- Bertrand Russell
- Gilbert Ryle
- Mark Sacks
- Larry Sanger
- Deepak Sarma
- Kenneth M. Sayre
- Susanna Schellenberg
- F. C. S. Schiller
- John Searle
- Juan José Sebreli
- Wilfrid Sellars
- Vasily Seseman
- Gila Sher
- Susanna Siegel
- Gilbert Simondon
- Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
- Barbara Skarga
- Alan Soble
- Socrates
- Ernest Sosa
- African Spir
- Wolfgang Spohn
- Walter Terence Stace
- Jason Stanley
- Stephen Stich
- Gail Stine
- Adolph Stöhr
- Leo Strauss
- P. F. Strawson
- Avrum Stroll
- Barry Stroud
- Francisco Suárez
- Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Peter Unger
- Gangesha Upadhyaya
- Paul Valéry
- Nicla Vassallo
- Giambattista Vico
- Phillip H. Wiebe
- Anthony Wilden
- Frederick Wilhelmsen
- Dallas Willard
- Michael Williams (philosopher)
- Karla Jessen Williamson
- Jessica Wilson
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Nicholas Wolterstorff
- Ledger Wood
- Crispin Wright
- Franz M. Wuketits
- Alison Wylie
- Xenophanes
- Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski
- José Zalabardo
- Eddy Zemach
- Yujian Zheng
- A priori and a posteriori
- Acatalepsy
- Alief (mental state)
- Allegory of the Cave
- Analogy of the divided line
- Analogy of the sun
- Analytic–synthetic distinction
- Anamnesis (philosophy)
- Basic limiting principle
- Brain in a vat
- Cartesian Other
- Cartesian Self
- Causal chain
- Causality
- Centered world
- Cogito ergo sum
- Cognitive closure (philosophy)
- Common sense
- Composition of Causes
- Condition of possibility
- Criteria of truth
- Daimonic
- Descriptive knowledge
- Dianoia
- Direct experience
- Doxa
- Emergence
- Empirical relationship
- Empirical research
- Endoxa
- Episteme
- Epistemic closure
- Epistemic commitment
- Epistemic virtue
- Epistemological rupture
- Epoché
- Eschatological verification
- Evidence
- Exclusion principle (philosophy)
- Existential phenomenology
- Expectation (epistemic)
- Experiential knowledge
- Exploratory thought
- Fact
- Gettier problem
- Here is one hand
- Hume's fork
- I know that I know nothing
- Ignoramus et ignorabimus
- Ignorance
- Infallibility
- Intellectual responsibility
- Intelligibility (philosophy)
- Intuition
- Katalepsis
- KK thesis
- Leap of faith
- Logos
- Molyneux's problem
- Object (philosophy)
- Objectivity (philosophy)
- Omphalos hypothesis
- Overbelief
- Perception
- Peripatetic axiom
- Philosophical analysis
- Planck's principle
- Problem of induction
- Problem of other minds
- Proof (truth)
- Propositional attitude
- Rationality
- Regress argument
- Simulated reality
- Skeptical regress
- Speculative reason
- Tabula rasa
- Techne
- Telesis
- Transparency (philosophy)
- Transrational
- Truth
- Truth by consensus
- Truth-value link
- Uncertainty
- Understanding
- Unobservable
- Verisimilitude
- Wax argument
- World view