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Fibonacci heap
Formal language
List of NP-complete problems
Karp's 21 NP-complete problems
Clique problem
Boolean satisfiability problem
Bipartite graph
3-dimensional matching
Graph toughness
Hamiltonian path
Church–Turing thesis
Decision problem
Halting problem
Turing machine
Decidability (logic)
Recursive language
Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm
Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
Rabin–Karp algorithm
Edit distance
Delaunay triangulation
Polygon triangulation
Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
Edmonds–Karp algorithm
Taxicab geometry
Hungarian algorithm
A* search algorithm
Alpha–beta pruning
Divide and conquer algorithms
Gift wrapping algorithm
Convex hull algorithms
Dynamic programming
Subset sum problem
Matrix chain multiplication
Leftist tree
Binary heap
Binomial heap
Game tree