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- Fibonacci heap
- Formal language
- List of NP-complete problems
- Karp's 21 NP-complete problems
- Clique problem
- Boolean satisfiability problem
- Bipartite graph
- 3-dimensional matching
- Graph toughness
- Hamiltonian path
- Church–Turing thesis
- Decision problem
- Halting problem
- Turing machine
- Decidability (logic)
- Recursive language
- Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
- Rabin–Karp algorithm
- Edit distance
- Delaunay triangulation
- Polygon triangulation
- Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
- Edmonds–Karp algorithm
- Taxicab geometry
- Hungarian algorithm
- A* search algorithm
- Minimax
- Alpha–beta pruning
- Divide and conquer algorithms
- Gift wrapping algorithm
- Convex hull algorithms
- Dynamic programming
- Subset sum problem
- Matrix chain multiplication
- Leftist tree
- Binary heap
- Binomial heap
- Game tree