A Confession Of Salvation Through The Grace of God Through Christ
lucifer, the lieght bearer tells the lowly man that a god who does not tend to the wounds of his creations and abandons us to the devices of the world he put us in must surely not love or regard his beloved creation. He tells tall tales of a god who disregards what he has made because of its shortcomings and delights in our suffering and sorrow unless we live a blameless and righteous life without blemish. the liar whispers that the sinful nature in us is right and justified in desiring to enact its own inferior will and since Our Heavenly Father created us but demands what we are not capable of, we should shun His Love and go our own way. the first to fall reveals himself bearing evil gifts of unsolicited ill advice and conceited deceit to stir up rebellion in the heart of man and drive him away from Grace down the path of self-destruction, which lucifer is damned to walk for eternity (Proverbs 19:21). But I ask you my Brother In Christ, can the perverted and corrupt understand what is Righteous and Just? Can lucifer who has fallen from Grace and remains blinded to IT understand HIM WHOSE Grace redeems us all? the devil is a LIAR so HAUNTED by his fall from GRACE that he seeks to reenact it in the lives of the children of God who remain surrounded by his GRACE and LOVE. There is no surprise that in trying to be like our Jealous God (Exodus 20:4-5), he is consumed by a BLINDING LIGHT OF LIES and commits the “original” sin of envy reflected in his continued vain attempts to BE our Righteous and Jealous God.
This crude rebellion inspired by his conspired sin begins his eternal journey of damnation, where he further conspires to separate man from God’s Love and Grace as he succeeded in doing to the fallen 1/3. Without the Grace of God, everything is corrupted as were lucifer’s desires AS SOON AS he fell from grace. The only truth the serpent tells us is of the power of sin and flesh, God’s reign over all His creation and Christ being the Son of God. Truly abandoned by God, he is left to his devices as he wiles away the time until Christ’s return in Full Glory to cast the devil and his fallen angels in the eternal fire of hell (Ephesians 6:11) (Matthew 25:31) (Matthew 25:41)
But the real truth lies in the most staggering display of Love to leave an ETERNAL MESSAGE for man through Jesus. God shows us that regardless of the wiles of his rejected creation lucifer, HE IS GOD. He comes to man not THROUGH man, like the Prophets of old, but AS man, through His Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ . God not only UNDERSTANDS our sinful nature, but He also KNOWS, for he created us GOOD and in the image of GOD and WAS PRESENT as man fell from Grace to a nature enslaved by sin. Does the sculptor not recognize the grooves of his formed clay vase? Does he not notice the imperfections and act to correct them? Are the coarse edges not smoothed out before it is put through the fire to emerge a new creation? (Romans 9:20-21)
GOD KNOWS of our sinful nature before we are even formed in the belly of our mothers. (Romans 6:6) (1 John 1:8) (Romans 7:14). This inherited sinful nature transferred by the lying serpent to Adam and his descendants, causes man to shun the Grace of God and hide from His Presence (Genesis 3:8). This nature manifests itself as with the first offspring of Adam, Cain, who commits the grave sin of MURDERING his brother from ENVY as with lucifer when he fell. The devil through sin and temptation stirs up hostility against God in the hearts of men urging us to rebel and fall from God’s Grace, as he did. It is not Pleasing to God when man heeds lies and surrenders to death and destruction in accordance with the wishes of the evil one (Romans 8:7–8) (Romans 7:15–25).
HOWEVER, God demonstrates His endearing Love for man through the sacrifice of Jesus, his Son who WAS WITHOUT sin, BECAME sin as He endured on the Cross, died, and descended to retrieve the keys of Death and Hades, all to grant us God’s Gift of Eternal Life through Himself (Revelation 1:17) (John 6:47) (Romans 6:23). Through believing in Jesus, we partake in the Righteousness of God empowering us to overcome the power of the sinful nature of the flesh as His Power condemns the sin in the flesh and through his blood, we are made new and born again in the Spirit like an innocent lamb without blemish (1 John 3:9).
The Lamb of God is offered up on the Cross as a living sacrifice to renew our spirit and wash away our tainted nature inherited from Adam (2 Corinthians 5:21) (Romans 8:3) (1 Peter 1:19). When we are born of Adam, we inherit his sin nature; but when we are born again in Christ, we inherit a new nature. The old nature of Adam becomes new through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). As we submit to God and accept his Gift of Grace Through Christ, we receive the ability to overcome the flesh and the temptations of the lying angel (James 4:7).
It is no surprise that the deceived serpent is unaware of the extent of the Love of the Omniscient God and devoutly attempts to convince the man who is weak in spirit to hold the same stance of ignorant folly. Before Christ’s coming, man is not fully aware of this truth. They only know of a Fearful God of Vengeance whose anger and wrath is poured out on the sons and nations of disobedience (Nahum 1:2) (Micah 5:15). They Fear the Lord God and hesitate to commit what they believe to be the sin of blasphemy by confessing that Jesus is the Son of God. This is why the Pharisees and Sadducees reject Him according to God’s will inspired by the Fear of God in their hearts.
God surprises man with His Love, as he reextends His Grace to man by sending His Son to be crucified on the cross to finally save us from our sinful nature. the devil is blinded to the truth of the Love God holds for ALL of His creation and cannot foresee the All-Knowing’s Plan to redeem man after Adam’s fall through Christ. Through deceit, he reveals a BLINDING LIGHT OF LIES about the relationship between God and Adam and subsequently, between God and the descendants of Adam, mankind. lucifers rebellion against God, an already known and accepted betrayal (reflected in Jesus’ betrayal by Judas), is involved in God’s plan to show man, His beloved creation, the extent of His Everlasting Love which endures through the ages, even the dark ones. the serpent persists in his folly and vain works as God works through his creations to protect and save His people until Christ’s Ultimate Return In Glory to bring His people into His Heavenly Kingdom and defeat the devil ending the eternal spiritual battle. (1 Timothy 2:3-4) (Romans 9:22-24).
May the Power of Christ which redeems us through Grace continue to abide with us as we stand firm against the wiles of the devil, holding on till he calls us Home. In Jesus Name. AMEN
(Hebrews 1:6) (Colossians 1:15-17) (John 3:16) (John 10:30) (Hebrews 1:3) (Titus 2:13) (John 1:18) (Matthew 1:23) (1 John 5:20) (John 17:3) (1 Timothy 2:5 - Mediator) (The Forever Mystery - 1 Timothy 3:16)
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