User:Lowercase sigmabot II/
Source as of 09:37, 28 December 2014 (UTC).
[edit]This task runs every minute. It checks if the following sandboxes have the {{Sandbox heading}} template;
- Wikipedia:Sandbox
- Wikipedia:Tutorial/Editing/sandbox
- Wikipedia:Tutorial/Formatting/sandbox
- Wikipedia:Tutorial/Wikipedia links/sandbox
- Wikipedia:Tutorial/Citing sources/sandbox
- Wikipedia:Tutorial/Keep in mind/sandbox
If the template is not present on the sandbox, it prepends {{Sandbox heading}} <!-- Please leave this line alone! -->
to the page.
If the template is present, it does nothing.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# LGPLv2+ license, look it up
import sys
import os
import builtins
import ceterach
import passwords
import mwparserfromhell as mwparser
builtins.print = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
def main():
global api
api = ceterach.api.MediaWiki("")
api.login("Lowercase sigmabot II", passwords.lcsb2)
bot = SandBot1(api)
class SandBot1:
REINSERT = "{{Please leave this line alone (SB)}}\n\n"
SANDBOXES = {"Wikipedia:Sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Wikipedia links/sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Citing sources/sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Keep in mind/sandbox"
TEMPLATES = {"Template:Please leave this line alone (Sandbox heading)",
"Template:Sandbox heading/noedit",
"Template:Sandbox header (do not remove)",
"Template:PLTLA (SH)",
"Template:Please leave this line alone (sandbox heading)",
"Template:Sandbox heading"
def __init__(self, api, shutoff="User:Lowercase sigmabot II/Shutoff"):
self.api = api
self.shutoff_page =
def is_allowed(self):
return self.shutoff_page.content.lower() == "true" #or True
def check_if_heading_is_gone(self, box):
tl = self.api.iterator(500, prop="templates", tlnamespace=10, tllimit=500, titles=box.title)
res = {x['title'] for x in next(tl).get("templates", "")}
return not res & self.TEMPLATES
def run(self):
if not self.is_allowed:
for sandbox in self.SANDBOXES:
box =
if == "Lowercase sigmabot II":
if self.check_if_heading_is_gone(box):
box.prepend(self.REINSERT, summary="Reinserting sandbox header) (bot", bot=True)
print("\thad a header reinserted!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
[edit]This task runs once per hour. It clears the sandboxes by replacing the content with the sandbox header, which looks like this:
{{Please leave this line alone (sandbox heading)}}<!-- * Welcome to the sandbox! * * Please leave this part alone * * The page is cleared regularly * * Feel free to try your editing skills below * ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-->
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# LGPLv2+ license, look it up
import time
import os
import sys
import pickle
import threading
import arrow
import ceterach
import passwords
reset_text = "{{subst:Sandbox reset}}"
tpl_reset_text = "{{subst:Template sandbox reset}}"
def main():
global api
api = ceterach.api.MediaWiki("")
with open("opener.pkl", 'rb') as fp:
api.opener = pickle.load(fp)
bot = SandBot2(api)
class SandBot2:
SANDBOXES = ("Wikipedia:Sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Wikipedia links/sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Citing sources/sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Keep in mind/sandbox"
SANDBOXES = {"Wikipedia:Sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Wikipedia links/sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Citing sources/sandbox",
"Wikipedia:Tutorial/Keep in mind/sandbox",
"Wikipedia talk:Sandbox",
"Wikipedia talk:Tutorial/Editing/sandbox",
"Wikipedia talk:Tutorial/Formatting/sandbox",
"Wikipedia talk:Tutorial/Wikipedia links/sandbox",
"Wikipedia talk:Tutorial/Citing sources/sandbox",
"Wikipedia talk:Tutorial/Keep in mind/sandbox",
"Template:Template sandbox",
def __init__(self, api, shutoff="User:Lowercase sigmabot II/Shutoff"):
self.api = api
self.shutoff_page =
def is_allowed(self):
return self.shutoff_page.content.lower() == "true"
def wait(self, box):
for __ in range(3):
# Sleep for 3 minutes
print("3 minute sleep on {!r}".format(box.title))
time.sleep(60 * 3)
if self.box_needs_reset(box):
# After the bot sleeps on this box for 9 minutes, it
# will clear the box regardless.
print("Done with sleeping, clearing {!r}".format(box.title))
self.api.login("Lowercase sigmabot II", passwords.lcsb2)
text = tpl_reset_text if box.namespace == 10 else reset_text
box.edit(text, "Clearing sandbox) (bot", bot=True, force=True)
def parse_date(self, date):
return arrow.Arrow.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
def box_needs_reset(self, box):
now = arrow.utcnow()
three_min = arrow.util.timedelta(seconds=60 * 3)
# there's probably a way to use MediaWiki.iterator(), but too lazy
res ="query", prop="revisions", titles=box.title, rvprop="timestamp", limit="2")
str_stamp = next(iter(res["query"]["pages"].values()))["revisions"][0]["timestamp"]
box_stamp = self.parse_date(str_stamp)
if box_stamp < (now - three_min):
return True
return False
def run(self):
if not self.is_allowed:
print("Check the shutoff page")
for sandbox in self.SANDBOXES:
box =
if in ("Lowercase sigmabot II", "Hazard-Bot") or\
box.content == reset_text:
if self.box_needs_reset(box):
print("Clearing {!r}".format(sandbox))
print(box.edit(reset_text, "Clearing sandbox) (bot", bot=True, force=True))
# The bot will fork, and continue on to the next sandbox
# while the child process waits 3 to 9 minutes
# if os.fork() == 0: # Child process
# self.wait(box) # Wait takes place in the child process
# os._exit(0) # Exit the child process
threading.Thread(target=self.wait, args=(box,)).start()
if __name__ == "__main__":