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User:Rbg.coco/Heart failure/Bibliography

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This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.

  • unknown. Traumatic Brain Injury: Diagnosis, Management and Long-Term Outcomes. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2016. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=e000xna&AN=1385358&site=ehost-live&scope=site.[2]
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, et al. Evaluation of the Disability Determination Process for Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans. National Academies Press, 2019. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=e000xna&AN=2243116&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
  • R.J. Castellani. Handbook of Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurodegeneration. IOS Press, 2020. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=e000xna&AN=2512583&site=ehost-live&scope=site.[3]


  1. ^ "Evaluation of the Disability Determination Process for Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans". 2019-05-20. doi:10.17226/25317. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. ^ "Strategies to Improve Long-Term Outcomes for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury". 2022. doi:10.7249/rba1205-1. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  3. ^ Marklund, Niklas (2020), "Neurodegeneration and Dementia following Traumatic Brain Injury", Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 637–643, ISBN 978-3-030-39382-3, retrieved 2023-02-13