Eesha And Aveneet Eesha And Aveneet are the 2 people who preform a band together. They use ideas of sentences they make up and turn those sentences into real words as in a song. They are in a band Called Roxy. Roxy Is Becoming Famous It Could get up to a million hits. Their dream is to preform on xfactor against someone who is good as them. Eesha real name is Eesha Parmar Aveneets Is Aveneet Kaur Rehensy. Roxy the band is really talened i like them A lot but they are the best singers i have ever met they could be as popular as miley cyrus or selena gomez. They are trying to fufil/achieve their goal to preform in front of everyone. Eesha and aveneet got 20 Songs Their willing to preform. They Are Really Pretty And PoPULAR TOO. I like them same amount and i hope they get even more famous.