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Braddock, Dunn, and McDonald


Braddock, Dunn and Mcdonald is a private military contractor located in Vienna, Virginia. In 1959 Dr. Joseph V. Braddock, along with Dr Bernard J. Dunn and Daniel F. McDonald, founded a technology-based professional services firm simply known as BDM (Braddock, Dunn, and Mcdonald). The firm steadily grew over thirty years to over 4000 employees until it's first major change in 1988 when The Ford Motor Company acquired it.[1] The company went through another power shift in 1990-1991 when the Cartyle Group, a Washington D.C. based private merchant bank, formed BDM holdings therefore aquiring BDM. In the mid 1990's the company went through yet another power shift when it was aquired by TRW and was sold once again in December 2002 to Northrop Grumman.[2][3]



Over the span of four years (1992-1996) DBM expanded it's business greatly by aquiring smaller companies into it's growing body of work. In march of 1992 the company bought a company that specializes in international on-site operations, maintenance and training services largely in the Middle East called Vinnell Corporation. This granted BDM the capabilities to serve a wider range of clients including state and local governments as well as commercial clientel in January of 1993. At the same time BDM expanded it's business overseas, the company called it's new subsidiary BDM EUROPE; this was acheivable by acquiring two smaller european companies and merging them to make a new company called FACE based out of the Netherlands. In November of 1993 BDM took control of a german test and evaluation company called Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft; this company serves primarily the german government and operates as a branch of BDM. February of 1994 the company, once again, purchased another company that provides environmental assessment and engineering services to industrial and governmental clients, this company was called Geoscience Consultants, Ltd. In 1996 BDM made two purchases to further its growth, these two purchases were of different natures, one purchase included three affiliated companies (CW Systems, Inc. IG Systems, Inc. and Melco Systems, Inc.) and another were the assets of two related companies.[4]



BDM operates as a private contractor and offers different types of contracts in it's business plan. These contracts can be divided into three different types:

  • Fixed-price contract requires the company to offer it's services at a predetermined price.
  • Time and Material contract which allows the company to charge the customer by the ammount of hours labored and the ammount materials used.
  • Cost-reimbursable contracts which reimburse the company for all actual costs incurred in performing the contract to the extent that such costs are within the contract ceiling and allowable under the terms of the contract, plus a fee or profit.

Government contracts are normally classified as Fixed-price or Time and Material contracts because the contract may extend over several years and can be funded on a yearly basis by the government that initiated the contract. In some cases the government in the contract will have the ability to hold certain proprietary rights to research and development emerging from BDM.[5]




Federal Land Use Policy


The Federal Land Use Policy Act of 1976 constitutes the organic act for the Bureau of Land Management and governs most uses of the federal public lands, including grazing. The Act requires the Bureau to execute its management powers under a land use planning process that is based on multiple use and sustained yield principles. The Act also provides for public land sales, withdrawals, acquisitions and exchanges. This act was put in place to conserve lands that are habitats for wildlife or acquired for a specific purpose for which it is needed.[1] The current Bush andministration is working on quickly revising and amending this act and others in order for large energy gompanies to commence drilling. Parachute, Colorado has seen new changes to its landscape, the wild horses that roam that region are now being replaced by large mechanical iol drilling rigs. [2] The current policy states that land may be sold under the Act when: it is difficult and uneconomic to manage and is not suitable for management by another federal agency; it was acquired for a specific purpose for which it is no longer needed; its disposal will serve important public objectives, such as community expansion or economic development, which outweigh other public objectives and values, including recreation and scenic values. [3]

Mark Rey


Mark Rey was sorn in as Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman in 2001. in previous years he has been a lobyist for the lumber industry. He has held managerial positions over the past few decades begining in 1976 as "Environmental Forester;" Director of Water Quality Programs; and Director of Water and Air Quality Programs for the National Forest Products Association/American Paper Institute. [4]. Rey is President Bush’s handpicked controller of the Forest Service, and he has done and excellent job for his boss. In his position, he sets policy for our national forests, and is the person behind recent controversies such as

Proposals to sell off large chunks of national forests to fund rural schools,

Repeal of Clinton Era Roadless Rule and endless litigation to fight court reversals of the Bush administration’s repeal of the rule,

Tacking the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act or RAT, the Recreation Access Tax, as a rider on a must-pass spending bill and then making sure the FS aggressively increases current fees and initiates new fees to limit access to national forests, especially by those least able to afford it.

Secretively launching and keeping under wraps for four years the Recreation Site Facility Master Plan process, which will result in the closure and “demonstration” (i.e. become fee based) of thousands of campgrounds, picnic areas and other recreational facilities on national forests. [5]

History in politics and forestry


October, 2001-Present: Sworn in as Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman. In this position, Rey oversees the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

1995-2001: Rey served as a staff member with the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Rey was the committee's lead staff person for work on national forest policy and USFS Administration, where he was directly involved in virtually all legislation concerning the USFS during this time period, with principal responsibility for a number of public lands bills. Specifically, Rey was the "key architect" (National Journal, 1997) of Sen. Larry Craig's (R-ID) 1997 version of the National Forest Management Act, which would have eliminated citizen oversight and made timber harvest levels mandatory and enforceable, while making environmental standards unenforceable "policies." The Act would have allowed the USFS to fine citizens up to $10,000 for filing appeals to halt timber sales for an "improper purpose." Rey is also widely known as the author of the infamous 1995 Salvage Rider, which suspended all environmental laws, giving logging interests the go-ahead to clearcut ancient forests in the Pacific Northwest (National Journal, 1996).

1992-1994: Vice President of Forest Resources for the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA). AF&PA is the leading national voice for more logging in national forests. Rey pushed for getting rid of the USFS appeals process, claiming it was being abused by "high-paid special interest litigators or by college pranksters" (Lewiston Morning Tribune, 1992).

1989-1992: Executive Director of the American Forest Resource Alliance, a coalition of 350 timber corporations formed by the National Forest Products Association to oppose "Option 9" - a plan to designate habitat in the Pacific Northwest for the endangered northern spotted owl. Rey publicly promoted the idea that the Endangered Species Act unfairly restricts business (National Journal, 1992) and authored a 1991 "secret" proposal circulated to the first Bush Administration calling for logging quotas in these ancient forests (Gannett News Service, 1991).

1984-1989: Vice President of Public Forestry Programs for the National Forest Products Association, a precursor to the American Forest and Paper Association.

1976-1984: Served as "Environmental Forester;" Director of Water Quality Programs; and Director of Water and Air Quality Programs for the National Forest Products Association/American Paper Institute.

Other Major Accomplishments and Public Statements

Stated in 1991, "Claims that our forests are being overcut are simply not true. Not one forest in the entire national forest system has come close to meeting the timber harvest levels called for in its forest plan." (Mark Rey, letter to The New York Times, October 23, 1991).

In responding to a 1991 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposal to designate 11.6 million acres of the Pacific Northwest as prime northern spotted owl habitat, Rey stated, "With this insane proposal the government has placed the interest of owls above the interest of thousands of logging families and communities." (Wall Street Journal, 1991).

Has stated that clearcut logging, while "not aesthetically uplifting" is "compatible with rain forest ecology" and that the practice is "relatively comparable" to windstorms (Sunset Magazine, 1997).

In 2000, Rey handled Sen. Craig's opposition to the Roadless Initiative (Almanac of the Unelected, 2000). Helped develop Sen. Craig's plan to stall the policy until the new Bush Administration could take office by introducing legislation to require a congressional oversight committee to investigate how the policy came about, effectively delaying enactment for at least a year (Oregonian, 2000).

At a speech given at UC Berkeley in October 2000, stated, "Our public lands are now under the protection of sweeping laws, like the Endangered Species Act, enforced by powerful federal agencies. There is no emergency that warrants this unilateral exercise of executive authority."

Rey was a featured speaker at the 1993, 94, 96 and 98 "Fly In for Freedom," an annual event held by the "Wise Use" umbrella organization, Alliance for America. In 1998 Rey suggested getting the attention of the U.S. Forest Service by limiting the agency's budget to "custodial management." (The mission of the "Wise Use" movement, as expressed by one of its founders, Ron Arnold, is "to destroy, to eradicate the environmental movement. We want to be able to exploit the environment for private gain, absolutely.") [6]

current issues adressed by Mark Rey


Rey and his department have been dragging their feet in response to requests for public release of documents regarding the Bush administration's proposed overhaul of forest-management practices. Critics suspect the documents might confirm that logging-industry executives wielded undue influence over the process.The current tussle began in October 2002, when Defenders of Wildlife and the Endangered Species Coalition slapped the USDA with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. They wanted documentation of the Bush administration's motivation for suspending Clinton-era rule updates under the National Forest Management Act, which governs America's nearly 200 million acres of national forest -- parcels of land that make up 8 percent of the country. NFMA was passed in 1976 and implemented under the Reagan administration to better manage national forests and protect wildlife. "Bush's NFMA overhaul is the biggest-ever rewrite of our nation's forest management policies," said Defenders President Rodger Schlickeisen. "These regulations govern every decision that is made about every acre of national forest, and the Bush reforms cater precisely and blatantly to requests that have been made for years by the logging industry." Schlickeisen says the rewritten policies diminish public and scientific input in the planning process, gut many key wildlife protections, and allow increased logging on public land.[7]




