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User:Simonches/stuff/List of plants toxic to budgies

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Plants Toxic to Budgies

  1. Aconcanthera -- flowers and fruit
  2. Aconite
  3. Agapanthus
  4. Alacia
  5. Amaryllis -- bulbs
  6. American Yew
  7. Amsinckia/Tarweed -- foliage and seeds
  8. Anemone/Wildflower -- flowers and leaves
  9. Angel Trumpet Tree -- flowers and leaves
  10. Any plants of branches exposed to auto exhaust or sprayed with chemicals
  11. Apple -- seeds
  12. Apricot - pits and tree bark
  13. Arrowhead Vine
  14. > Asparagus Fern
  15. Atropa Belladonna
  16. Autumn Crocus/Meadow Saffron
  17. Avocado
  18. Azalea -- leaves
  19. Balsam Pear -- seeds and outer rinds of fruit
  20. Balxom Pear
  21. Baneberry -- berries and root
  22. Beach Pea
  23. Beans -- all types if uncooked
  24. Belladonna
  25. Betal Nut Palm
  26. Birch
  27. Bird of Paradise -- seeds
  28. Bittersweet Nightshade
  29. Black Locust -- bark, sprouts, seeds, and foliage
  30. Bleeding Heart/Dutchman's Breeches
  31. Bloodroot
  32. Bluebonnet
  33. Blue-Green Algae -- some forms are toxic
  34. Bottlebrush
  35. Boxwood -- leaves and stems
  36. Bracken Fern
  37. Broad Bean
  38. Broomcorn Grass
  39. Buckeye Horse Chestnut -- nuts and sprouts
  40. Buckthorn -- bark and fruit
  41. Bulb Flowers -- Amaryllis, Iris, Daffodil, Narcissus, Hyacinth
  42. Burdock
  43. Buttercup -- bulbs and sap
  44. Cabbage (Raw)
  45. Cactus (for OBVIOUS reasons)
  46. Caladium -- leaves
  47. Calla Lily -- leaves
  48. Candelabra Tree
  49. Caphne
  50. Cardinal Flower
  51. Caroline Jessamine -- flowers, foliage, and sap
  52. Cassava -- root
  53. Castor Bean -- leaves (also Castor Oil)
  54. Chalice Vine/Trumpet Vine
  55. Cherry Laurel -- flowers and foliage
  56. Cherry Tree -- bark, twigs, seeds, and leaves
  57. Chinaberry Tree -- berries
  58. Christmas Berry -- berries
  59. Christmas Cactus -- sap
  60. Christmas Candle
  61. Christmas Rose -- flowers and foliage
  62. Creeping Fig
  63. Clematis/Virginia Bower
  64. Coffee Plants
  65. Columbine -- flowers, foliage, seeds
  66. Coral Vine/Plant -- seeds
  67. Cowslip/Marsh Marigold
  68. Croton
  69. Crown of Thorns
  70. Crown Vetch
  71. Chrysanthemum
  72. Cyclamen
  73. Daffodil -- bulbs
  74. Daphne -- berries
  75. Datura/Jimsonweed -- berries
  76. Deadly Amanita
  77. Death Camas
  78. Delphinium
  79. Destroying Angel/Death Cap
  80. Dieffenbachia/Dumb Cane -- leaves
  81. Dogwood -- fruit
  82. Dutchman's Breeches -- leaves and root
  83. Eggplant (Fruit is OK!)
  84. Elderberry -- leaves
  85. Elephant's Ear/Taro -- leaves and stems
  86. Elephant's Foot
  87. Emerald Duke
  88. English Ivy -- berries and leaves
  89. English Yew
  90. Equisetum
  91. Eucalyptus
  92. Euonymus/Spindle Tree
  93. Euphorbia/Spurges -- flowers, leaves, and sap
  94. False Hellebore
  95. False Henbane
  96. Fava Bean
  97. Felt Plant
  98. Fiddleneck/Senecio
  99. Firethorn/Pyracantha
  100. Flame Tree
  101. Fly Agaric/Amanita
  102. Four O'Clock
  103. Fly Algaric Mushroom/Deadly Amanita
  104. Foxglove -- leaves and seeds
  105. Gelsemium
  106. Geranium
  107. Ghostweed
  108. Glacier Ivy
  109. Glory Bean
  110. Golden Chain/Laburnum
  111. Gold Toothed Aloe
  112. Ground Cherry
  113. Heart Ivy
  114. Heart Leaf
  115. Heliotrope
  116. Hellebore
  117. Hemlock (and any water the plant is in)
  118. Henbane -- seeds
  119. Holly -- berries
  120. Honey Locust
  121. Honeysuckle
  122. Horse Bean
  123. Horse Chestnut/Buckeye -- nuts and twigs
  124. Horsetail
  125. Hyacinth -- bulbs
  126. Hydrangea -- flower bud
  127. Impatiens/Touch-Me-Not
  128. Indian Laurel
  129. Indian Licorice Bean
  130. Indian Turnip/Jack-in-the-Pulpit
  131. Indigo Plant
  132. Iris/Blue Flag -- bulbs
  133. Ivy (Hedera Helix)
  134. Jack-in-the-Pulpit
  135. Japanese Yew
  136. Jasmine
  137. Jatropha -- seeds and sap
  138. Java Bean - lima bean (uncooked)
  139. Jerusalem Cherry -- berries
  140. Jessamine
  141. Jimsonweed/Thornapple
  142. Johnson Grass
  143. Juniper -- needles, stems, and berries
  144. Kentucky Coffee Tree
  145. Laburnum
  146. Lambkill/Sheep Laurel
  147. Lantana -- immature berries
  148. Larkspur
  149. Laurel
  150. Lily
  151. Lily of the Valley (and any water the plant is in)
  152. Lobelia
  153. Locoweed
  154. Locusts
  155. Lords and Ladies/Cuckoopint
  156. Lupines/Bluebonnet
  157. Machineel
  158. Majesty
  159. Mandrake
  160. Mango Tree -- wood, leaves, rinds of fruit
  161. Marble Queen
  162. Marijuana/Hemp -- leaves
  163. Mayapple (Fruit is OK!)
  164. Mescal Beans -- seeds
  165. Milkweed - leaves
  166. Mistletoe -- berries
  167. Moccasin flower -- flowers and leaves
  168. Mock Orange -- fruit
  169. Monkshood/Aconite -- leaves and roots
  170. Moonseed
  171. Morning Glory
  172. Mountain Laurel
  173. Mushrooms -- SEVERAL varieties
  174. Narcissus -- bulbs
  175. Natal Cherry -- berries and leaves
  176. Nectarine -- pits and seeds
  177. Needlepoint Ivy
  178. Nephthytis
  179. Nettles
  180. Nicotine Bush
  181. Nightshade -- ALL varieties
  182. Nutmeg
  183. Nux Vomica
  184. Oak -- acorns and foliage
  185. Oleander -- leaves, branches, and nectar
  186. Onion (Raw)
  187. Parlor Ivy
  188. Peach -- leaves, twigs, and pits
  189. Peanuts -- raw
  190. Pear -- seeds
  191. Pencil Tree/Cactus
  192. Pennyroyal -- flowers and leaves
  193. Peony -- flowers and leaves
  194. Periwinkle
  195. Peyote/Mescaline
  196. Philodendron -- leaves and stems
  197. Pigweed
  198. Pikeweed
  199. Pine - needles, twigs, and sap
  200. Plum -- leaves and seeds
  201. Poinsettia -- immature leaves and roots
  202. Poison Elder
  203. Poison Ivy -- sap
  204. Poison Oak -- sap
  205. Poison Sumac
  206. Pokeweed/Inkberry -- leaves, roots, and immature berries
  207. Poppy
  208. Potato -- eyes and new shoots
  209. Pothos
  210. PotMum
  211. Primroses
  212. Privet
  213. Prune -- branches
  214. Purple Sesbane
  215. Rain Tree
  216. Ranunculus/Buttercup
  217. Red Maple
  218. Red Princess
  219. Rhodedendron
  220. Rhubarb -- leaves
  221. Ripple Ivy
  222. Rosary Peas/Indian Licorice -- seeds
  223. Russian Thistle -- flowers and leaves
  224. Saddle Leaf
  225. Salmonberry -- fruit and leaves
  226. Sandbox Tree
  227. Scarlet Pimpernel -- flowers, fruit, and leaves
  228. Scarlet Runner Beans
  229. Scotch Broom -- seeds
  230. Senecio/Fiddleneck
  231. Skunk Cabbage
  232. Snapdragon -- flowers and leaves
  233. Snowdrop
  234. Snowflake
  235. Snow on the Mountain/Ghostweed
  236. Sorghum Grass
  237. Sorrel
  238. Spanish Bayonet -- flowers and foliage
  239. Spider Mum
  240. Split Leaf Philodendron
  241. Sprengeri Fern
  242. Spurges
  243. Star of Bethlehem -- flowers and foliage
  244. String of Pearls
  245. Sudan Grass
  246. Sundew -- leaves
  247. Sweet Pea -- seeds and fruit
  248. Tansy Ragwort
  249. Thorn Apple
  250. Tiger Lily -- flowers, leaves, and pods
  251. Toad Flax -- leaves
  252. Tomato -- leaves
  253. Toyon Berry -- berries
  254. Trillium -- leaves
  255. Trumpet Vine
  256. Umbrella Plant
  257. Upas Tree
  258. Venus Flytrap
  259. Verbana -- flowers and leaves
  260. Vetch
  261. Virginia Creeper - sap
  262. Water Hemlock
  263. Wattle
  264. Wax Plant (Hoya carnose)
  265. Western Yew
  266. White Cedar
  267. Wisteria
  268. Wolfbane
  269. Yam bean -- roots
  270. Yellow Jasmine
  271. Yew -- needles and thistles (American, English, Japanese)