Her latest release: WAKE UP, "Reviving Life, Restoring Peace: Your Journey Beyond the Crash," is a poignant true story that chronicles a traumatic experience. This track was crafted in solitude within the comfort of her home, reflecting her personal journey and the healing process that followed. It serves as a testament to her resilience and artistry, inviting listeners to connect with her story on a deeper level.
Sirin Sarikaya
Born on April 24, 1984, in Turkey, she has been residing in the Netherlands for an extended period.
She possesses a profound appreciation for literature and an eclectic taste in music. Her artistic pursuits have led to two exhibitions in the Netherlands and the release of three e-books, which are presently not accessible to the public.
Her entrepreneurial path has been characterized by a blend of obstacles and successes, particularly after experiencing a stroke in her early years. Nonetheless, she has shown incredible resilience and values her autonomy. Engaging in writing and drumming brings her a sense of calm and serenity.
Although she does not view herself as a vocalist, her passion for writing, songwriting, and storytelling runs deep. In her personal sanctuary, she embraces the role of her own DJ, meticulously selecting tracks and showcasing her distinctive vibe.
For her, art stands as the most potent means of storytelling and self-expression.