Wikimania is coming to Boston! Help make this the most joyful and international event the city sees all year. Sign up for one of the organizing committees below, or just offer your couch to the poor wretches who are going to wash up on our shores in early August. +sj +
[edit]Advisory committee
[edit]- Suggesting ways to make the conference great.
- [being available to discuss contacts, dilemmas, and direction]
- Connections with potential speakers and local organizations
- Advice on handling issues specific to large conferences, international affairs, or multilingualism.
Interested members
- +sj +
- Sasha aka ASW on Freenode.
- Mysekurity
- ...
Organization committee
[edit]- Coordinating volunteers
- Setting calendars, milestones
- Organizing paperwork, contacts, wiki-information
Interested members
[edit]Orgs that asked to provide volunteers Special Libraries Association Boston Chapter : 10 volunteers? MIT Media Lab, var. depts : 2-3 volunteers for tech/display help People offering specific help Media gurus (Doyle, Pound) : 2 podcast/vlog advisors, hardware encoders, &c see also: local support list
Technical committee
[edit]- Organizing whatever hardware (Servers, extra access points, on-site wiki/db) we have set up
- Developing better registration/conference-organizing software (already started by Austin, et al)
Interested members
- Ivan
- ...
(see also Austin, Jeluf, akl)
[edit]International committee
[edit]- Multilingualism, translation and interpretation
- Organizing translation of the website
- Finding host families from guests from abroad
- Identifying excellent speakers from outside the English-speaking world; help w/ the Global Voices track
Interested members
Project committee
[edit]Wikimedia now has 6-8 major projects; there may be another (Wikiversity) by the time Wikimania comes around. Each of them should be represented, discussed; its content showcased and compared to less-free sources. This goes beyond thinking about program items, to considering whom to invite to /attend/ without speaking, and what to write about on blogs and wikis and in collaborations in advance of the event. Also what kinds of art / displays / statistics we can gather to describe and personalize the projects to attendees who have yet to experience them.
Interested members
- Sasha aka ASW on Freenode.
- Mysekurity
- ...
[edit]Speaker committee
[edit]- Preparing the call for papers; processing & reviewing abstrats & suggestions
- Inviting and organizing speaker, panels, moderators, and other sessions.
Interested members
Social committee
[edit]- Planning social and other events.
- Party decorations (coordination with local event organizers for the parties)
Interested members
- Mysekurity
- ...
Hacking Days committee
[edit]- Developing an amazing mini-conf for (media)wiki hackers.
- Working w/ interested folks at the Media Lab & MIT
Interested members
- ...
Budget and sponsorship
[edit]- Handling costs, expenses, sponsorships, reimbursements, purchase orders.
- Dealing with the people in charge of finances and checkbooks.
Interested (Budget)[edit]
Interested (Sponsorship)[edit]
[edit]Here is a very preliminary look at what a budget breakdown might look like, for a 600-person conf w/350 boarders.
Costs: $60-$140k Sponsorship: $20-$45k (and growing) Rooms: $2k-$6k Berkman $10k+ Social: $3k-$8k Socialtext $5k+ Media Lab Sponsorship: $33k-$65k OSI Lodging $6k-$12k RCLAS Travel $27k-$53k wikiHow (int'l) $20k-$40k (visas) $3k Revenues: $52k-$80k ($50-$200/person) (presenters) $5k-$10k Conference fees $50k-$70k Hacking days fees $2k-$3k Speakers: $17k-$25k Booths & Tables $0k-$5k (full ride) $15k-$20k Media & Gear sales $500-$2k (partial ride) see Travel Sponsorship satellite events $2k-$5k Hacking Days: $0k-$4k Accessibility: $0k-$10k hearing loops $0k-$1k language pairing, $0k-$3k sign interpreters newsroom simulint $0k-$6k More... $5k-$25k NB: post-subsidy housing & breakf/lunch are excluded from both sides above; each guest paying $15-$50/day for lodging & board.
General help
[edit]Design & publicity committee
[edit]- Handling design of the website, posters, and other collateral
- Design of large items : banners, tables, paperboard posters & signs
Interested members
- Brettstil
- Mysekurity
- ...
[edit]Transportation; picking people and things up; last-minute help
Interested members
- Lisa Williams
- I'd like to help with transportation (I have a station wagon and would be happy to make a number of trips to the airport, or to pick up large bulky things). I also have a guest room that I would be delighted to fill with a Wikipedian. I probably wouldn't be good at organizing or scheduling things, but I'm fantastic at saying yes to random requests at the last minute :).
- No car yet, but I know the subways like the back of my hand. Hey...that's new! -Mysekurity
- ...
Information team
[edit]Reference desk (off- and on-site); wiki gardening; phone and email responses/support
Interesetd members
- Jessamyn
- Mysekurity
& ...