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User:Ssd/Books/Authors A-M

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Authors A-M

Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson bibliography
Piers Anthony
Piers Anthony bibliography
Catherine Asaro
Isaac Asimov bibliography (alphabetical)
Isaac Asimov bibliography (chronological)
Isaac Asimov
Janet Asimov
Stephen Baxter
Ray Bradbury bibliography
Greg Bear
Alfred Bester
Ben Bova
Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury bibliography
David Brin
Terry Brooks
John Brunner (novelist)
Lois McMaster Bujold
Vorkosigan Saga
Jim Butcher
Octavia E. Butler
L. Sprague de Camp
L. Sprague de Camp bibliography
Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card bibliography
Ender's Game (series)
Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke bibliography
Rick Cook
Ann C. Crispin
Peter David
Peter David bibliography
Samuel R. Delany
Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick bibliography
Cory Doctorow
David Eddings
Greg Egan
Harlan Ellison
Philip José Farmer
Philip José Farmer bibliography
Ian Fleming
List of James Bond novels and short stories
Robert L. Forward
Neil Gaiman bibliography
Neil Gaiman
David Gerrold
William Gibson
List of works of William Gibson
Terry Goodkind
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin bibliography
Joe Haldeman
Harry Harrison (writer)
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein bibliography
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert bibliography
Dune (franchise)
Robin Hobb
James P. Hogan (writer)
Aldous Huxley
K. W. Jeter
Robert Jordan
Damon Knight
Damon Knight bibliography
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Fritz Leiber
Fritz Leiber bibliography
Stanisław Lem
List of works by Stanisław Lem and their adaptations
Paul J. McAuley
Anne McCaffrey
Anne McCaffrey bibliography
Todd McCaffrey
Judith Merril
China Miéville
Michael Moorcock
Michael Moorcock bibliography