In 2012, Alex became a member of Team Rickshaw alongside co-host Matt Baker on the BBC 1's show "The One Show" to raise money on behalf of the Children in Need charity. Team Rickshaw completed a treacherous journey across the heartlands of England and Wales, by means of peddle powered rickshaw. Outstanding to all those on looking, was the will and perseverance of five young adults who overcame all their expectations and putting aside their difference completed the 411 mile course. Raising an estimated 1.9 million pounds for the charity and raising an untold amount of awareness to the difficulties of living with disabilities. Each day started as a 6am start, and beginning in Llandudno Wales, on Friday 9th November the first rider took to the saddle with the support and, constant encouragement of Matt Baker at their sway. Covered each night on the BBC’s One Show the team travelled South across Wales, making each map destination Dolgellau, Lampeter, Swansea, Cardiff, Bath, Salisbury, Reading, and finally completing their task at the BBC Television centre, white city on Friday the 16th November 2012.
The range of breeding habits extends from the west of Ireland eastwards across Europe and Asia preferring mostly boreal forest regions engulfing northern Japan, and also from the northern limits of the tree zone in Norway. Continuing south to the Pyrenees and the northern limits of Spain. Nests have been found in Corsica and there are three isolated Atlantic breeding stations in Azores, Madeira and the Canaries. In Asia the sites can be seen as far south as Kashmir and the Himalayas. It is known that the bird is only partially migrant in the south and west of this range, but fully migratory in the in the north and east. There is no doubt that greatly increased forestry in western Europe has provided the woodcock with many more suitable sites of habitation.
The forest forests provide a good moist ground covering, and it's most likely to be found near oak, birch, chestnut, hazel and conifer woodlands. Open areas and rides are also especially favored and any fire breaks and hedging that intersect forestry lands are ideal for its requirements.