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Animal welfare in Nazi Germany


In December 2024, following the killing of Brian Thompson Lorenz criticized an insurance company's decision to not cover anesthesia for the entirety of some surgeries, saying: "And people wonder why we want these executives dead".[1][2][3] She also reposted someone asking if e-mailing other CEOs ‘you’re next’ will be an actionable threat.[1][4] Lorenz was criticized[5] by several commentators as celebrating and justifying the murder, some even accusing her of inciting further murders.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Lorenz denied these accusations, saying that she used the word "we" in a general sense that didn't include herself, and that her comments didn't mean that "people should murder" anyone. She maintained however that many Americans, including herself, are justly angry with "the barbaric healthcare system" and that she wasn't "going to weep over" the murder.[13][14]



Source talking explicitly about Jesus Jewish Nationality


The expression "Judean citizenship" appears in several RS that talk about the first century AD:

Mason, Steve (1998). Understanding Josephus: Seven Perspectives. A&C Black. ISBN 978-1-85075-878-5. p. 85

"...Jesus belonged to the Jewish nation continuously, without any interruptions also after his demise"[15]





Jesus as a Jewish preacher/teacher



"I Shall be Reckoned with the Gods": On Redescribing Jesus as a First-Century Jewish Mystic. By: Joseph, Simon J., Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, 14768690, 2020, Vol. 18, Issue 3

Jewish national identity in Jesus time


The expressions Jewish nation () or Jewish race () appear many time in writings of historians from the first century BC and AD. Josephus describes the Jews ethnos and genos very frequently.



Animal experiments in Nazi Germany


The law


A law imposing total ban on vivisection was enacted on August 1933, by Hermann Göring as the prime minister of Prussia.[33] He announced an end to the "unbearable torture and suffering in animal experiments" and said that those who "still think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property" will be sent to concentration camps.[34]

However, the law was revised by a decree 3 weeks later on September 1933, with more lax provisions, allowing the Reich Interior Ministry to distribute permits to some universities and research institutes to conduct animal experiments under conditions of anesthesia and scientific need.[35] Goering stated that it would be the experts who would determine which animal experiments would be conducted and which would be stopped according to their degree of necessity.[36] Furthermore, on November 1933 ,a decree from the minister of the interior excluded animal protection organizations from working in the universities’ animal protection commissions.[33] Eventually, the ministry of the interior sent blank permits to university institutes to conduct experiments on animals and avoided closer supervision of experiments.[35]

In 1936, the Tierärztekammer (Chamber of Veterinarians) in Darmstadt filed a formal complaint against the lack of enforcement of the animal protection laws on those who conducted illegal animal testing, saying that this “may completely paralyze the effect of the law.”[37]

The practice


In practice animal experimentation flourished in Nazi Germany.[38] The Nazi government not only avoided supervision of animal experiments, but often asked for animal testing and preferred using animals instead of humans when conducting biological experiments. The Weimar Republic passed a law according to which any experiment conducted on humans must first be conducted on animals. Nazi Germany did not repeal this law, and when the Nazi researchers asked to conduct experiments on humans, they stated in their request that they had previously conducted the required experiments on animals.[39] The historian of the holocaust, Raul Hilberg described experiments that the Nazis conducted on animals before they also conducted them on humans.[40]

Anti-tobacco research thrived in Nazi Germany. Cancer research during the Nazi regime was very advanced, and many studies on the harm of smoking were conducted in Germany during this period. Animal experiments have shown that the tar emitted from cigarette smoke can cause cancer. The German experimenters placed rats in cells into which cigarette smoke was introduced. The rats gasped, fell on each other, and finally suffocated to death.[41] In 1938, Nazi researchers succeeded in causing 25% of their laboratory mice to develop lung cancer.[42] Researchers also exposed mice to asbestos to prove that it can cause lung cancer.[43] In 1939, the SS doctor, Sigmund Rascher, performed a series of experiments on animals with the direct cooperation of Himmler. He conducted his experiments mainly in cancer research.[44]

At the University of Freiburg, an experiment was conducted on cats with brain electrode implants.[45] In 1942 the German Nobel laureate bacteriologist Gerhard Domagk conducted infection experiments on animals when he examined the effect of sulfa on gangrene necrosis in animals.[46] The German dermatologist Hans Theodor Schreus also conducted similar infection experiments in animals. In 1941, he infected exposed muscles of mice, then crushed their muscles to encourage the development of infection.[47]

From 1933, the Nazi doctor, Carl Clauberg, conducted experiments on animals in research on reproduction. In his research, he demonstrated how the fertility of animals can be neutralized and then restored.[48] The Nazi neurologist, Georg Schaltenbrand studied multiple sclerosis between 1935-1942. As part of his research, he injected into the spines of great apes fluid from the spines of humans with sclerosis. The monkeys fell ill, but Schaltenbrand was not sure it was multiple sclerosis. In an attempt to find out, he injected the liquid from the monkeys into the spines of 14 mentally and physically disabled people.[49] The German authorities ordered the German chemist, Gerhard Schrader to perform experiments on animals in the field of nerve gas research, and in these experiments, all the animals died. The German army ordered more extensive experiments in nerve gas research on baboons and other types of monkeys. These animals vomited, excreted feces uncontrollably, lost control of their body movements, and convulsed until they died. After these experiments, the German army began to perform identical experiments on prisoners of war who died the same way.[50]

In 1941, the Nazi propaganda film "I Accuse" was released. The purpose of this film, commissioned by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, was to get the public to support euthanasia. In one of the scenes in the film, German researchers (who are trying to find a cure for multiple sclerosis) conduct experiments on mice in an attempt to infect them with the disease. When one of the lab mice drags its hind leg, one of the researchers calls out to his colleagues excitedly, expressing joy at having succeeded in paralyzing the mouse.[51]

As the food supply dwindled, the Nazis began to suffer from a growing shortage of laboratory animals for experimental purposes, and they even considered kidnapping the Gibraltar monkeys for experimental purposes, but this plan was ultimately dropped because it involved high risks.[52] Rabbits raised on a breeding farm for experimental purposes under the management of the German geneticist Hans Nachtsheim were stolen by the residents of Berlin for food purposes near the end of World War II.[52] Nachtsheim used Pentylenetetrazol to induce epilepsy in these rabbits. Before that, he conducted these experiments on children and adults sheltered in psychiatric hospitals, but stopped experimenting on these patients because he thought their psychiatric illness might affect the validity of the scientific results.[50] On June 12, 1944, the head of the Military Academy of Medicine in Berlin, the virologist, Eugen Haagen sent a letter to Brigadier General Walter Schreiber in which he complained that his laboratory mice were running out and asked for a new supply: "May I ask you to endeavor to secure for me several thousand mice of both sexes, preferably only young animals."[53] At the Luftwaffe's animal farm 200,000 rabbits were grown for experimental purposes.[54]

[עריכת קוד מקור | עריכה] ניסויים בבעלי חיים נערכו באופן שגרתי במחנות הריכוז וההשמדה לצד ניסויים בבני אדם. הניסויים שנערכו על אסירים במחנות הריכוז וההשמדה היו רבים ומגוונים והיוו המשך או השלמה לניסויים שנערכו על בעלי חיים. עם סיום מלחמת העולם השנייה, הצבא האמריקאי הטיל על הרופא האמריקאי-יהודי, מייג'ור לאו אלכסנדר (אנ'), לחקור ולנתח את הדוחות הסודיים של הנאצים שהתגלו לאחר המלחמה. בשנת 1946, כתב אלכסנדר דו"ח בו ניתח את הניסויים שנערכו על בני אדם ועל בעלי חיים במחנה הריכוז דכאו. הפרק הראשון של הדו"ח, הכולל 69 דפים, חוקר את הרופאים והחוקרים הנאצים שערכו ניסויים בבעלי חיים.

ראש שירותי הרפואה של הלופטוואפה, אריך היפקה (אנ'), כתב ב-6 במרץ 1943 בנוגע לניסויים בבני אדם: "מיד הסכמתי לניסויים אלו משום שהניסויים העיקריים שלנו בבעלי חיים גדולים מיצו את עצמם ונזקקנו לתוספות". בשנת 1941, המכון להיגיינה של ואפן אס אס, שהוקם על ידי הרופא הנאצי יואכים מרוגובסקי, החליט להקים מעבדה לחקר הטיפוס במחנה בוכנוואלד. מעבדה זו פעלה בבלוק 46 במחנה. קצין הוואפן אס אס, ארווין דינג-שולר (אנ') היה אחראי על ניסויים אלו. בבלוק 46, כלבים, ארנבים ועכברים שימשו להכנת נסיוב. כמו כן, זני הטיפוס ריקציית פרובזקי (אנ') טופחו בתרביות בבלוק זה והוזרקו לשרקנים. ב-29 בדצמבר 1941, נכתב באחד מתיעודי המעבדה: "מאחר שניסויים בבעלי חיים אינם מסוגלים לספק הערכות מדויקות לגבי נסיוב הטיפוס, ניסויים בבני אדם חייבים להתבצע". ההיסטוריון הגרמני, אויגן קוגון, שהיה אסיר פוליטי במחנה בוכנוואלד ושירת בו כפקיד רפואי במעבדה בה התבצעו ניסויים בבני אדם דיווח בספרו Theory and Practice of Hell על ניסויים אלו. כמו כן, קוגון דיווח כי הניסויים לעיקור כפוי של בני אדם נערכו תחילה על בעלי חיים. בבלוק 40, נערכו ניסויים על ארנבים בחקר פצצות זרחן ופצצות תבערה. גם בבלוק 50 נערכו ניסויים בבעלי חיים. האסיר הצרפתי, אלפרד בלשוסקי (אנ'), שנתפס על יד הגסטפו ונכלא במחנה הריכוז באשמת ריגול, טען כי הימלר היה זה שהעניק את הציוד עבור הניסויים, ואלו נערכו בפיקוחו האישי ותחת סמכותו הבלעדית.

בשנת 1940, הרופא הגרמני, גרהרד מדאוס (גר'), פרסם את תוצאות מחקרו על ניסויים בבעלי חיים בנושא עיקור. מדאוס ערך את הניסויים על כלבים, ארנבים ועכברים ומצא את הכמויות הדרושות לעיקור. קצין הרפואה של הכוחות המזוינים של גרמניה, אדולף פוקורני, עדכן את הימלר בנוגע למחקר זה. הימלר פנה למדאוס והנחה אותו לא לפרסם מחקרים נוספים מפאת ביטחון שדה וכן הציע לו לערוך ניסויי עיקור גם על בני אדם. הניסויים שנערכו על בני אדם במחנה הריכוז דכאו התבססו על ניסויים קודמים שנערכו על בעלי חיים. מטרת הניסויים בבני אדם הייתה לבדוק האם התוצאות שהושגו מניסויים על בעלי חיים תקפות גם בבני אדם. בנוסף, נערכו ניסויים בבעלי חיים גם במחנה הריכוז נאצוויילר-שטרוטהוף וכן במחנות הריכוז וההשמדה אושוויץ ובוכנוואלד, בהם נערכו ניסויים בבעלי חיים לצד ניסויים מקבילים בבני אדם או כמחקר נפרד בבעלי חיים בלבד. כמו כן, כניסויים מקדימים לניסויי הפוסגן, רכשו מכוני המחקר של האס אס, מלאים של בעלי חיים לצורכי ניסויים. קצין האס אס והרופא הנאצי, אוגוסט הירט, ערך בשנת 1942 ניסויים בגז חרדל על אסירים במחנות הריכוז. ניסויים אלו היוו המשך ישיר לניסויים שביצע בגז חרדל על בעלי חיים בשנת 1941 באקדמיה הצבאית לרפואה בברלין. הירט ערך את ניסויי גז החרדל על חזירים, ארנבים ועכברים. במסגרת הניסויים, פצע את עיניהם של הארנבים במטרה לבחון את ההשפעה של גז החרדל. בדו"ח מה-2 ביוני 1942, כתב הירט: "ראינו תופעה מסוימת בכבד של העכברים שלא הפתיעה אותנו, משום שראינו אותה כבר בכבד של עכברים שמתו מסרטן או ממחלות זיהומיות חמורות אחרות. התוצאות הללו נובעות מהרעלת כבד. האכלנו עכברים בוויטמין A וחשפנו אותם לגז חרדל. עכברים מאוד רגישים לגז חרדל, וניתן לצפות למוות שלהם תוך 24–48 שעות מרגע חשיפה של כמות קטנה של גז על גבם".

בשנת 1942, הרופא הנאצי והקולונל הבכיר בוואפן אס אס, יואכים מרוגובסקי, החליט שעל האס אס לנסות להפיק חיסון לטיפוס מתרביות של ריאות ארנבים. בעוד ארנבים וריקציה היו זמינים בשפע לצורכי הניסוי, מבחינה מדעית היה זה הליך מורכב שדרש מיומנות גבוהה. המנתח הנאצי וקצין הואפן אס אס בדרגת שטורמבאנפיהרר, ארווין דינג-שולר (אנ') השתמש באקדמיה של האס אס בריאות של ארנבים ועכברים לצורך פיתוח חיסון נגד מחלת הטיפוס. באותה השנה, נערכה ישיבת חירום בין יואכים מרוגובסקי, הקצין הצבאי הראשי, זיגפריד הנדלוזר, נשיא מכון רוברט קוך, אויגן גילדמיסטר (גר'), ראש מנהל הבריאות הנאצי, לאונדרדו קונטי (אנ') ובכיר מנהל הבריאות הנאצי, הנס רייטר. בישיבה זו דנו החמישה בצורך לבצע ניסויים בבני אדם בחקר מחלת הטיפוס בטענה שהניסויים בבעלי החיים לא מספקים יותר. ב-2 בינואר 1943, מחנה הריכוז בוכנוואלד נבחר למקום בו יערכו ניסויים אלו. ב-9 בינואר 1943, מנהל הכלכלה של האס אס (אנ') סיפק את המשאבים הדרושים לייצור חיסונים במחנה הריכוז בוכנוואלד בו נעשו ניסויים על אסירים תוך שימוש בריאות של ארנבים למטרות תרבות הריקציה. מרוגובסקי, שטיפח את זני הארנבים, ביצע עליהם ניסויים אלו וכן גם ניסויים בסמים כגון קרדיאזול (Pentylenetetrazol). אסיר שנערכו עליו ניסויים במחקר הטיפוס העיד: "הם הזריקו לי לחזה נסיוב לטיפוס, ואחרי שעתיים חום גופי ירד. היה להם נסיוב. הם שיפרו אותו על בעלי חיים לפני כן. הם לא ניסו אותו מעולם על בני אדם. אני הייתי מהראשונים שהם השתמשו בו לשם כך".

ב-30 במאי 1942, הרופא הנאצי, קרל קלאוברג, אמר למפקד האס אס, היינריך הימלר, שהוא רוצה לבצע ניסויי עיקור כפוי באסירות באושוויץ. לצורך כך, קלאוברג ביקש מהימלר מתקן מגורים לנשים, ציוד רנטגן ומכשור מחקרי נוסף ומעבדת ניסויים בבעלי חיים. ב-7 ביולי 1942, נערך כינוס בין היינריך הימלר לבין מתאם הניסויים בבני אדם שנערכו באושוויץ ובראוונסבריק, קארל גבהרדט, קצין האס אס הבכיר והמפקח הכללי של מחנות הריכוז, ריכרד גליקס והרופא הנאצי, קרל קלאוברג. הארבעה דנו בתוכנית לעיקור כפוי של יהודים, שהצריכה עריכת ניסויים. הימלר הבטיח בכינוס זה לקלאוברג כי אושוויץ תעמוד לרשותו עבור ניסויים בבעלי חיים ובבני אדם כאחד.

הבקטריולוג הנאצי וקצין האס אה, ארנולד דומן (גר') ערך במחנה ההשמדה אושוויץ ניסויים בבעלי חיים. במסגרת מחקריו, הוא הדביק בעלי חיים בנגיף דלקת הכבד. דומן ניסה להימנע מעריכת ניסויים בילדים אולם הרופא הבכיר קורט גוטצי (גר') הפציר בו להתעורר מ"תרדמת ניסויי בעלי החיים" בה היה שרוי. לאחר מכן, דומן הדביק 11 ילדים יהודים בנגיף דלקת הכבד. בשנת 1941, מעבדת המחקר של הביולוג הפולני רודולף וייגל פעלה תחת שליטה נאצית. הנאצים הורו לווייגל ולביולוג היהודי פולני, לודוויק פלק, לפתח חיסון נגד טיפוס. וייגל ופלק ערכו לשם כך ניסויים בבעלי חיים. פלק ערך את הניסויים בגטו לבוב. מפברואר 1943, ביצע פלק ניסויים בבעלי חיים (בעיקר בארנבים) במחנות הריכוז וההשמדה אושוויץ ובוכנוואלד תחת הפיקוח הישיר של האס אס.

Experiments on animals in the concentration and extermination camps


Experiments on animals were routinely conducted in the concentration and extermination camps alongside human experiments. The experiments conducted on prisoners in the concentration and extermination camps were many and varied and were a continuation or a complement to the experiments conducted on animals. With the end of the Second World War , the American army tasked the American - Jewish doctor , Major Leo Alexander ( n. ) , to investigate and analyze the secret reports of the Nazis that were discovered after the war. In 1946, Alexander wrote a report in which he analyzed the experiments conducted on humans and animals in the Dachau concentration camp . The first chapter of the report, which includes 69 pages, investigates the Nazi doctors and researchers who conducted experiments on animals.

The head of the medical services of the Luftwaffe , Erich Hipke ( N. ) , wrote on March 6 , 1943 regarding experiments on humans: "I immediately agreed to these experiments because our main experiments on large animals had exhausted themselves and we needed additions". In 1941, the Hygiene Institute of the Waffen SS , founded by the Nazi doctor Joachim Marogowski , decided to establish a typhoid research laboratory in the Buchenwald camp . This laboratory operated in Block 46 in the camp. Waffen SS officer Erwin Ding-Schuler ( N ) was responsible for these experiments. In block 46, dogs, rabbits and mice were used to make serum. Also, the strains of the type Riktion Provezki ( N. ) were cultivated in cultures in this block and injected into voles. On December 29 , 1941, one of the laboratory records stated: "Since animal experiments are unable to provide accurate estimates of the typhoid serum, human experiments must be performed.". The German historian, Eugen Kogon , who was a political prisoner in the Buchenwald camp and served there as a medical clerk in the laboratory where human experiments were carried out, reported in his book Theory and Practice of Hell about these experiments. Also, Kogon reported that the experiments for forced sterilization of humans were first conducted on animals. In Block 40, experiments were conducted on rabbits in the study of phosphorus bombs and incendiary bombs. Animal experiments were also conducted in Block 50. The French prisoner, Alfred Beloshsky ( N ) , who was captured by the Gestapo and imprisoned in the concentration camp on charges of espionage , claimed that Himmler was the one who provided the equipment for the experiments, and that these were conducted under his personal supervision and under his sole authority.

In 1940, the German doctor, Gerhard Medaus , published the results of his research on animal experiments on sterilization . Medeus conducted the experiments on dogs, rabbits and mice and found the quantities needed for sterilization. The medical officer of the German armed forces, Adolf Pokorny , informed Himmler about this research. Himmler contacted Mauss and instructed him not to publish further studies due to field security and also suggested that he conduct sterilization experiments on humans as well. The experiments conducted on humans in Dachau concentration camp were based on previous experiments conducted on animals. The purpose of the experiments on humans was to check whether the results obtained from experiments on animals are also valid on humans. In addition, animal experiments were also conducted in the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration campas well as in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration and extermination camps, where experiments on animals were conducted alongside parallel experiments on humans or as a separate study on animals only. Also, as preliminary experiments for the phosgene experiments, the SS research institutes purchased stocks of animals for experimental purposes. In 1942, the SS officer and Nazi doctor, August Hirt , conducted experiments with mustard gas on prisoners in the concentration camps. These experiments were a direct continuation of the experiments he performed with mustard gas on animals in 1941 at the Military Medical Academy in Berlin. Hirt conducted the mustard gas experiments on pigs, rabbits and mice. As part of the experiments, he injured the eyes of the rabbits in order to test the effect of the mustard gas. In a report from June 2 , 1942, Hirt wrote: "We saw a certain phenomenon in the liver of the mice that did not surprise us, because we had already seen it in the liver of mice that died of cancer or other serious infectious diseases. These results are due to liver toxicity. We fed mice vitamin A and exposed them to mustard gas. Mice are very sensitive to mustard gas, and their death can be expected within 24-48 hours of exposure to a small amount of gas on their backs..

In 1942, the Nazi doctor and senior colonel in the Waffen SS , Joachim Marogowski , decided that the SS should try to produce a typhoid vaccine from rabbit lung cultures. While rabbits and rickets were abundantly available for the purposes of the experiment, scientifically it was a complex procedure that required a high degree of skill. The Nazi surgeon and Waffen-SS officer with the rank of Turmbahnführer , Erwin Ding-Schuler ( N ) used the SS academy's lungs of rabbits and mice for the development of a vaccine against typhus. In the same year, an emergency meeting was held between Joachim Marogowski, the chief military officer, Siegfried Handloser, the president of the Robert Koch Institute , Eugen Gildemeister ( G ) , the head of the Nazi health director, Leonardo Conti ( N ) and the senior Nazi health director, Hans Reiter . At this meeting, the five discussed the need to conduct experiments on humans in the study of typhoid disease on the grounds that animal experiments are no longer sufficient. On January 2, 1943, the Buchenwald concentration camp was chosen as the place where these experiments would be conducted. On January 9, 1943, the Director of Economics of the SS ( An ) provided the necessary resources for the production of vaccines in the Buchenwald concentration camp where experiments were done on prisoners using the lungs of rabbits for the purposes of rickettsial culture. Marogovsky, who cultivated the rabbit strains, performed these experiments on them as well as experiments with drugs such as Cardiazole (Pentylenetetrazol). A prisoner who was experimented on in the typhoid research testified: "They injected typhoid serum into my chest, and after two hours my body temperature dropped. They had serum. They improved it on animals before. They never tried it on humans. I was one of the first they used it for that".

On May 30, 1942, the Nazi doctor, Carl Clauberg, told the SS commander, Heinrich Himmler , that he wanted to carry out forced sterilization experiments on female prisoners in Auschwitz. For this purpose, Klauberg asked Himmler for a residential facility for women, X-ray equipment and additional research equipment and a laboratory for animal experiments. On July 7, 1942, a meeting was held between Heinrich Himmler and the coordinator of the human experiments conducted in Auschwitz and Ravensbrück , Karl Gebhardt , the senior SS officer and general inspector of the concentration camps, Richard Glicks and the Nazi doctor, Carl Clauberg. The four discussed a program for the forced sterilization of Jews, which required conducting experiments. Himmler assured Klauberg at this meeting that Auschwitz would be at his disposal for experiments on both animals and humans..

The Nazi bacteriologist and SS officer , Arnold Domann ( Ger. ) conducted experiments on animals in the Auschwitz extermination camp. As part of his research, he infected animals with the hepatitis virus . Doman tried to avoid conducting experiments on children, but the senior doctor Kurt Gutzi ( Ger ) begged him to wake up from the "animal experiments coma" he was in. After that, Duman infected 11 Jewish children with the hepatitis virus. In 1941, the research laboratory of Polish biologist Rudolf Weigel operated under Nazi control. The Nazis ordered Weigel and the Polish Jewish biologist, Ludwik Fleck , to develop a vaccine against typhus . Weigel and Fleck conducted animal experiments for this purpose. Fleck conducted the experiments in the Lviv Ghetto . From February 1943, Fleck performed experiments on animals (mainly rabbits) in the concentration and extermination camps Auschwitz and Buchenwald under the direct supervision of the SS.

Round 8 - scholarly opinions critical of the (post-)colonialist interpretation of Zionism


Several editors in previous discussion seem to have wished to create the impression that the number of 21st scholars that are critical of the "(post) Colonial" interpretation of Zionism is only a single digit number (one going even as far as calling it a "fringe" view). To completely debunk this false impression that may have been created I bring here a list of 50 relevant 21st century scholars who are critical of the "(post) Colonial" interpretation of Zionism (most of whom wrote about it in the last 5 years). I actually have more leads like these but I got tired of exploring them and writing them nicely, so I decided to stop at a nice round number. Having made my point here, I don’t intend to continue in this line of randomly collecting scholar opinions in the near future, because I want to go back to working on my more systematic approach here, i.e. the “Encyclopedias project”. News on that will probably come next week on "Round 6".

Scholar Name Year and Links Source type quotes
Yoav Gelber 2020 Chapter in academic book Economic theories of colonialism and sociological theories of migration movements are also inadequate when applied to the Zionist experience
Benny Morris 2020 Book review Colonialism is commonly defined as the policy and practice of an imperial power acquiring political control over another country, settling it with its sons, and exploiting it economically. By any objective standard, Zionism fails to fit this definition
Dore Gold 2011 3 The Myth of Israel as a Colonialist Entity: An Instrument of Political Warfare to Delegitimize the Jewish State
Tuvia Friling 2016 4 What Do Those Who Claim Zionism Is Colonialism Overlook?
Robert Eisen 2011 5 Moreover, Zionism was not colonialism. Palestine had no economic attraction for the Zionists because there was nothing in Palestine to exploit.
Dov Waxman 2019 Academic book Zionist settlers were not European colonialists
Ephraim Karsh 2016 7 It is precisely this early international acceptance of Zionism as national rebirth in an ancestral homeland, rather than colonial encroachment on an indigenous populace, that the Palestinian Authority seeks to debunk by demanding an official British apology for the declaration.
Tom Segev 2023 Mainstream media RS:

E-mail to the New York Times

“colonialism is irrelevant to the Zionist experience.” Zionists were motivated primarily by “a historical vision for their future identity in what they considered their ancient homeland” rather than an “imperial strategic or economic vision or a desire to dominate the local population.” “most Jewish immigrants in Palestine and Israel did not come as Zionists but as refugees.”
Ilan Troen 2019 9 Without evidence or argument, it neatly defines Jews as invaders and the Jewish state as an intruding colonial-settler society in the service of an imperialistic mission.
Yuval shany 2023 Mainstream media RS: Interview to the New York Times dealing with the establishment of Israel as a colonial enterprise is “a significant category error.” It cannot apply to a conflict involving “two indigenous peoples.” It is misplaced given that the 20th-century influx of persecuted European Jews came from a historically indigenous “population of refugees not sent by any empire.” It cannot be applied to the many other Jews from Muslim North African and Middle Eastern countries who arrived in Israel after they suffered expulsion.
Jeffrey C. Alexander 2023 11 “Wars and social movements need to connect to dominant cultural tropes, and colonialism has become the go-to term for total pollution”,“Branding Israel with this term is seen as effective, even if it connects Jews to the very white European colonizers who murdered them by the millions.”
Moses Lissak 2009 12 The relation of the Jews to the Land of Israel is not colonial. It is religious and cultural.
Ruth Ginio 2024 13 "there is no real basis for the claim that the entire Zionist project and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 can be equated with European colonialism", "This is not a situation of colonialism according to its historical definition, but rather a situation of two conflicting nations sharing the same territory".
Fania Oz-Salzberger 2024 14 What about colonialism? Despite its pioneers’ European origins, Zionism is not, and never was, a colonialist project
Avi Berli 2024 15 Post Colonialism as an introduction to Antisemitism: If we remove the national motivations that led Jews to immigrate to the country and to invest in it and leave only the "colonial" ones we wouldn't be able to explain the success of Zionism.
Robert Wistrich 2015 16 "The anti-Zionist mythology of the left", "It is no accident that the confused ideology of the contemporary “post-colonial” left is vulnerable to antisemitism since it no longer has any anchor in the concrete, material realities or the geopolitical, security, and cultural contexts of the Middle East."
Zeev Sternhell 2010 17 the land was thus an existential necessity. Zionism was a stringent nationalism, a radical nationalism; but to claim that the arrivals were white settlers driven by a colonialist mind-set does not correspond to historical reality. The overwhelming majority - the Polish Jews in the 1920s, the German Jews in the 1930s, the displaced persons after the Second World War and the end of the British Mandate - came because they had nowhere else to go. The same applies to the immigrants after 1948, forced out of the Arab countries as a result of the founding of the State of Israel. To speak of a colonialist mentality in their case is absurd. The institutions set up in the inter-war period aimed at ensuring Jewish autonomy in all areas, rather than subjugating the Arabs of Palestine or expelling them.
Susie Linfield 2019 18 Wishful thinking on the Left is combined with a Manichaean world view: extreme animus against Israelis, identified as the evil white colonists, combined with an idealisation of the Palestinians, cast as the oppressed non-white revolutionaries. But what follows from any kind of Manichaean world is falsity, bad politics, and bad political analysis, because the world itself isn’t actually Manichaean.
John Strawson 2019 19 The use of the term “colonialism” by BDS supporters is not historiography but political rhetoric. They also assume that having named Israel as “colonial” that the political logic would be the need to dismantle the state.
Jeffery Herf 2023 20 the Zionist project was never a colonialist one.
Alvin Rosenfeld 2023 21 Today, a particularly virulent strain of antisemitism holds not just the Jews but the Jewish state guilty. Guilty of what? Of the cardinal sin according to many on the Left today: the imperialist oppression of non-whites. According to this view, the “settler-colonialist” Jews arrived from Europe and Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries and set about stripping the indigenous Palestinians of their national rights. Never mind that there had never been a sovereign Arab Palestine or that the Jews returned to Israel to create a state only because their Russian and European “hosts” had made their life unbearable or actively sought to end it. When an independent state was offered to the Arabs in 1947, they rejected it. Nevertheless, the Jews went on to establish a sovereign state of their own, which flourishes 75 years after its creation.
Martin Kramer 2020;


22 "Is Zionism Colonialism? The Root Lie", "This is a very great lie, and it is a self-serving lie. Those who believe it can sustain in their hearts the hope that in any given span of a few years, Israel will disappear. America will decide to dismantle it, or the Jews will decide that it is too costly to maintain, and so will go to other countries that are safer and more comfortable. For colonialism is something that is transient and lasts only so long as it is cost-effective. But authentic nations are forever, the ties of nations to their land are never really severed, and nations are bound by ties of solidarity that cross the generations."
Gerald Steinberg 2023 23 Human rights antisemitism is accompanied and amplified by the theology of the neo-Marxist left, which is focused on opposing “racist, capitalist, imperialist, colonial oppressors.” Under slogans such as “intersectional solidarity” and DEI, (diversity, equality, and inclusion — except for Jews) these ideologues have conquered the leading universities, claiming to speak for ostensibly oppressed peoples (many of which are led by terror regimes) in the “global south,” while Israel, particularly after the 1967 war, is branded as the tool of American and European imperialism. In this tortured version of morality and human rights, western nationalism, including Zionism, is automatically “evil,” but Third World nationalism and “liberation” movements are good — the victims can never be unjust oppressors (even when they engage in indescribable brutality), and the “colonialists” cannot be righteous victims.
Alan Dowty 2022 24 But this was not “settler colonialism” as usually defined.
Alexander Yakobson 2018 25 If Zionism Were Colonial It Would Have Ended Long Ago: The Palestinians’ refusal to accept that they are confronting a rival national movement has been disastrous for them.
Allan Johnson 2021 26 An Open Letter to Peter Gabriel et al explaining why Israel is not a ‘Settler Colonial’ society
Irwin Cotler 2013 27 A third manifestation of political Antisemitism is the denial of any historical connection between the Jewish people and the State of Israel, a form of Middle East revisionism or ‘memory cleansing’ that seeks to extinguish or erase the Jewish people’s relationship to Israel, while ‘Palestinizing’ or ‘Islamicizing’ the Arab and Muslim exclusivist claim. If ‘Holocaust Revisionism’ is an assault on Jewish memory and historical experience, ‘Middle East Revisionism’ constitutes no less of an assault on Jewish memory and historical experience. It cynically serves to invert the historical narrative so that Israel is seen an ‘alien’ and ‘colonial implant’ in the region that ‘usurped’ the Palestinian homeland – leading to the conclusion that its people are a ‘criminal’ group of nomadic Jews whose very presence ‘defiles’ Islam, and must be expurgated.
Gil Troy 2021 28 Calling Israel racist, apartheid, genocidal, settler-colonialist and white supremacist or Jewish supremacist, is inaccurate and insulting, counterproductive and self-destructive. It encourages war, not peace; Jew-hatred, not reconciliation. It hardens hearts and polarizes positions. And, in demonizing the Jewish state, it encourages hooligans who target the Jews living in that state – and the Jews living everywhere else, too.
Donna Robinson Divine 2024 29 The failure of Middle East scholars to account for developments in the Middle East is not a bug but a feature of the field’s ethos: an exercise in political liberation from Western powers rather than an analytical understanding of the region’s deeper dynamics and complexities. With this ethos, the May 1948 resurrection of Jewish sovereignty in its ancient homeland is described entirely as an act of colonial aggression rather than the actual springtime revolution that it was after generations of mandated Jewish disempowerment.
Milton Shain 2023 30 Israel haters ignore a grievous history: The ‘apartheid’ analogy and the ‘colonial settler’ paradigm are simplistic and unhelpful
Norman Goda 2024 31 how might Jews respond over the long term to those drawing from a linguistic arsenal stocked with lazy, jargon-based, anti-Israel lies about colonialism, apartheid, and genocide, all tied together by righteous fury and rhythmic sloganeering?
Carry  Nelson 2019 32 “Claims that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state, that it was an illegitimate colonialist enterprise from the outset, are indeed anti-Semitic in effect.”
Philip Carl Salzman 2023 33 So the claim that Israelis are “colonial settlers” doesn’t hold water. Aside from the small population of Jews who never left the Holy Land, most of the returnees were refugees, half from Arab countries.
Moshe Postone 2010 34 Why is it that people don’t see what the situation is today, and try to see if there is a kind of resolution to what is essentially a national conflict that could free up progressive politics? To subsume the conflict under the rubric of colonialism misrecognizes the situation.
David Hirsh 2007 35 In the middle of the 20th century Israel was not imagined as a European colony. It is strained, to say the least, to believe that Jews in the refugee camps in Europe and in British Cyprus, recovering from starvation and from existences as non-humans, were thinking of themselves as standard bearers of ‘the European idea’. The seamless insertion of the history of ‘Zionism’ into a schematic history of colonialism casts Jews as going to Palestine in order to get rich on the back of the people who lived there. Jews, who are said to embody some European idea of whiteness, also embodied a European idea of rats and cockroaches which was held to constitute an existential threat to Europe.
Abram de Swaan 2004 36 This article seeks to show that such criticism often expresses a very different sentiment, an “anti-Israeli enthusiasm”. A vent for righteous indignation that brings some relief from the still-burning shame of the memory of the Shoah, it employs facile equations reducing the Jewish State to the last bastion of colonialism and thereby conceals the true issues underlying this conflict.
Josef Joffe 2024 37 Taught from Stockton, Calif., to Stockholm, Sweden, the doctrine has at its core white supremacy, which must be crushed. The gist is Western guilt, and it must be exorcised by laying it first and foremost on the colonialist state of Israel, i.e., the Jews.
David Ohana 2012 38 The colonialist discourse is not a new one. The analogy, however, has been disproved by the facts. The Zionist settlement of Palestine took place without military or political assistance from foreign states and so does not resemble any colonialist movement. Zionism was not a religious movement, but a national movement that saw the return to Zion as the modern expression of a people that wished to forge its collective destiny through a return to its historical sources. The Israelis created a rejuvenated homeland and established an identity between a large part of the people and their soil; they developed settlement, science, and technology, achieved a clear national identity with a culture, language, and creativity of its own, and succeeded in maintaining a democratic existence (within the “Green Line”) under the most trying condition there can be for a democracy – a protracted military conflict. Most important of all, the Israelis never felt strangers in their country. They did not apologize for their national existence, but saw it as the historical realization of a universal right supported by international recognition – not as an original sin.
Julia Edthofer 2015 39 it is demonstrated that the de-colonial framing of Israel as a "Western colonial project" can blur with antisemitic stereotypes--for instance when Israel is depicted as a neo-colonial evil par excellence and "Jewish complicity" with Western (neo)-colonialism is postulated.
Brian Klug 2022 40 there is a piece missing from the stock postcolonial discourse, a discourse that folds Zionism completely, without remainder, into the history of European hegemony over the Global South, as if this were the whole story. But it is not; and the piece that is missing is, for most Jews, including quite a few of us who are not part of the Jewish mainstream regarding Zionism and Israel, the centerpiece. Put it this way: For Jews in the shtetls of Eastern Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s (like my grandparents), the burning question was not “How can we extend the reach of Europe?” but “How can we escape it?” That was the Jewish Jewish Question. Like Europe’s Jewish Question, it too was not new; and it was renewed with a vengeance after the walls of Europe closed in during the first half of the last century, culminating in the ultimate crushing experience: genocide. Among the Jewish answers to the Jewish Jewish Question was migration to Palestine. But, by and large, the Jews who moved to Palestine after the Shoah were not so much emigrants as (literally or in effect) refugees.
Andrew Pessin 2016 41 A brilliant entry on “Settler Colonialism” does the same against that lie and libel, in particular refuting the widely promoted notion that Israeli Jews are “white” and Palestinians are people “of color”—a notion that, other entries show, permits anti-Israel activists to make otherwise bizarre alliances with progressive campus groups and thus greatly fuels Israel-hatred across Western campuses.
Mitchell Cohen 2024 42 The anti-Jewish pogroms of 1881 were not about settler colonialism. The Dreyfus Affair was not about settler colonialism. Zionism was not settler-colonialism but a response to the Jewish question.
Gabriel Noah Brahm 2024 43 “Critical race theory” brands Jews not only as “white” (a term used on campus to mean “structurally racist”) but “hyper-white” (the whitest, therefore most racist of all). Theories of “settler colonialism” misrepresent Jews as colonizers in their own indigenous lands.
Uriel Abulof 2023 44 Yet I find the “Zionism (Israel) = colonialism = apartheid” equation factually false, intellectually lazy, morally wrong and practically counterproductive.
Gideon Shimoni 2007 45 Categorization of Zionism as a case of colonialism, thereby stigmatizing it, may serve the partisan rhetorical ends of the Palestinian cause, but it is fallacious as an analytical tool for impartial comprehension of the Arab–Jewish conflict. In the final analysis, theories of nationalism, which command a vast and profound literature, are far more valuable aids in comprehending the history of Zionism and the nature of the Arab–Jewish conflict than whatever goes by the description of postcolonial theory.
Chaim Gans 2016 46 Some of them claim that Zionism is sheer colonialism. But if we grant that the Jews constituted a borderline case of a nation at the end of the 19th century, and that the European Jewish collective and its members then faced serious and urgent practical problems in Europe, we have to argue normatively about the reasonableness of the nationalist solution proposed and carried out by the Zionists, and not just dismiss it as sheer colonialism as some major post-Zionists (and the Palestinians) do.
Balazs Berkovits 2021 47 "It seems that treating Israel as a settler-colonial state is supposed to provide the ultimate justification for singling it out for criticism and also to legitimize the Palestinian struggle in all its forms as an anticolonial movement. is presentation of Israel is to accentuate that the struggle is not between competitive nationalisms but between the conqueror, on the one hand, and the conquered, the displaced, the occupied, on the other", "This is is precisely the crux of the issue: much academic research on Israel has gradually lost scientific ambi- tion by adopting a solely political objective—the designation of a state as a colony is instrumental in this theoretical-political warfare, as it inherently comprises that state’s illegitimacy and calls for its termination.", "However, one does not have to be a Weberian to value this fundamental distinction and to repudiate the reification of concepts, the binaries and the false analogies in use within critical whiteness studies, settler-colonial stud- ies, and other fields of activist social science. But fallacious methodology has a clear function in these analyses—namely, a certain symbolic usage of the terms whiteness, colony , and settler colony , which inherently comprises an unequivocal moral judgment."
Joshua Cole 2017 48 Tis complexity makes me wonder if the question Penslar poses (is Zionism a colonial movement?) is necessarily the right one to answer persistent ques- tions about possible relationships between the history of Israel/Palestine and the history of European colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. If anything, his focus on a particular movement over a broad span of time has shown us that terms such as “colonial” and “anticolonial” have context-specifc valences; these words are more helpful to our understanding when they are understood to apply to dynamic relationships rather than to coherent identities that persist over time, institutions, or political movements.
Rachel Fish 2023 49 On social media, Jews were painted as white-supremacist colonial settlers oppressing an indigenous ethnic minority. Very quickly, we saw that by employing these false labels, Israel wasn’t just accused of apartheid; on Twitter, apartheid came to mean Israel exclusively.
Simon Schama 2024 Mainstream media RS: Interview in The Jewish Chronicle [A lot of the hatred that has erupted has been] “driven by oceanic historic ignorance and refusal to understand the complexity of the situation”. [It is what he calls the] “writing and chattering classes” [who have been] “most prone to grotesque, uninformed, historically ignorant stereotypes of Israel as a colonial settler state", “It is not a colonial settler state. It was a country of refugees, it was continuously occupied by Jews for many millennia.”
Peter Rutland 2024 Mainstream media RS: Opinion piece in CNN The Gaza war is better understood as a conflict between two competing nationalist projects than as a case of settler colonialism. There are a number of inconvenient historical truths that complicate the “settler colonialism” narrative.
Jarrod Tanny 2023 Blog Israel Is Not a White Imperialist Project: A Toolkit
Corinne E Blackmer 2024;


Round 7- 21st century Encyclopedias

Encyclopedia name and details Editor name Article author name Zionism described as colonial/colonization movement in first paragraph? If yes, how? Zionism described as colonial/colonization movement in rest of lead section[55]? If yes, how? Zionism described as colonial/colonization movement in rest of the article? If yes, how?
Encyclopedia of the Palestinians. Facts on File. 2000. p. 454. Philip Mattar Neil Caplan no no
The continuum political encyclopedia of the Middle East (2nd ed.). Continuum. 2002. p. 928 Avraham Sela Avraham Sela no no
Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa.[56] (2nd ed.). Gale. 2004. Vol. 4. p. 2431 Philip Mattar Donna Robinson Divine; Neil Caplan no no
Dictionary of the History of Ideas.[56] (2nd ed.). Charles Scribner's Sons. 2004. Maryanne Cline Horowitz Arthur Hertzberg no no
Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Macmillan Reference USA. 2004. Vol 2. p. 483 Claude Faure Claude Faure no[57] no
Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. Routledge. 2004. p. 459 Ellis Cashmore Ellis Cashmore no[58] no
Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture. Routledge. 2005. Vol 2. p. 983 Glenda Abramson Noah Lucas no[59] no
Encyclopedia of Religion (2nd ed.)[56]. Gale. 2005. Vol 15. Lindsay Jones David Biale no no
Europe 1789 to 1914 : Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire.[56] Vol. 5. Gale. 2006. p. 2518 John Merriman; Jay Winter Steven Beller no no
Europe since 1914 : encyclopedia of the age of war and reconstruction. Vol. 5. Gale. 2006. p. 2816. John Merriman; Jay Winter Paula Hyman no no
Encyclopedia Judaica (2nd ed.)[56] Vol 21. Gale. 2006. p. 539 Fred Skolnik Numerous scholars no no
Encyclopedia of Race And Racism. Vol. 3 (1st ed.). Gale. 2008. p. 240. John Hartwell Moore Noel Ignatiev no no
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. (2nd ed.)[56][60] Gale. 2008. William A. Darity Jr Jonathan Boyarin no[61] no
The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. Wiley. 2009. Immanuel Ness Shellie K. McCullough no no no
Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2010. Vol 3. p. 1660. Cheryl Rubenberg Zachary Lackman no[62] yes, but attributed: "Palestinians have regarded Zionism as essentially a colonial-settler enterprise"
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Columbia University Press. 2010 no no
International Encyclopedia of Political Science. SAGE. 2011. p. 2765 Bertrand Bradie Alain Dieckhoff no no
The Encyclopedia of Political Science. SAGE. 2011. Vol 5. p. 1799 George Thomas Kurian Jerome Copulsky no no
Encyclopedia of Global Studies. Vol. 4. SAGE Publications. 2012. p. 1835. Helmut Anheier; Mark Juergensmeyer Aviva Halamish no no
"Sionisme". Larousse (in French). 2012. Archived from the original on 2013-12-20. no no
Encyclopedia of race and racism. Vol. 3 (2nd ed.). Gale. 2013. p. 233. ISBN 978-0-02-866195-7. Patrick Mason Paul Scham no no
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Wiley. 2013. David A. Snow Rottem Sagi no paragraph 4: "In pursuit of his goals, Herzl attempted to solicit the support of Baron de Hirsch, a multimillionaire who had already founded the Jewish Colonization Association" no
Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought. SAGE. 2013. p. 869 Gregory Claeys Gadi Taub no no no
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, Springer US, 2014, p. 1960 David Adam Leeming Kate M. Loewenthal no ?

not in first 2 paragraphs, and these are the only ones freely available online.

The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Wiley. 2014 Michael T. Gibbons Tamara M. Zwick no no yes, but attributed:

"Others make the case that Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel represent colonial aggression"

The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Wiley. 2015. John Stone Dafna Hirsch "the Zionist movement promoted the colonization of Palestine" no last paragraph, but attributed:

"A non-Zionist critique of Zionism regards it as a version of European settler colonialism"

Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Routledgde. 2016. Vassiliki Kolocotroni Nathan Devir no ?

not freely available

International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Freie Universität Berlin. 2018 Ute Daniel Ofer Idels no no no
Middle East Conflicts from Ancient Egypt to the 21st Century: An Encyclopedia and Document Collection. Vol. 4. ABC-CLIO. 2019. p. 1376. Spencer C Tucker Amy Blackwell no[63] no TBF
"Zionism". Britannica. Archived from the original on June 28, 2024. Last Updated: Jun 30, 2024 no no no


  1. The encyclopedias are ordered by publication date of the edition that is used. This is of course not an exhaustive list of all possibly relevant encyclopedias in the 21st century. There were encyclopedias that were not accessible to me at all, and its very likely there are others that I missed entirely in my searches. However I believe this presents a significant portion, maybe even the majority of relevant encyclopedias that have an article about Zionism. So I think it's unlikely that the results would change significantly when more encyclopedias are found (and anyone is of course free to look for more).
  2. I provided links to most of the sources. There were a few that I found offline in my library. For these I supplied the text of the first paragraph in the footnotes. Images can be sent on demand.
  3. With regard to opening defining sentence (see MOS:FIRST) specifically it might be useful to also look at reputable dictionaries, which are the experts in defining subjects in one sentence. Looking at 6 of the leading online dictionaries (1 2 3 4 5 6) we find that none of them mentions colonization/colonialism in its definition of Zionism.





User:Vegan416/sandbox/Animal welfare in Nazi Germany

User:Vegan416/sandbox/Death Cult

User:Vegan416/sandbox/From the River to the Sea

User:Vegan416/sandbox/Typological Number

User:Vegan416/sandbox/Animal stereotypes of Jews in Palestinian discourse - draft

User:Vegan416/sandbox/Animal stereotypes of Jews in Palestinian discourse - sources

Genocide Debate

Name Month Profession Source (English or autotranslated and verified) example statement
Illouz October 2023 Professor of sociology Le Monde "military response … against an enemy which has violated borders and international law, … is not genocide"
Kittel October 2023 History Professor Berliner Zeitung No, Israel's military response is not genocide – regardless of whether one uses narrower or broader definitions of the term.
Berenbaum & Zavadivker November 2023 Historians and Holocaust scholars:

1; 2

Jerusalem Post "Israel has no greater ambition than to coexist with the Palestinians as peaceful neighbors; [The genocide claims] "threaten future attempts to identify, prevent, and prosecute that crime. It is equally damaging to the legitimacy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as a field when such false claims are presented in the guise of scholarly expertise.""
Jürgen Habermas, Klaus Günther, Rainer Forst & Nicole Deitelhoff November 2023 Philosopher and Social Theorist; Professor of Law; Philosopher; Political Scientist Site of "Normative Orders" Research Center at Goethe University Frankfurt The Hamas massacre with the declared intention of eliminating Jewish life in general has prompted Israel to strike back. How this retaliation, which is justified in principle, is carried out is the subject of controversial debate; principles of proportionality, the prevention of civilian casualties and the waging of a war with the prospect of future peace must be the guiding principles. Despite all the concern for the fate of the Palestinian population, however, the standards of judgement slip completely when genocidal intentions are attributed to Israel’s actions.
154 Holocaust scholars November 2023 Holocaust scholars open letter at a conference in Prague "Today, more than ever, we need to reaffirm, without any caveats, the right of Jews to live in Israel and to defend themselves against those who deny Israel and Jews the right to exist. We deplore the humanitarian catastrophe of the Palestinian people in Gaza and note that it derives directly from the use of civilians as human shields by the Hamas. We, the scholars of the Holocaust assembled in Prague at the Lessons & Legacies conference, as well as other Holocaust scholars and persons devoted to Holocaust memory, unequivocally condemn the politics of terror pursued by Hamas and denounce the forces of global antisemitism."
Jikeli November 2023 Historian research paper "Only five posts were positive about Israel, some refuting the accusation that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians. Notorious Jewish critics of Israel, such as Norman Finkelstein (Figure 11), Gabor Maté, and Jane Hirschmann were repeatedly used to accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing and genocide, often with embedded videos.", "It is worth noting that according to the United Nations definition of genocide, the Hamas massacre is genocide, while the Gaza war is not."
Waxman November 2023 professor of political science Jewish Currents "To be sure, some of the deeply disturbing rhetoric coming from senior figures in the Israeli government [..] raises the risk of genocidal actions. [..] However, to claim that genocide is already occurring requires stretching the concept too far, emptying it of any meaning."
Buser November 2023 Historian] The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles "This is not genocide."
Blatman November 2023 Holocaust historian Haaretz "The mere fact that Israel and the Palestinians have been waging a bloody war between them for four generations, and they are both committing war crimes and hair-raising acts of violence, still does not mean that a genocide began in Gaza in October 2023"
Simon November 2023 Global Affairs professor, Director of the genocide studies Time "Israel has only explicitly said they want to exterminate Hamas, and has not directly stated intent to "destroy a religious, ethnic or racial group." Simon says it's possible a court could conclude that either Hamas or some elements of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) could be found guilty of committing an act of genocide, but "it's certainly not textbook in that connecting the intent to destroy ethnic group as such is difficult.""
Kiernan November 2023 Historian, Professor of International and Area Studies Time "Israel's retaliatory bombing of Gaza, however indiscriminate, and its current ground attacks, despite the numerous civilian casualties they are causing among Gaza's Palestinian population, do not meet the very high threshold that is required to meet the legal definition of genocide."
Friling, Jockusch, Steier-Livny, Patt & Porat November 2023 Historians and Holocaust scholars:

1; 2; 3; 4; 5

Haaretz "Charging Israel With Genocide in Gaza Is Inflammatory and Dangerous. Historians must be guided by the facts, not political agendas. But when Omer Bartov in The New York Times charged Israel with 'verging' into genocide and ethnic cleansing, he grounded his argument in assertions, not evidence."
Goda & Herf November 2023 Historians and Holocaust scholars:

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New York Times "Israel's targets are military: Hamas's soldiers, tunnels, headquarters and weapons stocks. By placing military targets in and under civilian structures, it is Hamas that violates laws of war.

The 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention mentions demonstrable intent to destroy a national, racial or religious group. Mr. Bartov is mute about Israel's hundreds of phone calls to Gazans warning them to leave buildings in which Hamas fighters were located. Israel has urged civilians to evacuate to the south to escape battle. A government intent on genocide would do the opposite."

Michlic November 2023 genocide scholar Belfast Newletter "The left that expresses these ideas have no intellectual knowledge of international laws making clear distinctions between different ways of killings", "Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza that entails urban house-to-house fighting that regrettably creates many civilian causalities, as in other wars of this type".
Kotek November 2023 genocide scholar L'Express "The Israeli offensive on Gaza is nothing like the Herero genocide"
Spencer November 2023 urban warfare researcher CNN "Israel is upholding the laws of war"
Karsenti et al November 2023 Political scientist, historian and sociologists:

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AOC "By denying their historical connection with Palestine and by attributing a genocidal intention to those who built a state to protect themselves from any genocidal recurrence, Didier Fassin reactivates a classic anti-Semitic gesture that always proceeds by inversion: accusing the Jews of being guilty of what one is preparing to do or fantasizes about doing to them.","And yet, one must choose sides on the question of whether or not one recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist. If one recognizes it, then the massacre of civilians, intentionally targeted on its sovereign territory, gives it the right not only to defend itself, but to take the necessary measures to ensure that this can never happen again, and therefore to eliminate Hamas, whose program this is."
Crane November 2023 International law scholar NPR "It's not an easy case because you have to have that smoking gun. So, you know, I respectfully disagree with his [Mokhiber's] approach on this. If you look at both parties in this tragedy that is unfolding, the prime minister of Israel has to specifically state that, I intend to destroy, in whole or in part, the Palestinian people. And I would suggest, respectfully, that that has not been said. Now, they have a long-term problem politically, practically and legally related to their treatment of the Palestinians. But I would beg to differ. I don't think one would categorize that as genocide."
Corn November 2023 Professor of law and expert on military law The Jewish Chronicle "Many accuse Israel of genocide. These accusations undermine the meaning of what they allege. It might be appealing to toss such accusations about but, as Justice Stewart warned, the significance of the concept of war crimes and credibility of the law is eroded by such overbroad and often invalid accusations.

One need only consider the genocide accusation. Palestinians make up 20 percent of the Israeli population with the same civil rights and legal privileges as any other Israeli citizen. How this aligns with the accusation that Israel is engaged in a systemic effort to destroy this ethnic group is perplexing. Nor do casualties in Gaza support even suspicion of genocide."

Ambos December 2023 professor of criminal law and head of the Department of Foreign and International Criminal Law Hard to group into a clear category "Bartov chooses his words carefully. He warns of possibly impending genocide without claiming it is happening already. Some statements of certain Israeli policymakers are indeed worrisome. Yet, while they may be relevant for proving the necessary specific intent, they cannot automatically be attributed to the persons who are taking the military decisions."
Rosensaft January 2024 Professor of law, expert on genocide law Times of Israel "The word genocide is used willy-nilly by people all over the world, but genocide, as it has evolved since 1948 when the genocide convention was first adopted by the UN General Assembly, is a legal concept. And whatever else Israel is doing, and has done, it is not intending to destroy the Palestinian people; either on the West Bank or in Gaza", "Even Netanyahu, with whom I fundamentally disagree on most issues, is not planning to evict the Palestinians from Gaza. So the term genocide does not work.", "October 7 was a deliberate action by a genocidal organization that targeted Israeli — meaning Jewish — civilians: women, men, children, and the elderly."
Paul January 2024 Professor of law San Fransisco Chroncile "I see no evidence that Israel is trying to destroy all or a substantial part of the Palestinians."
Mirsky January 2024 Middle east and human rights expert UnHerd "South Africa was able to present evidence of genocidal-sounding intent from any number of political actors in the Netanyahu government. None of them, though, have direct decision-making authority over the conduct of the war, leading to open hostility between some of them (Itamar Ben-Gvir above all) with the IDF high command. That direct authority is reserved not just to the military professionals, but to the war cabinet, convened by Netanyahu to insulate him from his own coalition partners, and in which the political opposition to Netanyahu is well-represented; given Israeli public fury at Netanyahu, he would no longer be in power if they weren’t in the room. Moreover, if genocide were Israel’s aim, issuing warnings before bombings, creating humanitarian corridors (however limited), and allowing in food and other necessities would be a pretty poor way of going about it."
Dershowitz January 2024 Professor of law Ynet "Israel did not commit genocide, the number of civilians who were killed is proportional to the number of combatants, it is lower than any war in modern history. Israel is trying its best to preserve civilian life, whereas Hamas is doing its best to take civilian lives."
Wiese January 2024 "research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of European Law, Public International Law and Public Law" Stern "but is usually very difficult to prove"; "The destruction of the group must be the sole aim of the perpetrator"; under international law, there is a right to self-defence
Platt January 2024 social sciences professor with a focus on genocide research Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Audio episode) "Genocide really doesn't fit here/does not fit at all" (from title)
Herik January 2024 professor of international public law Leiden University website That is a claim that is very difficult to prove, because you have to prove that Israel is acting with the specific purpose of exterminating the Palestinians.
Cohen and Shany January 2024 International Law Professors:

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Just Security The raising of even more serious charges – such as the commission of genocide, the "crime of crimes" – requires an even higher commitment to factual analysis, which should include all relevant facts, including those "inconvenient" to whoever is making such claims. Many of the allegations made in this regard, including those found in the recent South African application to the ICJ appear to fall short of this standard.
Walter January 2024 Professor of international law Reputable online legal publication "Although the high number of civilian deaths and the enormous material damage are horrific, they do not necessarily prove an intent to commit genocide. For example, the repeated calls for the civilian population to leave certain parts of the area or the observance of the obligation to warn and set a deadline before withdrawing protection from a civilian hospital because it is being used outside its humanitarian purpose to commit acts harmful to the enemy speak against such an intent."
Muravchik January 2024 Political scientist The Wall Street Journal "Hamas, not Israel, is guilty of genocide."
Boot January 2024 Military historian The Washington Post "But while it's easy to second-guess the actions of Israeli forces, there is no evidence that they have engaged in a deliberate campaign to 'destroy, in whole or in part,' the Palestinian people — which is what 'genocide' means in international law. Awful as the civilian deaths in Gaza have been, they still constitute less than 1 percent of the territory's population. If Israel, with all the firepower at its disposal, had been trying to commit mass murder, the death toll would have been higher by orders of magnitude.", "That's why the charge of genocide has been rejected not only by the United States but also by Canada, Britain and Germany, among others."
Burke-White February 2024 Professor of international law University of Pennsylvania website It should be noted that genocide is an incredibly difficult crime to prove. Genocide refers to any of a series of acts – such as the killing or the transfer of children—undertaken with "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group." Historically, courts have struggled to prove the relevant intent, which is not just murder but a concerted policy to destroy a people as a whole. For South Africa to win this case, it will need to find and provide evidence that the Israeli government's intent was not merely to prevent attacks such as those of October 7 or to degrade the capability of Hamas, but rather to annihilate the Palestinian people as a whole.
Illouz February 2024 Professor of sociology The Forward "The people who surround him —Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich — are more overtly fascist. They believe in violence. Their camp murdered Yitzhak Rabin. They hold and defend Jewish supremacist views. Their declarations after Oct. 7 amounted to calls to genocide (even though I do not think Israel is committing genocide)."
Posen February 2023 Political scientist and security analyst Foreign Policy "One answer is simple. When war is fought among civilians, civilians are killed.", "Western militaries, including the IDF, try to live by these laws, though the law of armed conflict does not proscribe them from waging war. They try to follow these rules in part because they reflect the values of the societies that they serve and in part because of an expectation of reciprocity, but also because pragmatically, they know that lots of civilian casualties can become a political liability at home and abroad. Hamas spends the lives of Palestinian civilians as ammunition in an information war."
Charny March 2024 genocide scholar Genocide Watch "Israel is fighting back legitimately in Self-Defense in Response and in Self-Defense against Future Genocidal Attacks that Employ Citizens as Human Shields. The Geneva Conventions specifically outlaw use of human shields and justify fighting back in response. Self-Defense does not include genocidal intent."
Feldmann March 2024 Professor of international law Time "Israel's efforts to defend itself against Hamas, even if found to involve killing disproportionate number of civilians, do not turn Israel into a genocidal actor comparable to the Nazis or the Hutu regime in Rwanda. The genocide charge depends on intent. And Israel, as a state, is not fighting the Gaza War with the intent to destroy the Palestinian people.", "These relevant facts matter for putting the genocide charge into the context of potential antisemitism. Neither South Africa nor other states have brought a genocide case against China for its conduct in Tibet or Xinjiang, or against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. There is something specifically noteworthy about leveling the charge at the Jewish state—something intertwined with the new narrative of the Jews as archetypal oppressors rather than archetypal victims. Call it the genocide sleight of hand: if the Jews are depicted as genocidal—if Israel becomes the very archetype of a genocidal state—then Jews are much less likely to be conceived as a historically oppressed people engaged in self-defense."
Donoghue April 2024 President of the ICJ during the hearing on the SA case BBC News "The court decided that the Palestinians had a plausible right to be protected from genocide and that South Africa had the right to present that claim in the court. It then looked at the facts as well. But it did not decide – and this is something where I'm correcting what's often said in the media – it didn't decide that the claim of genocide was plausible. It did emphasize in the order that there was a risk of irreparable harm to the Palestinian right to be protected from genocide. But the shorthand that often appears, which is that there's a plausible case of genocide, isn't what the court decided."
Walzer April 2024 Professor/well known philosopher and political scientist Die Zeit "No. There is no genocidal intent on the Israeli side. Some members of the Israeli government want to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza and relocate them. But fortunately, they are not the decisive force in government."
Bauer April 2004 Genocide scholar Kan 11 "Of course this is not a genocide. It is absolutely clear. But it doesn't mean that I justify what Israel does in Gaza."
McDoom April 2024 Professor of comparative politics Journal of Genocide Research "while there exists widespread consensus within the HGS community that Hamas' civilian-targeted violence should be condemned, this is not the case in respect of the Israeli government's violence. Many Holocaust and Genocide Studies (HGS) scholars have remained steadfastly silent or else uncritical of the Israeli government despite the rapidly-mounting civilian death toll", "a section of the HGS community chose not to acknowledge this possibility when voicing their views – as genocide experts – on the violence. To the contrary. Some charged Hamas with genocide against Israel. Some published further opinion to deny the Israeli government's actions constituted genocide"
Goldmann April 2024 Professor of international law Junge Welt "The law professor does not expect a clear conviction of Israel in the South Africa-Israel case, nor a clear dismissal of the lawsuit." "According to Article II of the Convention, a breach occurs when an actor implements the intention to destroy a group of people in whole or in part by killing, injuring or restricting the living conditions of said group. In the case of Israel, there is no "smoking gun" that clearly proves such an intention, explained Goldmann. Statements by Israeli politicians in the media are "non-authoritative sources""
Sassoli and Diggelmann May 2024 International Law Professors:

1; 2

SRF "«Certain statements by Israeli politicians were genocidal». There was talk of extermination. «But the actions of the Israeli army are, in my opinion, directed against Hamas and not against the entire population»"; "He does not believe that the International Court of Justice will find a generational[sic]intent to commit genocide in the South Africa v. Israel case."
Hartwig and Müller May 2024 Scholars of international law:

1; 2

digital news partnering with big newspapers "I ultimately do not see sufficient grounds for genocide if one takes the legal term seriously."; "Even if individual actions by the Israeli armed forces can be described as war crimes, they do not at the same time constitute genocide."
Illouz May 2024 Professor of sociology Haaretz "A fierce military response facing unprecedented challenges in the history of warfare – because of a highly densely populated urban area, an underground city built below a civilian population – has become in the eyes of many a bona fide case of genocide", "Jews, Zionists and moderate people from all political parties and religions have watched the campus protests unfold in amazement, unable to believe the unselfconscious double standards, the baselessness of the historical parallels", "these protests give me no choice but to ask myself if, after all, something like the phantasmagoric irrationality of antisemitism is at work here."
Lévy May 2024 Philosopher France Info "Il n'y a pas de génocide à Gaza, il n'y a pas de massacre délibéré des populations civiles" [There is no genocide in Gaza, there is no deliberate massacre of civilian populations.]
Khan June 2024 Professor of international law ZDF "The defining element is above all the intent to destroy, which, however, can currently hardly be proven by the Israeli leadership"

Scholarly sources on Israeli fears of imminent Arab attack in May 1967


Golan, G. (2006). The Soviet Union and the Outbreak of the June 1967 Six-Day War. Journal of Cold War Studies, 8(1), 3–19. MIT Press.

"Egypt had secretly devised plans to attack Israel on 27 May. On the basis of Israeli intelligence, the United States informed the Soviet Union about the Egyptian plans while Badran was still in Moscow."

Glickman, G. (2017). Rewriting the Six-Day War. Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. http://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep04552

Vegan416 (talk) 08:08, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

References to SJP calling for the ending of Israel

The SJP “points of unity” state that "It is committed to ending Israel’s occupation and colonization of all Arab lands", and some SJP members and chapters explicitly refer to the Israeli occupation as having started in 1948, when Israel was founded. In July 2018, Tulane’s SJP chapter wrote that “Israel’s occupation [of Palestinians land] began seventy years ago”. In May of 2018, SJP at DePaul University distributed fliers claiming that Israel has engaged in “70 years of occupation.
Also: "it is an ideological fantasy to really believe that progress is possible so long as the state of Israel exists [..] The goal of Palestinian resistance is not to establish ‘love’ with those who are responsible for the suffering of the Palestinian people; it is to completely dismantle those forces at play." https://theaggie.org/2018/07/06/students-for-justice-in-palestine-kill-and-expect-love/ Also: "We identify the establishment of the state of Israel as an ongoing project of settler-colonialism that will be stopped only through Palestinian national liberation." https://nycsjp.wordpress.com/points-of-unity/:

Vegan416 (talk) 08:12, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

UNZ Review


In the years 2015-2017 Finkelstein published at the Unz Review[64]. This site was later described as a "white-nationalist" site by the SPLC[65] and Mother Jones, and "a website that has published Holocaust denialism" by CNN. This site is owned by Ron Unz, whom The Guardian later called a "holocaust denier"[66]. In 2014, in the preface to one of his books Finkelstein thanked Ron Unz for his "friendship and support".[67]

  • The Guardian: "carries columns from avowed neo-Nazis and racists... a one-stop shop for hate from many different vantage points"
  • Seattle Times: "a far-right website criticized by the Anti-Defamation League as hosting racist and antisemitic content"
  • Rolling Stone: "antisemitic blog"
  • Anti-Defamation League: "a fringe platform that regularly hosts bigoted content"
  • CNN: "a website that has published Holocaust denialism and columns in support of White nationalism"
  • Southern Poverty Law Center: "white nationalist publication"
  • Mother Jones: "white nationalist publication"
  • Kansas City Star: "a website that includes white nationalist and anti-Semitic content"
  • New York Times: "far-right"






Mohamed Hassanein Heikal claimed that in 1952 when he met Einstein, he repeated his view that Begin was like a Nazi, but stressed that "Ben-Gurion is different than Begin" and that Begin doesn't embody "the Jews or the concept of Israel".[68]


AS and AZ








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  33. ^ a b Frank Uekötter (2006). The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany. Cambridge University Press. p. 55. ISBN 0-521-84819-9.
  34. ^ Arnold Arluke, Clinton Sanders (1996). Regarding Animals. Temple University Press. p. 133. ISBN 1-56639-441-4.
  35. ^ a b Frank Uekötter (2006). The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany. Cambridge University Press. p. 56. ISBN 0-521-84819-9.
  36. ^ Roberta Kalechofsky. NAZIS AND ANIMAL PROTECTION. in Arluke, Arnold, and Boria Sax. "Understanding Nazi animal protection and the Holocaust." Anthrozoös 5.1 (1992): 86.
  37. ^ Frank Uekötter (2006). The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany. Cambridge University Press. p. 57. ISBN 0-521-84819-9.
  38. ^ C Ray Greek, M. D., and Jean Swingle Greek. Sacred cows and golden geese: The human cost of experiments on animals. Continuum publishing, 2001. p. 90
  39. ^ Weindling, Paul (2014). Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 18–19. ISBN 978-1-4411-8930-1.
  40. ^ Arnold Arluke, Clinton Sanders (1996). Regarding Animals. Temple University Press. p. 135. ISBN 1-56639-441-4.
  41. ^ Proctor, Robert. Nazi Science and Nazi Medical Ethics: Some Myths and Misconceptions. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Volume 43, Number 3, Spring 2000, pp. 338.
  42. ^ Proctor, Robert (2018). The Nazi War on Cancer. Princeton University Press. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-691-18781-5.
  43. ^ Proctor, Robert (2018). The Nazi War on Cancer. Princeton University Press. p. 111. ISBN 978-0-691-18781-5.
  44. ^ Angelika Ebbinghaus. The Nuremberg Medical Trial 1946/1947. Guide to the Microfiche Edition. De Gruyter; Reprint edition. 2001. p. 129
  45. ^ Uekötter, Frank. The green and the brown: A history of conservation in Nazi Germany. Cambridge University Press, 2006. pp. 56-57
  46. ^ Rubenfeld, Sheldon; Benedict, Susan (2014). Human Subjects Research after the Holocaust. Springer. pp. 53–54. ISBN 978-3-319-05702-6.
  47. ^ Rubenfeld, Sheldon; Benedict, Susan (2014). Human Subjects Research after the Holocaust. Springer. pp. 57–58. ISBN 978-3-319-05702-6.
  48. ^ Weindling, Paul (2014). Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 28. ISBN 978-1-4411-8930-1.
  49. ^ Weindling, Paul (2014). Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and Suffering in the Holocaust. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 33–34. ISBN 978-1-4411-8930-1.
  50. ^ a b Sax, Boria (2000). Animals in the Third Reich: Pets, Scapegoats, and the Holocaust. A&C Black. p. 113. ISBN 978-0-8264-1289-8.
  51. ^ Ich klage an, directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner, 1941. Minute 43:40
  52. ^ a b Rubenfeld, Sheldon; Benedict, Susan (2014). Human Subjects Research after the Holocaust. Springer. p. 145. ISBN 978-3-319-05702-6.
  53. ^ "Nuremberg - Transcript Viewer - Transcript for NMT 1: Medical Case". Harvard Law Faculty. p. 740. Retrieved 2024-11-25.
  54. ^ "Nuremberg - Transcript Viewer - Transcript for NMT 1: Medical Case". Harvard Law Faculty. p. 7937. Retrieved 2024-11-25.
  55. ^ If the article is divided to section by sub-headers then the lead is the first section. Otherwise the lead is the first 4 paragraphs (which is the recommended maximum length of leads in Wikipedia, and the actual length of the current Zionism article lead in Wikipedia).
  56. ^ a b c d e f Find it among the sources in Encyclopedia.com link
  57. ^ Text of first paragraph: An international movement for the establishment of a Jewish homeland, formally founded in1987 although initiated in the 1880s. The word which was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum. is derived from "Zion," one of hills of ancient Jerusalem, in the Bible sometimes applied to Jerusalem itself.
  58. ^ Text of the first paragraph: Zionism, in its modern form, developed from a late nineteenth-century belief in the need to establish an autonomous Jewish homeland in Palestine. Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), a Hungarian journalist who lived in Vienna, was eventually persuaded by the events of the Dreyfus case in France and the "pogroms" (i.e. the organized massacre of Jews in Russia) to conclude in his book Der Judenstaat that the only way the Jewish people could practice their religion and culture in safety was by having their own nation-state. In 1897, at the First World Zionist Congress in Basel, Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) insisted that this had to be re-created in Palestine, even though there had been no significant Jewish settlement there after the conquest of Jerusalem in CE 70.
  59. ^ Text of first paragraph: The warm affection and concern that Jews diaspora feel for the State of Israel is commonly called Zionism. Similarly, for the Jews living Israel, the term connotes the bond that links to Jewry abroad. The great majority of Jews today experience Zionism in this sense, as an essential ingredient of being Jewish. For the majority in Israel and the diaspora who are not orthodox, Jewish identity is in large part formed by the belief that the state of Israel is the Jewish state, in the sense of belonging to the Jewish people.
  60. ^ Don't confuse with the 1st edition of this encyclopedia (also in Encyclopedia.com) that was published in 1968, and therefore not included here.
  61. ^ The word appears, but doesn't seem to refer to Zionism, but rather to its environment: "Since its inception in the nineteenth century, Zionism has been an ideologically multifaceted and internally contentious movement, and its fortunes have changed in complex relation with European anti-Semitism and with colonialism beyond Europe’s borders."
  62. ^ Text of first paragraph: From its emergence as a coherent political project at the very end of the 19th century, Zionism sought to unify and mobilize Jews around a nationalistic program whose chief goal was the creation in Palestine of an independent Jewish state in which most of the world's Jews would eventually settle. Like other nationalist movements, however, Zionism has never been monolithic but has encompassed a range of distinct political and ideological currents and factions that have often disagreed, sometimes bitterly, over how to pursue Zionism's aims; the social, economic, and cultural character of the projected Jewish state; relations with Palestine's indigenous Arab population; and much else.
  63. ^ Text of first paragraph: Zionism holds that Jews constitute a people and a nation. As a political movement, it supports the creation of a homeland for the Jewish people. Zionism began in the late 19th century, arising out of the general movement of nationalism and increased anti-Semitism. It soon became a well-organized and well-funded settlement movement focused on Palestine, which many Jews believe was the ancient homeland granted them by God. Zionism eventually contributed directly to the formation of the State of Israel and continued to influence the politics of Israeli Jews for the rest of the 20th century.
  64. ^ E. Bevensee and A. R. Ross, "The Alt-Right and Global Information Warfare," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Seattle, WA, USA, 2018, pp. 4393-4402, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8622270.
  65. ^ Gais, Hannah (2021-01-19). "Meet the White Nationalist Organizer Who Spewed Hate Against Lawmakers". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved 2024-04-11.
  66. ^ Pilkington, Ed (2023-06-06). "Harvard affirmative action challenge partly based on Holocaust denier's work". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2024-04-11.
  67. ^ Finkelstein, Norman G. (2014-04-24). Old Wine, Broken Bottle: Ari Shavit's Promised Land. OR Books. ISBN 978-1-939293-47-3.
  68. ^ Jerome, Fred (2009). Einstein on Israel and Zionism: His Provocative Ideas About the Middle East. Macmillan. pp. 205–206. ISBN 978-1-4668-2429-4.