From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Name |
Purpose |
{{{user name}}} |
This is your user name |
"Will Pittenger"
{{{level}}} |
Pass the indent level you want.
Sample Levels | Pass this | The template will return this | Viewers see this | Values: | 0 | (root - no bullets) | Text | 1 | * | • Text | 2 | :* | • Text | |
{{{page name}}} |
Name of page minus the user name and namespace |
{{{LinkIsTemplate}}} |
If this is non-blank, the link will be wrapped in <code> tags and template braces |
{{{PageIsShortCut}}} |
Causes the description to be treaded as a link to another template; also causes (short) to appear and [T] and [HT] to be hidden |
{{{shortcut}}} |
If passed, is interpreted as a template name that is a shortcut to the location specified by {{{page name}}} |
{{{desc}}} |
Pass the description of the page unless the page is a shortcut in which case you should pass what the page is a shortcut to |
{{{UnathorizedChangesWarning}}} |
Causes a warning message about unauthorized changes to occur. |