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Stub for outline only


[Laws of thermodynamics]




Microscopic systems


Energy dispersal




In a general sense...

Heat engine diagram



The first theory...

Informal descriptions


...can be stated in various succinct ways, including:

Mathematical descriptions


Available useful work


Special cases: Gibbs and Helmholtz free energies






Applications to living systems


Small systems


Complex systems






See also



  • Fermi, Enrico (1956) [1936]. Thermodynamics. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 0-486-60361-X.
  • Rennie, John (2002), "15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense", Scientific American, 287 (1): 78–85 Accessed 2007-09-10

Further reading

  • Goldstein, Martin, and Inge F., 1993. The Refrigerator and the Universe. Harvard Univ. Press. A gentle introduction, a bit less technical than this entry.
  • Maxwell's demon 2 : entropy, classical and quantum information, computing. Edited by Harvey S. Leff and Andrew F. Rex. Bristol; Philadelphia : Institute of Physics, 2003

[Category:Fundamental physics concepts]] [Category:Laws of thermodynamics|2]] [Category:Non-equilibrium thermodynamics]] [Category:Philosophy of thermal and statistical physics]]

[bs:Drugi zakon termodinamike]] [bg:Втори закон на термодинамиката]] [ca:Segon principi de la termodinàmica]] [cs:Druhý zákon termodynamiky]] [da:Termodynamikkens 2. lov]] [de:Thermodynamik#Zweiter_Hauptsatz]] [et:Termodünaamika teine seadus]] [es:Segunda ley de la termodinámica]] [eu:Termodinamikaren bigarren legea]] [fa:قانون دوم ترمودینامیک]] [fr:Deuxième principe de la thermodynamique]] [gl:Segunda Lei da Termodinámica]] [ko:열역학 제2법칙]] [hr:Drugi zakon termodinamike]] [id:Hukum termodinamika kedua]] [it:Secondo principio della termodinamica]] [he:החוק השני של התרמודינמיקה]] [lv:Otrais termodinamikas likums]] [nl:Tweede wet van de thermodynamica]] [ja:熱力学第二法則]] [no:Termodynamikkens andre hovedsetning]] [pl:Druga zasada termodynamiki]] [pt:Segunda lei da termodinâmica]] [ru:Второе начало термодинамики]] [simple:Second law of thermodynamics]] [sk:Druhá termodynamická veta]] [sl:Drugi zakon termodinamike]] [sr:Други принцип термодинамике]] [sv:Entropiprincipen]] [th:กฎข้อที่สองของอุณหพลศาสตร์]] [vi:Định luật hai nhiệt động lực học]] [uk:Другий закон термодинаміки]] [zh:热力学第二定律]]