Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2008-06-06
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Jan van Ryen (d. March 1627) was a 17th century Dutch admiral, corsair and privateer. He was granted a commission by the Dutch West Indies Company and active against the Spanish in the West Indies during the 1620s. He and Claude Prevost attempted to establish Dutch colonies in Guyana, although they both failed with van Ryen being killed by natives along with most of the Dutch colonists in 1627. However, Zeelandian merchant Abraham van Peere was able to found a successful colony in the area shortly after. [1] Biography[edit]In November 1626, he and Claude Prevost appeared before the Chamber of Zeeland with a proposal to establish a colony in Guyana and requesting the WIC to provide ships and 30 or 40 men. The WIC agreed and, at separate meetings from November 23-26 and December 10-24, the members discussed where to sent them. While it was suggested Prevost to be sent to either the Amazon, Oyapok or Essequebo, it was decided that van Ryen alone would colonize Oyapok. On January 22, 1627, Jan van Ryen left Flushing with three ships and 184 men (including 36 colonists). The small fleet was commanded by Admiral Hendrick Jacobszoon Lucifer and included Galeyn van Stabels in the Vliegende Draeck and Jan Pieterse in the Leeuwin (all three had visited the area previously, Lucifer and van Stapels having carried Captain Oudaen's expedition to Corupa in 1625). After two months, van Ryen and his expedition arrived at their destination on March 10. Shortly after landing, they encountered three Europeans living in the area. One of the men, Jan Hendricksz, had reportedly lived in the jungles for so long a time that he found it nearly impossible to speak the Dutch language. These men claimed to be the surviving members of a Dutch colony previously established in the Amazon by a Captain Oudaen some time before. According to Hendricksz, the colony was one of several attacked by the Spanish (or possibly the Portuguese). The Dutch fought against their attackers for half a day and forced to flee after 7 or 8 men had been killed fleeing in their longboats to a nearby English settlement where they took refuge. However, the Spanish followed them and both the Dutch and English were forced to fight. All the English were killed as well as many of the Dutch, including Oudaen. Lieutenant Pieter Bruyne took command and left for the Oyapok with 46 of the survivors, however he was killed by his sergeant in a mutiny soon after. Quarreling amongst themselves, the men split into several groups and eventually settled among the local native tribes. There are differing accounts of what happened to Jan van Ryen's colony. One account claims Jan van Ryen left the colony for the West Indies soon after their arrival and, in his absence, the Dutch colonists began fighting with the local Caribs. They were eventually forced to abandon the colony when the situation became too dangerous for them to stay, some going to St. Vincents and Tobago. [2] According to Dutch historian Jan Jacob Hartsinck, the settlement "did not last long" after Jan van Ryen was left behind to govern the colony. He apparently lacked the "tact and probably fair dealing" of Lockwood de Forest, who had previously attempted to found a settlement the previous year, [3] as "the savages rose against the new settlers, killed their governor (Jan van Ryen), and demolished their houses". The survivors built several sloops with which they left the area, [4] however only four or five were said to have survived the attack. [5] After the colonists departure, Abraham van Peere obtained permission from the WIC to start a plantation at the nearby the Berbice River. [2] References[edit]
Further reading[edit] (talk) 01:46, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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William Rous (fl. 1631-1645) was a 17th century English privateer in the service of the Providence Island Company. He was later enlisted by William Jackson to accompany him on his expedition to the West Indies. Biography[edit]A step-nephew of John Pym, William Rous was a lieutenant in the local militia on Providence Island and later became commander of the local garrison Fort Henry. In 1636, he was given a privateering commission and letter of marque by the Providence Island Company. In command of the Blessing, and accompanied by a pinnace, he began attacking Spanish shipping but was caught by the Spanish later that year and imprisoned at Cartagena. Transported to San Lucar, Spain, he was eventually released due to the efforts of the English ambassador. In 1642, he left England to joined William Jackson as an officer in his privateering expedition to the West Indies. Including privateers such as Samuel Axe and Lewis Morris, [1] Rous spent the next three years raiding Spanish settlements thoughout the Caribbean, including participating the conquest of Jamaica in 1644. [2] References[edit] (talk) 03:58, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. Sian Alice Group are an experimental indie rock outfit. They consist of Rupert Clervaux, Ben Crook, Sian Ahern, and Sasha Vine. Though they also have counted among their ranks as Douglas Hart (of The Jesus and Mary Chain), Mike Bones, and Eben Bull among others. Their debut album 59.59 was released by The Social Registry in February 2008 to much critical acclaim, garnering a recommended review from Pitchfork Media In February Vice Magazine did a two page feature on the group declaring them "our new favorite British band." They have also toured with Spiritualized, Jason Pierce being a mentor and fan of the band. Releases[edit]Nightsong 7" (The Social Registry) 59.59 (The Social Registry) The Dusk Line (The Social Registry) Sources[edit] (talk) 04:09, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Examples[edit]One less comprehensible crimp goes as below: Hiieeiieeiieeii,
Eggs, milk and flour, pancake power, Sources[edit]The Mighty Boosh TV show (for example, the episode "The Power of the Crimp") (talk) 04:25, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Rivals: Sources[edit] (talk) 05:17, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit]The Mighty Boosh TV show (for example, the episode "The Power of the Crimp") The Big Fat Quiz of the Year (2007) (talk) 06:03, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. John Merrick was mentioned in a song by "Barenaked Ladies" and he was mentioned as being a person who might be a candidate for 'digging up of the remains' as a cultural icon[3].
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. PIVARA “NIŠ” A.D. NIŠ Profil države Nova Vlada Republike srbije je razvila novu strategiju i glavni program ekonomskih reformi , sa ciljem da se država približi zapadnoj ekonomiji i privuku strane investicije. Novi Zakon o privatizaciji kao i reaktiviranje Beogradske berze ubrzali su process tranzicije. S toga Pivara “Niš” traži strateškog partnera koji bi preuzeo kompaniju u skladu sa zakonskom procedurom u Republici Srbiji. Profil kompanije OPŠTI PODACI � PUN NAZIV: Pivara “Niš”a.d. Niš � OSNIVANJE: 1884 � INDUSTRIJA: Proizvodnja piva, sokova, sirupa i stone vode � MATI�NI BROJ: 07186037 � VRSTA PREDUZE�A: akcionarsko društvo � ZAPOSLENI: 316 � DIREKTOR: Veselin Srdanovi� � KONTAKT: Brokersko-dilersko društvo MMK Group d.o.o. Niš STRUKTURA AKCIONARA/KAPITAL Akcionari Vlasni�ka struktura Broj akcija 1.Akcijski fond Republike Srbije i PIO fond 44,24% 26.249 2.Privatno vlasništvo 55,76% 33.083 Kompanija je privatizovano shodno Zakonu o svojinskoj transformaciji. Ukupan broj izdatih akcija je 59.332 Na osnovu finansijskih izveštaja na dan 31.12.2003: 1. ukupan kapital kompanije 195.241.000,00 DIN ( 2.858.040 EUR ) 2. ukupni prihodi 425.844.000,00 DIN ( 6.233.727 EUR ) 3. ukupne obaveze 389.083.000,00 DIN ( 5.695.600 EUR ) 4. neto dobit 36.761.000,00 DIN ( 538.127 EUR ) PODACI O KOMPANIJI Pivara “Niš”a.d. Niš je jedna od dobro poznatih kompanija u Srbiji i Crnoj Gorii Kompanija je osnovana 1884 godine i ima dugu tradiciju. Proces proizvodnje je ve�im delom automatizovan i ima moderne proizvodne metode i opremu. Kompanija ima 316 zaposlenih.Prose�na proizvodnja je 213.000 hl godišnje. Pivara je osvojila brojne nagrade za kvalitet svojih proizvoda. Internacionalne nagrade – 1996 – bronzana, 1997 i 1998 godine zlatna medalja na Me�unarodnom sajmu piva u Briselu. Doma�e nagrade – brojne medalje na Sajmovima u Novom Sadu i Leskovcu. PROIZVODI KOMPANIJE Pivara “Niš”a.d. Niš ima širok spektar prozvoda. Proizvodi su upakovani u slede�u ambalažu: � 330 ml staklena boca � 500 ml staklena boca � 1,5 liter PET boca � 2 liter PET boca � 50 liter bure Proizvodi su: � Nisko pivo � Sok od narandže � Sok od jabuke � Sok od kajsije � Limunada � Gazirani sokovi( Narandža, Kola,Biterlemon) � Koncentrati za sokove Kompanija ima svoj izvor vode I planira da zapo�ne uvo�enje novih proizvoda u svoj proizvodni program ORGANIZACIONA STRUKTURA � SKUPŠTINA AKCIONARA � UPRAVNI ODBOR � GENERALNI DIREKTOR � NADZORNI ODBOR � IZVRŠNI ODBOR � 4 SEKTORA: Tehni�ki., Komercialni, Finansijski i sektor Opštih poslova ZAPOSLENI Trenutno u kompaniji su zaposleni 316 radnika. Zaposleni rade u proizvodnji, administraciji, tehnološkim procesima i ra�unovodstvu. -30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 Broj zaposlenih 28 41 51 54 41 43 28 4 BILANS USPEHA (U EURIMA) 31.12.2003. Prihodi od prodaje proizvoda I usluga 5. 892.708 Promene vrednosti zaliha u�inaka 91.418 UKUPNI POSLOVNI PRIHODI 5.984.126 Troškovi materijala, roba i usluga 1.895.294 Ostali poslovni troškovi 3.390.692 UKUPNI POSLOVNI RASHODI 5.285.986 POSLOVNI DOBITAK-BRUTO 698.140 Finansijski prihodi 9.281 Finansijski rashodi 212.976 DOBITAK (GUBITAK) FINANSIRANJA -203.695 Neposlovni i vanredni prihodi 240.321 Neposlovni i vanredni rashodi 196.639 NEPOSLOVNI I VANREDNI DOBITAK(GUBITAK) 43.682 DOBITAK I GUBITAK 538.127 Porezi I doprinosi iz dobitka - NETO REZULTAT PREDUZE�A 538.127 BILANS STANJA (U EURIMA) 31.12.2003 STALNA IMOVINA 3.078.965 Nematerijalna ulaganja 17.537 Osnovna sredstva 2.791.142 - Zemljište 292.112 - Gra�evinski objekti 514.749 - Oprema 1.513.960 - Avansi 203.739 Dugoro�ni finansijski plasmani 270.286 Obrna sredstva 1.704.188 - Zalihe 1.203.857 - Kratkoro�na potraživanja i plasmani 448.627 - Gotovinski ekvivalenti i gotovina 51.703 GUBITAK 519.009 VANPOSLOVNA AKTIVA 8.007 UKUPNA AKTIVA 5.523.276 KAPITAL 2.858.040 - Osnovni kapital 1.358.660 - Rezerve iz dobiti 0 - Neraspore�eni dobitak 538.127 - Revalorizacione rezerve 961.253 DUGORO�NA REZERVISANJA 105.031 OBAVEZE 2.545.039 - Dugoro�ne obaveze 886.406 - Kratkoro�ne obaveze 1.658.633 VANPOSLOVNA PASIVA 8.007 UKUPNA PASIVA 5.523.276 LOKACIJA KOMPANIJE Kompanija se nalazi u jugo-isto�noj Srbiji u gradu Nišu koji ima oko 300.000 stanovnika. Niš je blizu granice sa Bugarskom na raskrsnici koja povezuju Zapadnu Evropu i Bliski Istok. Napomena: A) Podaci dati u ovom dokumentu nisu do sada bili objavljeni B) Finansijski izveštaji navedeni u dokumentu nisu u saglasnosti sa Me�unarodnim Ra�unovodsvenim Standardima (IAS) Devizni kurs koriš�en u gore navedenim finansijskim izveštajima (Bilans Stanja I Bilans Uspeha za 2003. god. ) odre�en je na nivou srednjeg kursa EUR-a na dan 31.12.2003. godine. 2003: 1 EUR=68.3129 DIN, REFERENTNA LISTA 1. “BEER COMERCE”, NIŠ 2. “NANA”, NIŠ 3. “IMPEKS PROMET”, NIŠ 4. “BT COMERC”, NIŠ 5. “NIŠ EKSPRES”, NIŠ 6. “MALTIMEKS”, BA�KA PALANKA 7. “GRANEKSPORT”, BEOGRAD 8. “IMPA”, ŠABAC 9. “METALOPLASTIKA”, ŠABAC 10. “IMPULS HEMIJA”, NOVI SAD Sources[edit] (talk) 06:46, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] (talk) 09:04, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. Track listing[edit]All songs written by Joe Satriani except where noted.
Sources[edit] (talk) 11:09, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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In the book, realseased in 2004, Sweeney covers her childhood, being a child tv star and going to normal school, growing up on tv, dealing with ane asting disorder, reactions to her weight, and finding love.
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Can someone help me with citations?
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Sources[edit]Source Citation: "Carmen de Lavallade." ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN CULTURE AND HISTORY. 5 vols. Macmillan, 1996. Reprinted by permission of Gale Group. Video:
Carmen de Lavallade was born of creole parents in New Orleans and raised in Los Angeles by her aunt. She studied dance as a young child, and at 16 received a scholarship to study with Lester Horton. She joined the Lester Horton Dance Theater in 1949 and was a lead dancer from 1950 to 1954. Horton believed in broad-based training, so de Lavallade was taught ballet, modern and ethnic dance forms, as well as painting, music, sculpting, acting (with Stella Adler), set design, costuming, and lighting. An extraordinarily gifted dancer, she kept ballet as her first love, studying privately with Italian ballerina Carmelita Maracci. Possessing physical beauty, elegance, and technical polish, de Lavallade entranced audiences with the sensual quality of her dancing. The first of many roles Horton created for her was Salome in "The Face of Violence." It was when they were both with Horton that de Lavallade began her long association with Alvin Ailey. Concurrently, another aspect of her career was taking shape. Lena Horne had seen her in Los Angeles and had introduced the 17-year-old to the filmmakers at 20th Century Fox, and between 1952 and 1955 de Lavallade appeared in four movies, including CARMEN JONES (1955). During the filming, she met Herbert Ross, who asked her to appear as a dancer in the Broadway musical "House of Flowers" (1954), which he choreographed. During that engagement in 1955, de Lavallade met and married the dancer and actor Geoffrey Holder. De Lavallade succeeded her cousin, Janet Collins, as "prima ballerina" of the Metropolitan Opera in 1956. Shortly after that, de Lavallade became a principal in John Butler's company and made her television debut in 1956 in Butler's ballet, FLIGHT. She also performed with the New York City Opera, dancing in her husband's works. As a freelancer, she worked with several choreographers and had many roles created for her. Her son was born in February 1957. With Geoffrey Holder, de Lavallade danced in West Indian-influenced style and performed modern dance (he set her signature solo, "Come Sunday," to black spirituals, sung by Odetta.) In 1957 she appeared in the television production of Duke Ellington's A DRUM IS A WOMAN. Her later film credits include ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW (1959), with Harry Belafonte. She has also acted in off-Broadway productions. Ever since de Lavallade worked with Alvin Ailey in Horton's company, Ailey had been one of her major influences. By the early 1960s, de Lavallade was an important guest artist in his company, and on the company's first European tour (in 1962), the billing was "de Lavallade-Ailey American Dance Company." She danced with Donald McKayle (1964), and appeared in Agnes deMille's 1965 American Ballet Theater productions of "The Four Marys" and "The Frail Quarry." In 1966 she won the coveted DANCE MAGAZINE award for her contribution to the art of dance. De Lavallade also pursued an acting career and appeared in several off-Broadway productions, including "Othello" and "Death of a Salesman." In 1970 de Lavallade joined the prestigious Yale School of Drama as a choreographer and performer-in-residence. She staged musicals, plays, and operas, and later became a full professor at Yale and a member of the Yale Repertory Theater. De Lavallade left Yale around 1980, but continues to teach, lecture, and perform. In October 1993 she appeared with the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Co. at the Joyce Theater in New York City, still commanding admiration with her unique stage presence. In the fall of 1993 she also choreographed the dances for a new production of Antonìn Dvoràk's opera Rusalka at the Metropolitan Opera.
-- Derry Swan (talk) 14:04, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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The Christadelphians are a community without the trappings of elaborate buildings, priests or icons, but with a deep respect for God's word and a strong sense of family and fellowship. Christadelphians believe that Jesus Christ, although a man, was the Son of God. Because he led a sinless life, God raised him from the dead and exalted him to a place of honour by his side. God has promised that all those who put their faith in Jesus will also be raised from the dead - when Jesus returns to the earth to rule over it in peace and righteousness. Christadelphians try to live their lives in accordance with Jesus' commands - including the following: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:15-16)
Sources[edit]CBM Website (talk) 14:04, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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During the Chibata mutiny, more than two thousands sailros rebelled against the use of physical punishments to their faults, and they shot President Palace (Palácio do Catete) and threatened Government to bomb all Rio de Janeiro, if the use of Chibata (a kind of whip) were not stopped in Navy 22 years after the Slavery Abolition (Abolição). The movement was successful, since it represented the end of Chibata, but Government betrayed sailors amnesty and killed around one hundred and retired more than one thousand among the rebellious. This article demands translation of more details still only in Portuguese. Sources[edit]
Films[edit] (talk) 16:39, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Chibata Revolt (Revolta da Chibata) was a movement of thousands of sailors in Brazilian Old Navy which started when João Cândido Felisberto (the leader of the conspiration) was sent to England to learn about the new dreadnought Minas Gerais. The mutiny took place from November 22nd to November 27th, 1910, in Rio de Janeiro, which was by that time the capital of Brazil. During the Chibata mutiny, more than two thousands sailros rebelled against the use of physical punishments to their faults, and they shot President Palace (Palácio do Catete) and threatened Government to bomb all Rio de Janeiro, if the use of Chibata (a kind of whip) were not stopped in Navy 22 years after the Slavery Abolition (Abolição). The movement was successful, since it represented the end of Chibata, but Government betrayed sailors amnesty and killed around one hundred and retired more than one thousand among the rebellious. This article demands translation of more details still only in Portuguese. Sources[edit]
Films[edit] (talk) 16:46, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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During the Chibata mutiny, more than two thousands sailros rebelled against the use of physical punishments to their faults, and they shot President Palace (Palácio do Catete) and threatened Government to bomb all Rio de Janeiro, if the use of Chibata (a kind of whip) were not stopped in Navy 22 years after the Slavery Abolition (Abolição). The movement was successful, since it represented the end of Chibata, but Government betrayed sailors amnesty and killed around one hundred and retired more than one thousand among the rebellious. This article demands translation of more details still only in Portuguese. Sources[edit]
Films[edit] (talk) 16:47, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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During the Chibata mutiny, more than two thousands sailros rebelled against the use of physical punishments to their faults, and they shot President Palace (Palácio do Catete) and threatened Government to bomb all Rio de Janeiro, if the use of Chibata (a kind of whip) were not stopped in Navy 22 years after the Slavery Abolition (Abolição). The movement was successful, since it represented the end of Chibata, but Government betrayed sailors amnesty and killed around one hundred and retired more than one thousand among the rebellious. This article demands translation of more details still only in Portuguese. Films[edit]
Sources[edit] (talk) 16:48, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] (talk) 17:26, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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This is an incidental or novelty reference for the purpose of disambiguating "Coquette", a term used most often in reference to A) a coquettish person; a flirt B) something or someone with a similar quality or appearance C) something operating in a coquettish manner; resembling a peacock or flirt This alternate definition is based upon the normative referrant of coquette as a bird or whimsical appearance; the coquette concept is a machine as dubious as a flirt, designed to operate in a tilting manner in imitation of a peacock's feathers, windvanes (often appearing with a rooster made of copper, brass, or steel), or common garden ornaments (such as pink flamingoes, stilted dragonflies, or mobiles inclusive of astrolabes, sextants, and some recreational or diversionary equipment) The use of a device as simple as a Coquette for the purpose either of generating energy or moving fluently of its own impetus is widely disputed in popular reference and considered moot amongst scientists, according to the laws of thermodynamics The device as postulated would run through the movements of a ball weight which attains consistant momentum via a differential in weight-distance over a fulcrum. Fixed weights applying differing weight and leverage are meant to participate with differing application of weight value by a mobile ball The clearest definition of Coquette is a theoretical mobile in which the momentum of a weight is designed to be accentuated in circuit of a track, via a central tilting motion and differences in leverage application, through the use of fixed weights Concepts for perpetual motion have been barred from patent inclusion by the French Academy of Science for some centuries; a similar policy exists in the United States where any such device must furnish proof of operability (none such are registered); also, related patents have been barred from making a similar claim Sources[edit]Newton, Isaac (Translation of 1833). Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, 3. ed. (1726), ed. by Alexandre Koyré Vol. 1, [Cambridge Mass.] Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674664752. [via wikipedia: article Newton, Isaac] Merriam-Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary, Coquette website: (talk) 19:16, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. Willem Wennekers is a Canadian screenwriter of the films "Night Class" and "Weirdsville". Sources[edit] (talk) 20:10, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Montypythonoides riversleighensis is an extinct genus of snake from the Miocene. It was name after the famous Tv show. Sources[edit]
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. I am copying this verbatim, it was mis-posted by User: to Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation earlier today. It has no references, I will close it after submitting it. I'm posting it here for completeness. davidwr/(talk)/(contribs)/(e-mail) 20:44, 6 June 2008 (UTC) ---cut here--- Landscape painter born in Grasse on January 30, 1842, belongs to the French school of Barbizon. Student Charles Daubigny-Francoise, debuts in his first exhibition (Salon) in 1875. After that date is devoted to the countryside and regularly exhibit. Paint especially flocks of sheep and cattle. Herdswoman accompanied by a watchdog that monitors the animals. Scenes of countryside, calm, with a brightness particular characters without greater than, nature as more spontaneous. Their best works are: troupeau dans la Camargue, Soir d'automne in Sologne, Le soir dans les Alpes Maritimes, Tropeau fayant l'or. Charpin artist is a delicate, full of feeling, and manages the colors in a harmonious manner. The Museum of Nice has it: Sur le versant des Alpes Maritimes, and the Museum of Bernay: The Gardeuse of dindons.Les Chevre, Sous les chenes, Vacher dans un marais, Claire de lune, Paysage avec moutons, Moutons aux patorage, Bords de l'etang, Aux champs, Le retour de la troupeau, Coq et poules. One "Le Retour à la Ferme" is part of the collection of Musèe des Beaux-Arts in Chambery. (Catalogue of Collections of Museums of France, Ministry of Culture of France. Joconbe Base. Dies in Asnieres in 1924. His paintings are also in official mansions and private collections in Europe, and South americas-americas. ---cut here---[reply] Sources[edit]User: provided no references. I will decline this myself. davidwr/(talk)/(contribs)/(e-mail) 20:44, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
davidwr/(talk)/(contribs)/(e-mail) 20:44, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply] |
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The Hyper key was a modifier key from the Space-cadet keyboard; currently the term is used as key symbol in X11, commonly assigned to the physical Windows keys. See also[edit]
Sources[edit] (talk) 22:17, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] (talk) 22:44, 6 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
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If you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there. People like to not just play sports games but manage a footbtall or hockey team.There are a number of websites which you can do this like hat rick!!
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- ^ this website
- ^ a b - Person Page 20945
- ^ a b Desmond FitzGerald| New York Social Diary
- ^ a b The Big Houses of Ireland
- ^ Irish furniture 1740-1800: the Knight of Glin, Desmond FitzGerald, recalls how his interest in Irish furniture developed when he was working at the Victoria and Albert Museum,...