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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/akb48-web.com

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WARNING to users of this data. At the moment of creation, parts of the database were not available (due to maintenance or database problems) - be careful: there may be more additions available
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    Older revids of this page may contain data pertaining other additions.





  1. 2008-07-17 03:45:43 (UTC): w:ja:User:風神雷神 (t - c; 7) to w:ja:高橋みなみ (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com (7, 10, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.akb48-web.com (7, 10, 2, 1- R/X/L) ameblo.jp/akihabara48/ (7, -1, X, X- R/X/L) akb48.blog48.fc2.com (7, 25, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  2. 2009-04-26 07:10:42 (UTC): w:fr:User:Sague (t - c; 1) to w:fr:AKB48 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com/ (1, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  3. 2009-09-03 03:45:03 (UTC): w:ja:User:T-ASL921 forces (t - c; 592) to w:ja:AKB48/log20110116 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.akb48.co.jp (592, 337, 3, 0- R/X/L) open.kyoto-art.info/2008/07/20/ (592, 3, 1, 1- R/X/L) ameblo.jp/maria-chika/ (592, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.akb48.co.jp/ticket/ (592, 337, 3, 0- R/X/L) 3dayboys.com (592, 8, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/flash/KFullFlash20090822124.html (592, 2555, X, X- R/X/L) www.akb48.co.jp (592, 337, 3, 0- R/X/L) www.kingrecords.co.jp/akb48/ (592, 216, 3, 1- R/X/L) ameblo.jp/akihabara48/ (592, -1, X, X- R/X/L) akb48.blog48.fc2.com (592, 25, 1, 1- R/X/L) ch.nicovideo.jp/channel/ch480 (592, 101, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.akb48-web.com (592, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  4. 2010-04-23 07:25:08 (UTC): w:ja:User:Hosiryuhosi (t - c; 3160) to w:ja:SET LIST〜グレイテストソングス〜完全盤 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com/ (3160, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  5. 2010-01-21 22:01:50 (UTC): w:fr:User: (t - c; 3) to w:fr:AKB48 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com/ (R/Xmeta/L- removed)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com/ (3, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  6. 2011-06-08 05:08:47 (UTC): w:ja:User: (t - c; 166) to w:ja:AKB48の関連作品 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com/disco/disco.html (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.kingrecords.co.jp/akb48/disco.html (166, 216, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.akb48-web.com/disco/disco.html (166, 10, 3, 2- R/X/L) www.akb48.co.jp/disc/ (166, 337, 3, 0- R/X/L)
  7. 2011-06-14 01:38:05 (UTC): w:ko:User: (t - c; 166) to w:ko:AKB48의 음반 목록 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com (166, 10, 3, 2- R/X/L)
  8. 2011-06-14 01:38:57 (UTC): w:ja:User: (t - c; 166) to w:ja:AKB48の関連作品 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com (166, 10, 3, 2- R/X/L)
  9. 2011-07-29 07:41:06 (UTC): w:zh:User: (t - c; 3) to w:zh:AKB48关联作品 (diff  !top) - Link: www.akb48-web.com (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.akb48-web.com (3, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.kingrecords.co.jp/akb48/disco.html (3, 216, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.akb48.co.jp/disc/ (3, 337, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  • Displayed all 9 additions.