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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/ofwonline.com

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Reporting statistics of link ofwonline.com; 0 records.

Reports COIBot reported 0 links.

Below a full report on all use of the link ofwonline.com.

This list is intended to see how the external link gets used, it does not imply that involved accounts are having a conflict of interest in adding the link, or that the involved accounts are spamming the link.

LinkWatcher records:

  1. 2009-06-01 11:40:48 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 66) to Overseas Filipino (diff - undo) - Link: www.ofwonline.com/.
    * Links added in this diff: www.ofw.org.ph/ (66, 14, 5, 1) www.ofwonline.com/ (66, 6, 3, 1)
  2. 2009-06-02 04:39:50 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 66) to OFW (diff - undo) - Link: www.ofwonline.com/.
    * Links added in this diff: www.ofw.org.ph/ (66, 14, 5, 1) www.ofwonline.com/ (66, 6, 3, 1)
  3. 2009-06-02 04:48:19 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 66) to OFW (diff - undo) - Link: www.ofwonline.com/.
    * Links added in this diff: cnn.com/2007/world/asiapcf/02/17/philippines.nigeria/index.html?eref=sitesearch (66, 53640, 0, 0) www.ofw.org.ph/ (66, 14, 5, 1) www.ofwonline.com/ (66, 6, 3, 1) www.manilaus.com/ (66, 3, 1, 1) www.ofwkami.com/ (66, 3, 1, 1) www.ofw-care.com/ (66, 2, 1, 1) lifeonthespot.com/blog/qatar/ (66, 2, 1, 1) www.asianjournal.com/cgi-bin/view_info.cgi?code=00007254&category=sp (66, 188, 2, 1) www.dfa.gov.ph/archive/speech/romulo/shaping.htm (66, 181, 1, 1) www.manilatimes.net/national/2007/feb/24/yehey/metro/20070224met3.html (66, 1429, 0, 0) www.manilatimes.net/national/2006/mar/08/yehey/top_stories/20060308top8.html (66, 1429, 0, 0) www.samarnews.com/news2006/aug/f747.htm (66, 28, 1, 1) www.sunstar.com.ph/enwiki/static/net/2004/07/22/hero.s.welcome.awaits.angelo.dela.cruz.after.iraq.ordeal.(12.15.p.m.).html (66, 1601, 0, 0) www.ofw-connect.com/ (66, 1, 1, 1) www.thefilipino.com/ (66, 1, 1, 1) www.oyaye.com/ (66, 1, 1, 1) www.overseas-filipinos.net/ (66, 2, 1, 1) www.pni-recruitment.com (66, 1, 1, 1) www.thebrownraise.org (66, 15, 1, 1) groups.yahoo.com/group/naijapinoy (66, 4944, 0, 0) philbrgysocietyinnigeria.wordpress.com (66, 13, 2, 1) www.overseasfilipino.com/ (66, 3, 1, 1) www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4898603.ece/ (66, 43710, 0, 0) www.poea.gov.ph/docs/stock%20estimate%202004.xls (66, 35, 6, 1) www.census.gov.ph/data/pressrelease/2005/of04tx.html (66, 6348, 0, 0) www.poea.gov.ph/stats/2005deployment.xls (66, 35, 6, 1) www.poea.gov.ph/html/statistics.html (66, 35, 6, 1) www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/2f762f95845417aeca25706c00834efa/00fb61d4fa7da54bca2572360001105c?opendocument (66, 4357, 0, 0) www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gq.html#people (66, 39965, 0, 0) www.yearbook.gov.hk/2005/en/fact_01.htm (66, 306, 1, -3) newsinfo.inquirer.net/topstories/topstories/view_article.php?article_id=13250 (66, 3460, 0, 0) www.stats.govt.nz/census/2006-census-data/quickstats-about-culture-identity/quickstats-about-culture-and-identity.htm?page=para015master (66, 2012, 0, 0) www.poea.gov.ph/stats/2006stats.pdf (66, 35, 6, 1) statdb.cla.gov.tw/html/mon/c11020.htm (66, 21, 1, 1) www.poea.gov.ph/stats/2006stats.pdf (66, 35, 6, 1) factfinder.census.gov/servlet/iptable?_bm=y&-geo_id=01000us&-qr_name=acs_2005_est_g00_s0201&-qr_name=acs_2005_est_g00_s0201pr&-qr_name=acs_2005_est_g00_s0201t&-qr_name=acs_2005_est_g00_s0201tpr&-reg=acs_2005_est_g00_s0201:038;acs_2005_est_g00_s0201 (66, 25403, 0, 0) www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2794.htm (66, 22573, 0, 0) www.manilatimes.net/national/2007/sept/24/yehey/opinion/20070924opi4.html (66, 1429, 0, 0) www.poea.gov.ph/stats/2006stats.pdf (66, 35, 6, 1) www.visabureau.com/canada/news/31-12-2008/philippines-takes-over-china-as-number-one-source-of-canadian-immigrants.aspx (66, 27, 1, 1) www.philembassy-uk.org/default.asp?iid=khehl (66, 6, 1, 1) www.asianjournal.com/?c=186&a=21596 (66, 188, 2, 1) www.athenspe.net/about.html (66, 11, 1, 1) globalnation.inquirer.net/news/news/view_article.php?article_id=64666 (66, 539, 1, -3) www.manilastandardtoday.com/?page=news4_may5_2007 (66, 1349, 0, 0) philbrgysocietyinnigeria.wordpress.com/2008/10/28/nigeria-base-ofws-renew-appeal-to-pgma-to-lift-the-ban/ (66, 13, 2, 1) news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4229955.stm (66, 399267, 0, 0) lists.ilps-news.com/pipermail/info-bureau/2004-july/000401.html (66, 8, 1, 1) www.hrsolidarity.net/mainfile.php/1995vol05no01/1887/ (66, 22, 1, 1) www.time.com/time/international/1995/951023/justice.html (66, 63563, 0, 0) www.philippinestoday.net/october2001/editorial1001.htm (66, 14, 1, 1) www.prb.org/articles/2003/rapidpopulationgrowthcrowdedcitiespresentchallengesinthephilippines.aspx (66, 850, 1, -3) www.bsp.gov.ph/statistics/spei/tab11.htm (66, 27, 1, 1) web.archive.org/web/20060305192447/http://www.inq7.net/globalnation/sec_new/2005/dec/02-01.htm (66, 133217, 0, 0) english.people.com.cn/200705/15/eng20070515_374856.html (66, 4635, 0, 0) www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2008/02/15/afx4659876.html (66, 23412, 0, 0) www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2008/10/13/afx5548834.html (66, 23412, 0, 0) www.census.gov/prod/2007pubs/acs-05.pdf (66, 31505, 0, 0) www.uscis.gov/files/article/mobrept_appendixa.pdf (66, 557, 1, -3) www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2794.htm (66, 22573, 0, 0)
  4. 2009-06-02 10:01:58 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 5) to Overseas Filipino (diff - undo) - Link: www.ofwonline.com.
    * Links added in this diff: www.ofw.org.ph (5, 14, 1, 1) www.ofwonline.com (5, 6, 1, 1)
  5. 2010-01-04 19:53:03 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 62) to Pinoy (diff - undo) - Link: www.ofwonline.com/.
    * Links added in this diff: www.sanvicente.com.ph/ (62, 3, 1, 1) www.carabaoisland.com.ph/ (62, 3, 2, 1) www.dollar.com.ph/ (62, 1, 1, 1) www.ofw.com.ph/ (62, 2, 2, 1) www.ofwonline.com/ (62, 6, 2, 1)
  6. 2010-01-04 20:01:01 (UTC): User (talk - contribs; 62) to Filipino (diff - undo) - Link: www.OFWonline.com/.
    * Links added in this diff: www.Carabaoisland.com.ph/ (62, 3, 2, 1) www.remit.com.ph/ (62, 1, 1, 1) www.OFW.com.ph/ (62, 2, 2, 1) www.OFWonline.com/ (62, 6, 2, 1)