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  1. 2014-02-06 20:29:21 (UTC): v:en:User:Csstewart10 (t - c; 33) to v:en:User:Egm6322.s14.team2/report2 (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html (33, 69, 4, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html (33, 69, 4, 0- R/X/L)
  2. 2014-02-06 23:38:46 (UTC): v:en:User:Csstewart10 (t - c; 33) to v:en:User:Egm6322.s14.team2/report2 (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre_prb_output.txt (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre_prb_output.txt (33, 69, 4, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre_prb_output.txt (33, 69, 4, 0- R/X/L) github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/polynomial/laguerre.py#L1647 (33, -1, X, X- R/X/L) docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/reference/generated/numpy.polynomial.laguerre.laggauss.html#numpy.polynomial.laguerre.laggauss (33, 61, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  3. 2014-02-21 15:59:12 (UTC): v:en:User: (t - c; 4) to v:en:User:Egm6322.s14.team2/report3 (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html (4, 69, 2, 1- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~%20jburkardt/c_src/test_int_laguerre/test_int_laguerre.html (4, 69, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  4. 2014-03-15 13:13:29 (UTC): v:en:User:Young1lim (t - c; 329) to v:en:CORDIC Hardware Implementations (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/cordic/cordic.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/cordic/cordic.html (329, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  5. 2014-05-04 01:59:12 (UTC): User K6ka t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (43603) to Wavefront .obj file (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/data/mtl/mtl.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: nendowingsmirai.yuku.com/forum/viewtopic/id/1723 (43603, 4, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/data/mtl/mtl.html (43603, 69, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
  6. 2014-06-05 03:50:04 (UTC): User David Condrey t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (920) to Comma-separated values (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f_src/csv_io/csv_io.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f_src/csv_io/csv_io.html (920, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.csvreader.com/csv_format.php (920, 1, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  7. 2014-06-20 13:11:27 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (297) to Owen's T function (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/asa076/tfn.m (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/asa076/tfn.m (297, 69, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  8. 2014-06-21 17:17:53 (UTC): w:it:User:Tino (t - c; 2209) to w:it:Metodo di Nelder-Mead (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/m_src/asa047/nelmin.m (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.fsv.cvut.cz/~svobodal/sova/ (2209, 5, 1, 0- R/X/L) pricing-option.com/calibration_sabr.aspx (2209, 2, 1, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/m_src/asa047/nelmin.m (2209, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L) math.fullerton.edu/mathews/n2003/NelderMeadMod.html (2209, 88, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.brnt.eu/phd/node10.html#SECTION00622200000000000000 (2209, 1, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.boomer.org/c/p3/c11/c1106.html (2209, 11, 1, 0- R/X/L) dx.doi.org/10.1093%2Fcomjnl%2F7.4.308 (2209, -1, X, X- R/X/L) dx.doi.org/10.1137%2F050635432 (2209, -1, X, X- R/X/L) dx.doi.org/10.1137%2FS003614450242889 (2209, -1, X, X- R/X/L) dx.doi.org/10.1137%2FS1052623496303482 (2209, -1, X, X- R/X/L) dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fbf01584660 (2209, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  9. 2014-08-04 02:42:11 (UTC): User ClueBot NG t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (-1) to Homophone (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/multinyms.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: pbskids.org/lions/videos/homophones.html (-1, 658, X, X- R/X/L) homophonemachine.allaboutlearningpress.com (-1, 2, X, X- R/X/L) www.pisgahpress.com/authors/a-d-reed/ (-1, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.homophone.com (-1, 5, X, X- R/X/L) dictionary.reference.com/browse/homonym?r=66 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/multinyms.html (-1, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/multinyms.html (-1, 69, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group bot on some wikis
  10. 2014-09-28 09:44:44 (UTC): w:de:User:B. M., CH-Riehen (t - c; 3) to w:de:Luzifer-Rätsel (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/puzzles/impossible_puzzle.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/puzzles/impossible_puzzle.html (3, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  11. 2014-11-09 07:57:28 (UTC): w:zh:User:Stevenliuyi (t - c; 7967) to w:zh:SLATEC (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/fishpack/fishpack.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.netlib.org/linpack (7967, 239, X, X- R/X/L) www.netlib.org/linpack (7967, 239, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/fishpack/fishpack.html (7967, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/fishpack/fishpack.html (7967, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.cisl.ucar.edu/css/software/fishpack/ (7967, 49, X, X- R/X/L) www.cisl.ucar.edu/css/software/fishpack/ (7967, 49, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
  12. 2014-12-02 19:57:57 (UTC): w:fr:User:Lomita (t - c; 32776) to w:fr:Nicolas Copernic (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.archive.org/stream/lesystmedumond03duhe#page/60/mode/2up (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/models (32776, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/images/011v.jpg (32776, 113, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/plist_e.html (32776, 113, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/ps_plut_opin_phil_02/lecture/6.htm (32776, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_opinions_phil_03/lecture/5.htm (32776, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_face_lune/lecture/4.htm (32776, 116, X, X- R/X/L) remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/archimede/arenaire.htm (32776, 8176, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (32776, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (32776, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n-79-39943 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00464903 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/iccu/scheda_authority.jsp?bid=IT\ICCU\CFIV\036566 (32776, , X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/118565273 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n79039943 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/026798298 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb118976048 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) isni-url.oclc.nl/isni/0000000110290900 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/71389288 (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (32776, , X, X- R/X/L) www.bartleby.com/39/12.html (32776, , X, X- R/X/L) www.cerimes.fr/le-cerimes/actualites/les-batisseurs-du-ciel-lintegrale.html (32776, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=9k-pHc8l-TgC&hl=fr (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (32776, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (32776, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2008/11/21/la-tombe-de-copernic-identifiee-grace-a-son-adn_1121753_3246.html (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (32776, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=yE2G1xjWkG8C&dq=copernic+index+1616&hl=fr (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) archive.org/details/historyofplaneta00dreyuoft (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/nicolas-copernic/ (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.jbnoe.fr/Premiere-Partie-du-Dossier-Galilee (32776, 5, X, X- R/X/L) gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k2426r/f328.image.r=.langFR (32776, -1, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
  13. 2014-12-26 17:19:17 (UTC): User Christophe1946 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (66) to Farnese Atlas (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/farnese4.pdf (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/farnese4.pdf (66, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  14. 2015-04-08 09:36:39 (UTC): w:fr:User:Jack Rabbit Slim's (t - c; 3631) to w:fr:Nicolas Copernic (diff  top?) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (3631, , X, X- R/X/L) www.bartleby.com/39/12.html (3631, , X, X- R/X/L) www.cerimes.fr/le-cerimes/actualites/les-batisseurs-du-ciel-lintegrale.html (3631, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=9k-pHc8l-TgC&hl=fr (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (3631, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (3631, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2008/11/21/la-tombe-de-copernic-identifiee-grace-a-son-adn_1121753_3246.html (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (3631, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=yE2G1xjWkG8C&dq=copernic+index+1616&hl=fr (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) archive.org/details/historyofplaneta00dreyuoft (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/nicolas-copernic/ (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.jbnoe.fr/Premiere-Partie-du-Dossier-Galilee (3631, 5, X, X- R/X/L) gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k2426r/f328.image.r=.langFR (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.archive.org/stream/lesystmedumond03duhe#page/60/mode/2up (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/models (3631, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/images/011v.jpg (3631, 113, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/plist_e.html (3631, 113, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/ps_plut_opin_phil_02/lecture/6.htm (3631, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_opinions_phil_03/lecture/5.htm (3631, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_face_lune/lecture/4.htm (3631, 116, X, X- R/X/L) remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/archimede/arenaire.htm (3631, 8176, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (3631, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (3631, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n-79-39943 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=XX1721463 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00464903 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/iccu/scheda_authority.jsp?bid=IT\ICCU\CFIV\036566 (3631, , X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/118565273 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/n79039943 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/026798298 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb118976048 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) isni.org/isni/0000000110290900 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/71389288 (3631, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  15. 2015-06-30 14:37:40 (UTC): w:fr:User:Legende135 (t - c; 66) to w:fr:Nikola Tesla (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n-79-39943 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00621553 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/119219166 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/n78086404 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/034983023 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12567608n (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA07566440?l=en (66, , X, X- R/X/L) isni.org/isni/0000000121021829 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/70194046 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (66, , X, X- R/X/L) www.bartleby.com/39/12.html (66, , X, X- R/X/L) www.cerimes.fr/le-cerimes/actualites/les-batisseurs-du-ciel-lintegrale.html (66, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=9k-pHc8l-TgC&hl=fr (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (66, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (66, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2008/11/21/la-tombe-de-copernic-identifiee-grace-a-son-adn_1121753_3246.html (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (66, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=yE2G1xjWkG8C&dq=copernic+index+1616&hl=fr (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/nicolas-copernic/ (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.jbnoe.fr/Premiere-Partie-du-Dossier-Galilee (66, 5, X, X- R/X/L) gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k2426r/f328.image.r=.langFR (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.archive.org/stream/lesystmedumond03duhe#page/60/mode/2up (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/models (66, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/images/011v.jpg (66, 113, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/plist_e.html (66, 113, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/ps_plut_opin_phil_02/lecture/6.htm (66, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_opinions_phil_03/lecture/5.htm (66, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_face_lune/lecture/4.htm (66, 116, X, X- R/X/L) remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/archimede/arenaire.htm (66, 8176, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (66, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (66, 69, X, X- R/X/L)
  16. 2015-06-30 14:40:17 (UTC): w:fr:User:Legende135 (t - c; 66) to w:fr:Nikola Tesla (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n-79-39943 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00621553 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/119219166 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/n78086404 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/034983023 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12567608n (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA07566440?l=en (66, , X, X- R/X/L) isni.org/isni/0000000121021829 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/70194046 (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (66, , X, X- R/X/L) www.bartleby.com/39/12.html (66, , X, X- R/X/L) www.cerimes.fr/le-cerimes/actualites/les-batisseurs-du-ciel-lintegrale.html (66, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=9k-pHc8l-TgC&hl=fr (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (66, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (66, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2008/11/21/la-tombe-de-copernic-identifiee-grace-a-son-adn_1121753_3246.html (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) southerncrossreview.org/50/rudnicki1.htm (66, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=yE2G1xjWkG8C&dq=copernic+index+1616&hl=fr (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/nicolas-copernic/ (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.jbnoe.fr/Premiere-Partie-du-Dossier-Galilee (66, 5, X, X- R/X/L) gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k2426r/f328.image.r=.langFR (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.archive.org/stream/lesystmedumond03duhe#page/60/mode/2up (66, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/models (66, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/images/011v.jpg (66, 113, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/plist_e.html (66, 113, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/ps_plut_opin_phil_02/lecture/6.htm (66, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_opinions_phil_03/lecture/5.htm (66, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_face_lune/lecture/4.htm (66, 116, X, X- R/X/L) remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/archimede/arenaire.htm (66, 8176, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (66, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (66, 69, X, X- R/X/L)
  17. 2015-08-12 19:22:38 (UTC): w:de:User:Quartl (t - c; 151) to w:de:Brent-Verfahren (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/brent/brent.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/brent/brent.html (151, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  18. 2015-08-26 13:17:39 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (1) to Ptolemy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (1, 69, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  19. 2015-09-18 02:22:24 (UTC): User Stevenj t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (48) to Sobol sequence (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/sobol/sobol.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/sobol/sobol.html (48, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  20. 2015-10-15 20:43:53 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (2) to Wavefront .obj file (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/obj/obj.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/obj/obj.html (2, 69, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  21. 2015-10-18 02:30:44 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (3) to K-medians clustering (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/kmedian/kmedian.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/kmedian/kmedian.html (3, 69, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  22. 2015-10-18 03:10:38 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (3) to K-means clustering (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/asa136/asa136.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/asa136/asa136.html (3, 69, 3, 1- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/asa136/asa136.html (3, 69, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  23. 2015-10-22 23:13:03 (UTC): User ClueBot NG t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (-1) to Ptolemy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
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  24. 2015-10-22 23:16:04 (UTC): User Hillbillyholiday t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (3262) to Ptolemy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=XX1136821 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut&ccl_term=ica=ola2002159448&CON_LNG=ENG (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00453423 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11920750r (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11920750r (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/027084396 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/118641786 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) isni-url.oclc.nl/isni/0000000122800429 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50032768 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/54152998 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (3262, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.phy.syr.edu/courses/java/demos/kennett/Epicycle/Epicycle.html (3262, 27, X, X- R/X/L) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Plxed3JVOnI (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) jove.geol.niu.edu/faculty/stoddard/JAVA/ptolemy.html (3262, 18, X, X- R/X/L) www.csiss.org/classics/content/76 (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) www.u.arizona.edu/~aversa/scholastic/Dictionary%20of%20Scientific%20Biography/Ptolemy%20(Toomer).pdf (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) www.skyscript.co.uk/ptolemy.html (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) wwwuser.gwdg.de/~fhasele/ptolemaeus/index.html (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) www.newberry.org/smith/slidesets/ss08.html (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) obs.nineplanets.org/psc/theman.html (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) hdl.loc.gov/loc.rbc/General.17936 (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) hdl.loc.gov/loc.rbc/general.23472.1 (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) roderic.uv.es/handle/10550/43 (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) roderic.uv.es/uv_ms_0693 (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) archive.org/details/pt1claudiiptolemaei01ptoluoft (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.wilbourhall.org/index.html#ptolemy (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) soltdm.com/index.htm (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) soltdm.com/sources/mss/ptol/ptol_0.htm (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) dsr.nii.ac.jp/toyobunko/III-2-F-b-2/V-1/page/0162.html.ja (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Periods/Roman/_Texts/Ptolemy/home.html (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sacred-texts.com/astro/ptb/index.htm (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Ptolemy/Tetrabiblos/home.html (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) hos.ou.edu/galleries//02LateAncient/Ptolemy/ (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) www.google.com/mars/#lat=-9.622414&lon=-113.203125&q=ptolemaeus (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/?id=mhLVHR5QAQkC&pg=PP1&dq=ptolemy+theory+of+visual+perception (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.dioi.org/diller8/diller8.htm (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) nw.academia.edu/DmitryShcheglov/Papers/142876/Hipparchus_Table_of_Climata_and_Ptolemys_Geography (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) people.scs.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) www.dioi.org/cot.htm#mjpg (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9376085 (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Ptolemy.aspx (3262, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?hl=en&rlz=1C1CHMG_en-USGR291GR308&q=Mortal%20am%20I,%20the%20creature%20of%20a%20day%20and%20yet%20I%20trace%20the&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wp (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=ACj9V58WKDUC&pg=PA291&dq=Claudius+Ptolemaeus++epigram#v=onepage&q=Claudius%20Ptolemaeus%20%20epigram&f=false (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/biography/Ptolemy (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/biography/Ptolemy (3262, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  25. 2015-12-18 14:29:15 (UTC): User ClueBot NG t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (-1) to Ptolemy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=XX1136821 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut&ccl_term=ica=ola2002159448&CON_LNG=ENG (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00453423 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11920750r (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11920750r (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/027084396 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/118641786 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) isni-url.oclc.nl/isni/0000000122800429 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50032768 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/54152998 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (-1, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.phy.syr.edu/courses/java/demos/kennett/Epicycle/Epicycle.html (-1, 27, X, X- R/X/L) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Plxed3JVOnI (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) jove.geol.niu.edu/faculty/stoddard/JAVA/ptolemy.html (-1, 18, X, X- R/X/L) www.csiss.org/classics/content/76 (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.u.arizona.edu/~aversa/scholastic/Dictionary%20of%20Scientific%20Biography/Ptolemy%20(Toomer).pdf (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.skyscript.co.uk/ptolemy.html (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) wwwuser.gwdg.de/~fhasele/ptolemaeus/index.html (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.newberry.org/smith/slidesets/ss08.html (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) obs.nineplanets.org/psc/theman.html (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) hdl.loc.gov/loc.rbc/General.17936 (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) hdl.loc.gov/loc.rbc/general.23472.1 (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) roderic.uv.es/handle/10550/43 (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) roderic.uv.es/uv_ms_0693 (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) archive.org/details/pt1claudiiptolemaei01ptoluoft (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.wilbourhall.org/index.html#ptolemy (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) soltdm.com/index.htm (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) soltdm.com/sources/mss/ptol/ptol_0.htm (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) dsr.nii.ac.jp/toyobunko/III-2-F-b-2/V-1/page/0162.html.ja (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Periods/Roman/_Texts/Ptolemy/home.html (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sacred-texts.com/astro/ptb/index.htm (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Ptolemy/Tetrabiblos/home.html (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) hos.ou.edu/galleries//02LateAncient/Ptolemy/ (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.google.com/mars/#lat=-9.622414&lon=-113.203125&q=ptolemaeus (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/?id=mhLVHR5QAQkC&pg=PP1&dq=ptolemy+theory+of+visual+perception (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.nl/books?id=EP9QAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA527&dq=ptolemy+wrote+harmonics+music+theory+mathematics&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0CCkQ6AEwADgKahUKEwi-wYXtlfPIAhVDYQ4KHaaMB_Y#v=onepage&q=ptolemy%20wrote%20harmonics%20music%20theory%20mathematics&f=false (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.dioi.org/diller8/diller8.htm (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) nw.academia.edu/DmitryShcheglov/Papers/142876/Hipparchus_Table_of_Climata_and_Ptolemys_Geography (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) people.scs.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.dioi.org/cot.htm#mjpg (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9376085 (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0073%3Aentry%3D*ptolemai%3Dos (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Ptolemy.aspx (-1, , X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?hl=en&rlz=1C1CHMG_en-USGR291GR308&q=Mortal%20am%20I,%20the%20creature%20of%20a%20day%20and%20yet%20I%20trace%20the&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wp (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=ACj9V58WKDUC&pg=PA291&dq=Claudius+Ptolemaeus++epigram#v=onepage&q=Claudius%20Ptolemaeus%20%20epigram&f=false (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/biography/Ptolemy (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.britannica.com/biography/Ptolemy (-1, -1, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group bot on some wikis
  26. 2015-12-24 10:46:31 (UTC): b:en:User:Adam majewski (t - c; 2463) to b:en:Fractals/Computer graphic techniques/2D/gfile (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/c_src/pgmb_io/pgmb_io.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/pgmb/pgmb.html (2463, 69, 5, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/c_src/pgmb_io/pgmb_io.html (2463, 69, 5, 0- R/X/L) research.cs.queensu.ca/home/cisc859/download/859.programs/cprogram_to_read_PGM/PGM.c (2463, 9, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  27. 2015-12-25 21:38:21 (UTC): b:en:User:Adam majewski (t - c; 2463) to b:en:Fractals/Computer graphic techniques/2D/algorithms (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/triangles/tex5.txt (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/triangles/tex6.txt (2463, 69, 5, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/triangles/tex1.txt (2463, 69, 5, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/triangles/tex5.txt (2463, 69, 5, 0- R/X/L) www-sop.inria.fr/prisme/fiches/Arithmetique/index.html.en (2463, 100, 1, 0- R/X/L) mathoverflow.net/questions/44096/detecting-whether-directed-cycle-is-clockwise-or-counterclockwise (2463, 626, 29, 0- R/X/L) ncalculators.com/geometry/triangle-area-by-3-points.htm (2463, 6, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  28. 2016-05-13 19:52:45 (UTC): w:ja:User: (t - c; 537) to w:ja:Wavefront .objファイル (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/data/mtl/mtl.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.fileformat.info/format/wavefrontobj/egff.htm (537, 738, 1, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/obj/obj.html (537, 69, 2, 1- R/X/L) paulbourke.net/dataformats/mtl/ (537, 75, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.martinreddy.net/gfx/3d/OBJ.spec (537, 35, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.cs.utah.edu/~boulos/cs3505/obj_spec.pdf (537, 189, 1, 1- R/X/L) nendowingsmirai.yuku.com/forum/viewtopic/id/1723 (537, 4, 1, 1- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~burkardt/data/mtl/mtl.html (537, 69, 2, 1- R/X/L) gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/21303/how-can-i-include-vertex-color-information-in-obj-files/66270#66270 (537, 14, 1, 1- R/X/L) paulbourke.net/dataformats/mtl/ (537, 75, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  29. 2016-07-29 08:45:27 (UTC): wikt:de:User:IvanP (t - c; 17223) to wikt:de:Benutzer:Benutzer:IvanP/Sprachkritik (diff  top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/puzzles/impossible_puzzle.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/puzzles/impossible_puzzle.html (17223, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L) philpapers.org/browse/sleeping-beauty (17223, 1443, X, X- R/X/L) arxiv.org/abs/1102.0173 (17223, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.joelvelasco.net/teaching/3865/mikkelson%2004%20-%20dissolving%20wine%20water.pdf (17223, 78, 1, 0- R/X/L) books.google.de/books?id=nuGEBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA97 (17223, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.de/books?id=eV19BwAAQBAJ&pg=PA97 (17223, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.austms.org.au/Gazette/2006/Jul06/mdeakin.pdf (17223, 99, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  30. 2016-08-22 15:45:24 (UTC): w:fr:User:Jojo V (t - c; 1834) to w:fr:Utilisateur:Utilisateur:Jojo V/Brouillon (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/burgers/burgers.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/burgers/burgers.html (1834, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L)
  31. 2016-08-25 09:35:39 (UTC): w:fr:User:Jojo V (t - c; 1834) to w:fr:Équation de Burgers (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/burgers/burgers.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/burgers/burgers.html (1834, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.primat.mephi.ru/wiki/ow.asp?Burgers%27_equation (1834, 6, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.eng.fsu.edu/~dommelen/pdes/style_a/burgers.html (1834, 63, 2, 0- R/X/L) docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/mwr/043/mwr-043-04-0163.pdf (1834, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  32. 2016-09-22 18:36:38 (UTC): User Xzesey t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (37) to Auto-antonym (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/autoanto.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/autoanto.html (37, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  33. 2016-09-23 17:37:25 (UTC): User Dan Koehl t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (9196) to Ptolemy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=XX1136821 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut&ccl_term=ica=ola2002159448&CON_LNG=ENG (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00453423 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11920750r (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb11920750r (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/027084396 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/118641786 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) isni.org/isni/0000000122800429 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50032768 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/54152998 (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (9196, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.phy.syr.edu/courses/java/demos/kennett/Epicycle/Epicycle.html (9196, 27, X, X- R/X/L) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Plxed3JVOnI (9196, -1, X, X- R/X/L) jove.geol.niu.edu/faculty/stoddard/JAVA/ptolemy.html (9196, 18, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, bureaucrat, rollbacker on some wikis
  34. 2016-09-26 18:12:58 (UTC): w:fr:User:Do not follow (t - c; 65732) to w:fr:Nicolas Copernic (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: books.google.com/books?id=9k-pHc8l-TgC&hl=fr (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (65732, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 (65732, 194, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2010/05/22/copernic-inhume-en-pologne-467-ans-apres-sa-mort_1361799_3214.html (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2008/11/21/la-tombe-de-copernic-identifiee-grace-a-son-adn_1121753_3246.html (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=yE2G1xjWkG8C&dq=copernic+index+1616&hl=fr (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) archive.org/details/historyofplaneta00dreyuoft (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/nicolas-copernic/ (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.jbnoe.fr/Premiere-Partie-du-Dossier-Galilee (65732, 5, X, X- R/X/L) gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k2426r/f328.image.r=.langFR (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.archive.org/stream/lesystmedumond03duhe#page/60/mode/2up (65732, -1, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/models (65732, 69, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/images/011v.jpg (65732, 113, X, X- R/X/L) www.bj.uj.edu.pl/bjmanus/revol/plist_e.html (65732, 113, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/ps_plut_opin_phil_02/lecture/6.htm (65732, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_opinions_phil_03/lecture/5.htm (65732, 116, X, X- R/X/L) hodoi.fltr.ucl.ac.be/concordances/plutarque_face_lune/lecture/4.htm (65732, 116, X, X- R/X/L) remacle.org/bloodwolf/erudits/archimede/arenaire.htm (65732, 8176, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (65732, 69, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/ptolemy.html (65732, 69, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
  35. 2016-10-10 09:34:31 (UTC): w:uk:User:В.Галушко (t - c; 4939) to w:uk:Енантіосемія (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/autoanto.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: mentalfloss.com/article/49834/14-words-are-their-own-opposites (4939, 1916, X, X- R/X/L) www.fun-with-words.com/nym_autoantonyms.html (4939, 30, X, X- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/autoanto.html (4939, 69, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
  36. 2016-10-16 18:32:52 (UTC): w:uk:User:Гаврилюк КС-11 (t - c; 30) to w:uk:Поверхня Безьє (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/bezier_surface/bezier_surface.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/bezier_surface/bezier_surface.html (30, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  37. 2016-10-29 14:22:44 (UTC): w:it:User: (t - c; 48) to w:it:Pelophylax cretensis (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/pdfs/beerli_1994.pdf (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/pdfs/beerli_1994.pdf (48, 69, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.arkive.org/cretan-frog/pelophylax-cretensis/ (48, 23240, X, X- R/X/L) research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia (48, -1, X, X- R/X/L) research.amnh.org/vz/herpetology/amphibia/Amphibia/Anura/Ranidae/Pelophylax/Pelophylax-cretensis (48, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.iucnredlist.org/details/58581 (48, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  38. 2016-12-06 17:54:44 (UTC): User Fsuengineer t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (7) to Computational science (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.sc.fsu.edu/education (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.sc.fsu.edu (7, 6, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.sc.fsu.edu (7, 6, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.sc.fsu.edu/education (7, 6, 6, 0- R/X/L)
  39. 2016-12-06 18:09:21 (UTC): User Fsuengineer t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (7) to Computational science (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.sc.fsu.edu/education/ (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.sc.fsu.edu/education/ (7, 6, 6, 0- R/X/L)
  40. 2016-12-11 20:26:46 (UTC): User KAP03 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (715) to Number Scrabble (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/exm_pdf/tictactoe.pdf (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/exm_pdf/tictactoe.pdf (715, 69, 3, 0- R/X/L)
  41. 2016-12-11 20:41:18 (UTC): User KAP03 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (715) to Magic15 (game) (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/exm_pdf/tictactoe.pdf (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/exm_pdf/tictactoe.pdf (715, 69, 3, 0- R/X/L)
  42. 2016-12-17 15:24:19 (UTC): User KAP03 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (715) to Tic-tac-toe variants (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/exm_pdf/tictactoe.pdf (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: ohboyigettodomath.blogspot.com/2015/05/tic-tac-toe-as-magic-square.html (715, 2, 2, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/exm_pdf/tictactoe.pdf (715, 69, 3, 0- R/X/L) www.jstor.org/stable/1420555 (715, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=mZP6AQAAQBAJ&pg=PA51&lpg=PA51&dq=Pick+15+number+game+between+1+and+9&source=bl&ots=dKA12xcvIn&sig=_FLaBi0Njw_V8pdnrUamuvBEArE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjItonX_MnQAhWIwVQKHW-hAt4Q6AEITTAI#v=onepage&q=Pick%2015%20number%20game%20between%201%20and%209&f=false (715, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  43. 2017-01-17 21:03:52 (UTC): User David Marjanović t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (25) to PAUP* (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dswofford/paup_test/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dswofford/paup_test/ (25, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dswofford/paup_test/ (25, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L)
  44. 2017-02-03 14:51:56 (UTC): User Vixon1980 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (2) to Homophone (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/multinyms.html(site (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/multinyms.html(site (2, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/multinyms.html(site (2, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L)
  45. 2017-02-06 14:50:01 (UTC): w:ru:User:Abdulmalik1104 (t - c; 22) to w:ru:Участник:Участник:Abdulmalik1104/Черновик (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/arpack/arpack.html (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: github.com/JuliaMath/IterativeSolvers.jl (22, -1, X, X- R/X/L) github.com/JuliaMath/IterativeSolvers.jl (22, -1, X, X- R/X/L) web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~bai/ET/lanczos_methods/overview_PLANSO.html (22, 60, 2, 0- R/X/L) web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~bai/ET/lanczos_methods/overview_PLANSO.html (22, 60, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.comp-phys.org/software/ietl/ (22, 2, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.comp-phys.org/software/ietl/ (22, 2, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.cs.cmu.edu/~bickson/gabp/ (22, 2040, X, X- R/X/L) www.cs.cmu.edu/~bickson/gabp/ (22, 2040, X, X- R/X/L) turi.com/products/create/open_source.html (22, 5, 2, 0- R/X/L) turi.com/products/create/open_source.html (22, 5, 2, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/arpack/arpack.html (22, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/arpack/arpack.html (22, 69, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.nag.com/content/nag-library (22, 8, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.nag.com/content/nag-library (22, 8, 2, 0- R/X/L) pastebin.com/SbNrh7nz (22, 1625, X, X- R/X/L) algowiki-project.org/ru/%D0%A3%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA:Abdulpotiev (22, 2, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  46. 2017-02-20 00:06:43 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (8) to Indian astronomy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/Thursday_slides (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/Thursday_slides (8, 69, 2, 1- R/X/L) people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/Thursday_slides (8, 69, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  47. 2017-02-28 11:20:39 (UTC): w:nl:User:Karmakolle (t - c; 1924) to w:nl:Atlas van Farnese (diff  !top) - Link: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/farnese4.pdf (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: people.sc.fsu.edu/~dduke/farnese4.pdf (1924, 69, 1, 0- R/X/L) cir.campania.beniculturali.it/museoarcheologiconazionale/itinerari-tematici/galleria-di-immagini/RA104 (1924, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  48. 2017-03-01 16:34:30 (UTC): User Fsuengineer t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (7) to Florida State University/Scientific Computing (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff - DELETED) - Link: www.sc.fsu.edu (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.sc.fsu.edu (7, 6, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.sc.fsu.edu (7, 6, 6, 0- R/X/L)
  • Displayed all 48 additions.