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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Florida International University/International Business (Fall 2017)

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Course name
International Business
Florida International University
Karen Paul
Wikipedia Expert
Shalor (Wiki Ed)
International Business
Course dates
2017-08-21 00:00:00 UTC – 2017-12-05 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This is an overview course that examines the international business environment (e.g., economic, political, legal, and cultural aspects), current trends in institutions that provide the context within which a global firm operates (e.g., the World Bank, the United Nations, and various economic blocs), details the various ways international or global business is conducted, and suggests career strategies for performing in the global or international business environment.

Student Assigned Reviewing
AmandaLab17 International Business International business
Stephanegl21 Independence day
AndreasRego Visa policy of Brazil
Tiani496 International Business, Business, Ethics, Values, Companies, Entrepreneurs, Negocios, Negocios internacionales, Negocio, USA Internation business, Negocios, Negocios internacionales, Negocio, USA, National BUsiness
Sfais004 Pakistan Observer, International business Pakistan Observer
Dfern147 Global warming Global warming
Bdadesky001 License, Export Franchising
Nbedits Chicago Board Options Exchange, International Business
Sophiadef International business
Fafa509 International business
Cchigoche European Union
KellyIma Fashion
Jzulaica54 Economy of Spain
Lsilv080 Negocios internacionales
Darensg Ethics, Binding corporate rules, International trade
AlexanderOpdeweegh Trickle-down effect
Ealva177 International business
Jabbe002 Global warming
Kevinglez Globalization
Jjmarin12 International Business
Mrosa096 International Business International Business
Babsd001 Catalan independence movement
Laila khalil8 International Business
Yalgo Import
Checholeal International business Paficic alliance


Week 1

Course meetings
Monday, 21 August 2017   |   Tuesday, 22 August 2017   |   Wednesday, 23 August 2017   |   Thursday, 24 August 2017   |   Friday, 25 August 2017
In class - Introduction to the Wikipedia project

Welcome to your Wikipedia project's course timeline. This page will guide you through the Wikipedia project for your course. Be sure to check with your instructor to see if there are other pages you should be following as well. 

Your course has also been assigned a Wikipedia Content Expert. Check your Talk page for notes from them. You can also reach them through the "Get Help" button on this page.

Assignment - Get started on Wikipedia
  • Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (To avoid hitting Wikipedia's account creation limits, this is best done outside of class. Only 6 new accounts may be created per day from the same IP address.) 
  • Below, you'll find the first set of online trainings you'll need to take. New modules will appear on this timeline as you get to new milestones. Be sure to check back and complete them! Incomplete trainings will be reflected in your grade. 
  • When you finish the trainings, practice by introducing yourself to a classmate on that classmate’s Talk page. 
  • Review the following handouts: 

Week 2

Course meetings
Sunday, 27 August 2017   |   Monday, 28 August 2017   |   Tuesday, 29 August 2017   |   Wednesday, 30 August 2017   |   Thursday, 31 August 2017
Project descriptions

This term, you will have the option to update an existing article on Wikipedia OR to translate content from one language of Wikipedia to the other. Below, you'll find weekly steps outlining the process for each project. Please pay special attention to follow the steps associated with the project you choose. 

Assignment - Step 1
Choose an article

For translation projects

  • Take the "Translating Articles" training, linked below. 
  • Review page 6 of your Editing Wikipedia guidebook.
  • Choose two articles (a first choice, and a backup) to translate from your native language onto the English Wikipedia or vice versa. Create a section in your sandbox titled "article selection" and post links to both the English and the other language versions of your articles. 
  • Once your instructor has approved one or both of your choices, finalize your choice of which article to translate by assigning your chosen topic to yourself on the Students tab of this course page.

For regular editing projects

  • Review page 6 of your Editing Wikipedia guidebook.
  • Look up 3-5 potential topics related to the course that you might want to update on Wikipedia. Review the content of the article and check the Talk page to see what other Wikipedians are already contributing. Identify one or two areas from each that you could improve.
  • Create a section in your sandbox titled "article selection" and finalize the final 2 potential articles from that list that you might tackle, and post links to the articles and your notes about what you might improve. 
  • Once your instructor has approved one or both of your choices, finalize your choice of which article to translate by assigning your chosen topic to yourself on the Students tab of this course page.

If you plan to work in groups

  • Make sure everyone in the group is assigned to the same Wikipedia article on the Students tab of this course page.
  • Select one group member whose Sandbox space you'll all share to draft your article. Each person should link to that shared Sandbox from their own Sandbox page. A sandbox is like any other page on Wikipedia, and anyone can edit it.
  • Wikipedia doesn't allow multiple people to edit from different devices at the same time. If you're working together in person, one person should add the work to the Sandbox. If you are all working independently, make small edits and save often to avoid "editing conflicts" with classmates. Make sure that you're logged in under your own Wikipedia account while editing in your classmate's sandbox to ensure your edits are recorded.
  • Don't create a group account for your project. Group accounts are prohibited.

Week 3

Course meetings
Sunday, 3 September 2017   |   Monday, 4 September 2017   |   Tuesday, 5 September 2017   |   Wednesday, 6 September 2017   |   Thursday, 7 September 2017
Assignment - Translation step 2
Begin translating
  • Take the trainings, linked below. 
  • Copy your article from the target-language Wikipedia into your sandbox.
  • Begin to translate your work.

In class - Update an article step 2
Find your sources

In your sandbox, write a few sentences about what you plan to contribute to the selected article.

  • Think back to when you did an article critique. What can you add? Post some of your ideas to the article's talk page, too.
  • Compile a list of relevant, reliable books, journal articles, or other sources. Post that bibliography to the talk page of the article you'll be working on, and in your sandbox. Make sure to check in on the Talk page to see if anyone has advice on your bibliography.

In class - Project updates
  • Be ready to discuss your progress translating your article or drafting original content for your article. 

Assignment - Translation step 3
continue translating your work
  • Continue to translate your work.

In class - Update an article step 3
draft your work

Creating a new article?

  • Write an outline of that topic in the form of a standard Wikipedia article's "lead section." Write it in your sandbox.
    • A "lead" section is not a traditional introduction. It should summarize, very briefly, what the rest of the article will say in detail. The first paragraph should include important, broad facts about the subject. A good example is Ada Lovelace. See Editing Wikipedia page 9 for more ideas.

Improving an existing article?

  • Identify what's missing from the current form of the article. Think back to the skills you learned while critiquing an article. Make notes for improvement in your sandbox.

Keep reading your sources, too, as you prepare to write the body of the article.

Resources: Editing Wikipedia pages 7–9

Week 4

Course meetings
Sunday, 10 September 2017   |   Monday, 11 September 2017   |   Tuesday, 12 September 2017   |   Wednesday, 13 September 2017   |   Thursday, 14 September 2017
Assignment - Step 4 (All)
Peer review
  • First, take the "Peer Review" online training.
  • Select two classmates’ articles who are doing the same type of assignment you are that you will peer review and copyedit. On the Articles tab, find the articles that you want to review. Then in the "My Articles" section of the Home tab, assign them to yourself to review. 
  • Peer review your classmates' drafts. Leave suggestions on on the Talk page of the article, or sandbox, that your fellow student is working on. Other editors may be reviewing your work, so look for their comments! Be sure to acknowledge feedback from other Wikipedians. 
  • As you review, make spelling, grammar, and other adjustments. Pay attention to the tone of the article. Is it encyclopedic? 

Assignment - Translation Step 5
respond to peer review & continue translating

Keep working on transforming your translation into a complete article. 

Review your peer review notes and implement any suggested changes. Carefully note the original citations for facts in your source article. If an original source doesn't seem reliable, feel free to omit it from your translation.Handouts: Citing Sources and Avoid Plagiarism
Assignment - Expand an article step 5
respond to peer review & continue your draft

You probably have some feedback from other students and possibly other Wikipedians. It's time to work with that feedback to improve your article!

  • Read Editing Wikipedia pages 12 and 14.
  • Return to your draft or article and think about the suggestions. Decide which ones to start implementing. Reach out to your instructor or your Wikipedia Expert if you have any questions.

Week 5

Course meetings
Sunday, 17 September 2017   |   Monday, 18 September 2017   |   Tuesday, 19 September 2017   |   Wednesday, 20 September 2017   |   Thursday, 21 September 2017
Assignment - Translation Step 6
Publish your work
  • Move sandbox articles into main space.
    • If you are expanding an existing article, it's time to add your revised translation (including English sources, when available). Copy your edit into the article. If you are making many small edits, save after each edit before you make the next one. Do NOT paste over the entire existing article, or large sections of the existing article. Be sure to check the article's talk page and respond to suggestions from Wikipedians. Don't panic if your edits are removed or changed! Discuss it civilly on the article's talk page, and make a note of it for your report or presentation about your editing experience.
    • If you are creating a new article, do NOT copy and paste your text, or there will be no record of your work history. Follow instruction on the "Moving out of your sandbox" handout.
  • In your first edit to the article namespace, include a link of the source article (i.e., the article you translated) in the "edit summary" before hitting "save."
  • Copy the code {{Translated page|es|Page Title}} to the bottom of the Wikipedia article, replacing es with the language code of the language you a translating from and replacing Page Title with the title of the source page.

Handout: Moving out of your sandbox

Assignment - Expand an article step 6
move your work live

Once you've made improvements to your article based on peer review feedback, it's time to move your work to Wikipedia proper - the "mainspace."

Editing an existing article?

  • NEVER copy and paste your draft of an article over the entire article. Instead, edit small sections at a time.
  • Copy your edits into the article. Make many small edits, saving each time, and leaving an edit summary. Never replace more than one to two sentences without saving!
  • Be sure to copy text from your sandbox while the sandbox page is in 'Edit' mode. This ensures that the formatting is transferred correctly.

Creating a new article?

Week 6

Course meetings
Sunday, 24 September 2017   |   Monday, 25 September 2017   |   Tuesday, 26 September 2017   |   Wednesday, 27 September 2017   |   Thursday, 28 September 2017
Assignment - Step 7 (all)
finalize your work

Do additional research and writing to make further improvements to your article, based on suggestions and your own critique.

  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 12 to see how to create links from your article to others, and from other articles to your own. Try to link to 3–5 articles, and link to your article from 2–3 other articles.
  • Consider adding an image to your article. Wikipedia has strict rules about what media can be added, so make sure to take Contributing Images and Media Files training before you upload an image.
  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
  • Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Content Expert at any time!

Students have finished all their work on Wikipedia that will be considered for grading.