Discusión:Historia de Madonna en el arte
[editar]- La gente busca más a la cantante Madonna que a la Madonna Sixtina de Rafael
- Madonna, genia del renacimiento
- In the weeks before our interview, Madonna endured criticism for circulating fan-generated promotional art for her new album that featured various historical rebels standing in for Madonna, whose face appears on the album cover wrapped in thick black wire suggestive of BDSM. When Madonna posted pictures to her Instagram of Martin Luther King, Jr., Princess Diana, and Nelson Mandela wrapped in the same wire, the Internet revolted. Madonna apologized but refused to take down the images, confirming her talent for transgressing holy boundaries, even in our allegedly permissive times. The Many Heresies of Madonna Louise Ciccone
- "Santa Madonna" de Robert Gligorov | Manchete 1993
- Art-pop queen (Grammy.com)
- It’s pretty much impossible to deny Madonna is the modern master of performance art
- 'QUEEN (A PORTRAIT OF MADONNA)' 2005 | Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), SCAD Museum, Art review NYT
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Modelo para armar
- an astute if untrained art critic
- Madonna borracha en una exposición de arte
- A Madonna's Many Meanings in the Art World
- Critics split over Turner winner
- Sin duda, 1982 fue el año milagroso de la vida de Basquiat. ... Y vale señalar que, si bien Warhol era la figura artística cimera que concentraría y daría norte a las ambiciones profesionales de Basquiat, la idea de la fama y de sus peligros recaerían sobre otra figura de un mundo ferozmente paralelo: Madonna.
- Madonna (EL Mundo) by Carlos Rodríguez
- Arrúe, el valenciano que ha conquistado a Madonna
- Material Girl ...resultaba perfecto para un momento en que el arte, el dinero y la política se engarzaban electrónicamente. por el crítico de arte italiano Achille Bonito Oliva
- Guido painter family
- [El papel de Madonna en el culto a Kahlo es agradablemente excitante. La estrella de rock no sólo establece modas, además defiende con entusiasmo el arte femenino que juega con el erotismo y cuya seducción es comercializable] por Néstor García Canclini
- [1]
- Museo del Prado -1998
- I went to the University of Michigan for a year, but I was in the performing arts school and I studied dance, music theory and art history
- What about paintings? I wish I knew a lot more about paintings than I do, but I have a few favorite old guys and new guys. I loved this French painter called Corot. He was right before the Impressionists got big, before Monet’s time. And I like Picasso, certain periods, but I’m not really into Modernism or Cubism or Postmodernism. Of the young artists now, I think Jean-Michel Basquiat is a great painter, I love this guy named James Brown. I think those two are really funny in their work. I really like Francesco Clemente, his paintings are very romantic and rich – oh, and I love Keith Haring. I think a lot of painters look down on him because he sort of capitalized on his paintings in a way that people might promote their pop records, but I think he’s very talented. I like humor in paintings, I really do…
- [El pulió a 40 Madonna en el baile, la disciplina; la obligó a visitar museos y apreciar el arte pictórico.]
- Cynthia von Buhler retrato de Rolling Stone
- + Rebel Heart Tour Fan Arts
- por Candice Breitz
- Madonna, 1986 art building exhibición en Pamplona
- Candice Breitz | Queen (A Portrait of Madonna) (discussed at Pop Art and Popular Music: Jukebox Modernism)
- Exhibición "Como una oración" (buscar mejor ref)
- Al Hirschfeld ([2])
- [Given Madonna's practice as a performance artist of appropriating and re - presenting such iconic female figures as Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich , her interest in Kahlo is quite logical . Furthermore , Madonna and Kahlo's work ...] — Abstracts and Program Statements - Issue 80 - Page 182; College Art Association of America. Conference 1992
- [... with canvas on her body, accompanied by Madonna's Material Girl sung slowly as a criticism of the local art scene.] — Configuring the New Lima Art Scene, pag 2013
- While Madonna has quietly sponsored many exhibits over the years, she wanted to make this one a media event. Madonna doesn't want or need the press for everything she does, explains her curator... —MODOTTI. The Legacy of Colonialism: Gender and Cultural Identity in Postcolonial Societies, Máire Ní Fhlathúin 1998
- Given the importance of the ironic play with the idea of personal identity in popular culture and art ( e.g. Warhol , Bowie , Madonna ) critical reflection on the notions of self and self - realization | Historical Perspectives on Memory - Página 16 by Anne Ollila
- It’s hard to imagine Madonna having spent much of her adolescence popping gum in museums.
- Moira Macdonald: "Madonna and Child"
- No stranger to fame or acclaimed art
- Psychology instructor Bob Olson She is an artist, a tragic romantic. She has mood swings, and in her depths feels defective — Lariat, Volume 24, Number 13, 17 February 1994, pag 6
- Gay artist Liam Alexander comic book covers
- She merged the rock derived from gospel music with dance music, visual art, and explicit theology to express her own messages about sin, redemption, and sexual ecstasy. | Innocent Ecstasy: How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure, pag 163
- Saint Madonna Ciccone (por la ironia de la aparición en Italia)
- A pedido de Madonna, artista mostra como mãe da cantora estaria se estivesse viva aos 89 anos: 'Surreal'
- Madonna is a muse to a dynamic bunch of creatives, designers, and photographers and is a definite multi-disciplinary artist in her own right
- M is for Madonna — under the arts fest 2007
- Estatua en Italia
- A number of writers have stressed the importance of the visual to Madonna and one has described her career as ' a succession of images ' . Unlike Sherman's staged photographs , Madonna's images were not limited to stills . — Art and Celebrity - Page 68 by John A. Walker
- Madonna’s Uncredited Use of an Artist’s Work Might Be Legal, But It’s Not Right
- Being a good artist is not about being powerful or rich or well respected by your peers. It's about taking changes [... There is nothing more exciting than collaborating with an artist who is willing to risk everything.]
- The hunger that Madonna creates in the public is often more palpable than the art in her pop.
- 2008: She remains an unparalleled pop performance artist
- Though her bigscreen career has been lackluster, Madonna has a deep sense of cinematic instinct perfectly suited to the short digital form. Liz Phair neatly explained the girl-appeal in Rolling Stone. “To me, video art began with Madonna.
- SCMP.com student of the year awards, topics Madonna among others (archive.is)
- The Kokkinidis Theodoros Wax Museum (Grecia) - Figura de cera
--Chris (discusión) 04:10 17 ago 2019 (UTC)
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