Usuario discusión:Abián/2013 05
Cuentas unificadas
[editar]Hola vecino. Como experto en informática te pido ayuda en el siguiente problema:
Tengo todas mis cuentas unificadas en este proyecto, pero en Preferencias me dice: «Hay cuentas sin confirmar con tu nombre en un proyecto». En efecto, pulso en «Gestiona tu cuenta global» y al final de la página «No se pudo completar la unificación de cuentas» me aparece mi cuenta en as (idioma asamés) con la siguiente indicación: «La cuenta de usuario «Antón Francho» no ha podido ser confirmada automáticamente, posiblemente porque la contraseña no sea la misma, en los sitios siguientes:
». Si pulso en aparece mi página de usuario en asamés y al ir a «Iniciar sesión / crear cuenta» y poner mi nombre de usuario y mi contraseña me dice: «Error de inicio de sesión La contraseña indicada es incorrecta. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.»
He probado cambiando la contraseña unificada para todas las cuentas y me dice lo mismo. Ojalá puedas encontrar la solución. Gracias anticipadas y un abrazo. Antón Francho (si me quieres decir algo) 20:38 26 abr 2013 (UTC)
- Hola de nuevo. Hace cuatro o cinco días que solicité la nueva contraseña y aún estoy esperando que me llegue a mi correo. Sé que la India está lejos pero ¿tanto? . Espero me puedas dar más detalles para intentarlo de otra forma. Un abrazo. Antón Francho (si me quieres decir algo) 18:56 3 may 2013 (UTC)
[editar]Hola, he estado trabajando en una traducción del artículo Crisis convulsivas tónico-clónicas y Invadibot hizo varias correcciones que revertí sin querer. Hay alguna forma de volver a pasar Invadibot por mi artículo? hizo varias correcciones que serían útiles pero son demasiadas para hacerlas a mano una a una.
Gracias,--Redditmeister (discusión) 17:41 2 may 2013 (UTC)
Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 13:13 3 may 2013 (UTC)
- Completo firma del último en firmar, favor verificar (saludos Grillitus): EdwardsBot (discusión) 09:13 3 may 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #56
[editar]- Development
- Worked with students on their Google Summer of Code proposals
- Worked on time data type editing in the frontend
- Worked on improving the DataTypes system
- Working on better Continuous Integration strategy
- Moving Selenium tests to Cloudbees & Saucelabs
- Catching up with Selenium tests
- Events/Press
- Hypertext 2013
- upcoming: Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Bugfixes were deployed on The ones you probably care about are:
- when clicking "edit links" on a Wikipedia article the user is automatically taken to the language links part of the item. Hopefully it is now more obvious how to change the links.
- fixed a few cases where edit conflicts where detected in error
- added automatic edit summaries for adding qualifiers and claims
- fixed wrong revision being shown in div history
- Translators can now sign up to receive translation notifications at d:Special:TranslatorSignup
- Visual query interface for Wikidata
- 3 Wikimania submissions that could use your vote at the bottom: State of Wikidata, The Technology Behind Wikidata, Ask Us Anything About Wikidata
- Bugfixes were deployed on The ones you probably care about are:
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Recorded at (studio), Supporting actor/actress, Palissy identifier, Filmaffinity number, input device, Volume (collections), Historic Places identifier, CELEX number, country calling code, local dialing code, eight banner register, lakes on river, dan/kyu rank, legislated by
- Newest task forces: Pokémon task force, Cultural heritage task force, Space task force
- Open Tasks for You
- Completo firma del último en firmar, favor verificar (saludos Grillitus): EdwardsBot (discusión) 01:05 4 may 2013 (UTC)
[editar]Hola. Hace ya más de 8 meses que dejé los comentarios en la cad y en la discusión de urobilinógeno. Tu te comprometiste a arreglarlo "a la vuelta de tus wikivacaciones" pero aún no se ha arreglado y puedo ver que estás activo. Por este motivo te consulto para ver cuando podrás arreglarlo. Si no será pronto, lo pasaré a RAD. Saludos. --Ganímedes (discusión) 21:36 3 may 2013 (UTC)
- Presumiendo buena fe te daré los tres meses que pides. Pero me parece que si te comprometes a algo lo debes cumplir. El artículo no es completo, no es exhaustivo y si se aprobó como AD fue porque dijiste que "después lo arreglarías". Yo prefiero que un AD sea AD porque cumple con todos los requisitos para serlo, aunque pase un año para que esté en condiciones de merecerlo. Saludos. --Ganímedes (discusión) 11:44 4 may 2013 (UTC)
Administradores globales
[editar]Gracias por tu mensaje. En este momento, no creo que sea necesario, ya que entre los administradores activos (que aunque a veces no editemos, seguimos estanto al tanto para evitar vandalismos), el resto de usuarios habituales experimentados y la eventual ayuda externa en el caso de vandalismo interwiki, estamos controlando bien la situación (tampoco tenemos un vandalismo excesivo). No obstante, si lo viésemos necesario más adelante, consideraríamos replantearlo. Un saludo. --Juanpabl (discusión) 15:44 4 may 2013 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: April 2013
Wikidata weekly summary #57
[editar]- Development
- Implemented basic editing of Time values
- Worked on advanced editing of Time values (having a preview, defining precision and calendar model while editing the value)
- Work on RDF mapping/export
- ~=[,,_,,]:3
- Solving issues with WMF Jenkins
- Migrating Selenium test from RSpec to Cucumber
- Events/Press
- Interview on
- PHP Unconference Europe 2013
- PHP Days 1013 Berlin
- Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: ISO 4217, CBDB ID, ORCID, country of origin, ICD-10, ICD-9, OMIM ID, orbit diagram, provisional designation (astronomy), currency symbol description, chairperson, Unicode character, MeSH ID, archives at, IMA Number
- Newest task forces: Baseball
- Open Tasks for You
- Completo firma del último en firmar, favor verificar (saludos Grillitus): EdwardsBot (discusión) 11:30 10 may 2013 (UTC)
[editar]La última edición de Invadibot en la plantilla ha sido un tanto rara. Ha bajado los porcentajes pero no veo ningún cambio en los artículos que hay/faltan. ¿se debe a cambios del algoritmo?. Un saludo--FAR, (Libro de reclamaciones) @ 18:33 16 may 2013 (UTC)
- Tenía entendido que la fundación lo quería cerrar. Me temo que estas cosas van a ser frecuentes si van dejando que muera.--FAR, (Libro de reclamaciones) @ 15:34 18 may 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #58
[editar]- Discussions
- What should be done with the property stable Version?
- Sex Ratios in Wikidata, Wikipedias, and VIAF
- The Ropebridges: Authority Control in Wikidata
- Events/Press
- A lot of Wikidata-related submissions have been accepted for Wikimania
- Treffen der Redaktion Chemie
- upcoming: MediaWiki hackathon in Amsterdam
- upcoming: Linked Data in Business
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- d:Help:Lua is now the place for all things Lua on Wikidata
- Item d:Q13000000 is Devarakonda, a village in India.
- The geographic relation "exclave of" is the property with the ID 500.
- English Wikipedia discussion closes allowing for use of Wikidata
- Template to display a tree based in Wikidata data
- Deployed new bugfixes on including a fix for pages not being added to the watchlist automatically plus the first version of the RDF exort
- The ability to include data using the property label is planned to be deployed on English Wikipedia on Monday and all others on Wednesday (You can then for example use {{#property:logo image}} in addition to {{#property:P154}}.)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: exclave of, enclave within, HURDAT identifier, ISO standard, home port, general manager, ISO 15924, Swedish county code, BNFC Thesaurus, cause of death, brother-in-law (sister's husband), honorific prefix, academic degree, birth name, interleaves with, state, phase, powerplant, interaction, part concerned, armament, scheduled service destination, type of orbit, temporal range start, temporal range end, Swedish municipality code, located on island, consists of
- {{Property|123}} can be used on Wikidata to get the label of the given property (P123) in the readers language. {{label|Q123}} does the same for items.
- Development
- Simplified the inclusion syntax (this is one way how you access data from Wikidata in a Wikipedia article - the other one is via Lua)
- Result of the external codebase review has been published
- Worked on implementation of editable time values in frontend
- Selenium tests for false edit-conflicts and old-revision-view
- Jenkins setup improvements
- Made many improvements to the unit test configuration and bootstrapping code in Ask, Diff, DataValues, WikibaseQueryEngine and WikibaseDatabase
- Automatic class loading based on PSR-0 convention in Ask, Diff and WikibaseQueryEngine
- Added new array comparison code and started work on merging diffs together in Diff
- Progress on the SQLStore
- Improved many unit tests by removing unneeded dependencies they had
- Bug fixing
- Made property parser function code more robust
- Worked on EntityPerPage rebuild script, to enable it to run for Wikidata to fill in missing entities in the wb_entity_per_page table
- Making the Settings system more robust, preparing split of client and repo settings
- Work on RDF mapping and serialization
- Work on content negotiation for Special:EntityData
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Determine statements to add to Wikidata based on Wikipedia categories
- Map a Wikipedia infobox to Wikidata properties (advanced sample)
- Select a rarely used property and add values to Wikidata: either manually, through "array properties", through a bot request, with Wikidata useful, or by operating your own bot
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
- Completo firma del último en firmar, favor verificar (saludos Grillitus): EdwardsBot (discusión) 18:25 17 may 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #59
[editar]- Events/Press
- Linked Data in Business
- currently: Hackathon in Amsterdam
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- It is now possible to access data from Wikidata on the Wikipedias by using the property's label.
- The time datatype can now be tested on the demosystem and should become available on Wikidata next week.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: catalog code (P528), runway (P529), diplomatic relation (P530), diplomatic mission sent (P531), diplomatic mission sent (P531), port of registry (P532), target (P533), streak color (P534), Find a Grave (P535), ATP id (P536), twinning (P537), fracturing (P538), Museofile (P539)
- Newest task forces: Ship task force
- d:Template:Constraint:Item allows to check if items using a given property also have other properties. To find items to fix, it links to one of Magnus' tools and to a daily report. Sample: items with property mother should also have main type (GND) with value person.
- Development
- A lot of discussions and hacking at the MediaWiki hackathon on Amsterdam
- Worked on content negotiation for the RDF export
- Bugfixing for editing of time datatype
- Added validation in the api for claim guids. This also resolves bug 48473, an exception being thrown in production, whenever a bot or api user requested a claim with an invalid claim guid
- Improved error message popup bubbles to show HTML and parse the links correctly
- Fixed bug 48679, to hide the view source tab for item and property pages
- Testing on Diff extension and SQLstore
- Open Tasks for You
- Add statements to Wikidata: either manually, through "array properties", through a bot request, with Wikidata useful, or by operating your own bot
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
- Completo firma del último en firmar, favor verificar (saludos Grillitus): EdwardsBot (discusión) 17:30 25 may 2013 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #60
[editar]- Events/Press
- Deutschlandfunk interview about Wikipedia, Wikidata and more
- Hackathon in Amsterdam
- Linked Data in Business
- Upcoming: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
- Upcoming: SemTechBiz
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The time datatype is now available allowing you to enter dates in Wikidata (this also includes a short rundown of what the developers are going to work on next)
- 5 students are working on projects related to Wikidata as part of Google Summer of Code 2013
- prototype of a multilingual map using Wikidata
- Many Wikimedia wikis got a new account creation and login page - among them Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: venue (P540), office contested (P541), officially opened by (P542), oath made by (P543), torch lit by (P545), docking port (P546), commemorates (P547), version type (P548), MGP ID (P549), chivalric order (P550), residence (P551), handedness (P552), social media account on (P553), social media address (P554), doubles record (P555), crystal system (P556), DiseasesDB (P557), unit symbol (P558), terminus (P559), direction (P560), NATO reporting name (P561), central bank/issuer (P562), ICD-O (P563), singles record (P564), crystal habit (P565)
- Newest task forces: Tennis task force, Taxonomy task force, Iranian Persian task force, Medicine task force
- Development
- Made good progress on moving the sitelinks on Wikidata too when a page on Wikipedia is moved (bugzilla:36729 - currently the bug with most votes)
- Fixed some bugs in the time value user interface
- Worked on coordinate value support
- Worked together with Wikimedia Foundation ops staff on Apache configuration changes to enable “pretty urls” for item pages. (e.g. goes to in the future)
- Added MediaWiki setting wgLogAutopatrol to allow wikis the option to disable logging of autopatrol actions
- Improved EntityPerPage rebuild script, which is needed to fix the situation where some Wikipedia articles can't access data from Wikidata (bugzilla:48506)
- Fixed bug in SetQualifiers API module; Moved both SetQualifiers and RemoveQualifiers out of experimental mode
- Open Tasks for You
- Help fix formatting and value issues for a property
- Respond to a "Request for Comment"
- Hack on one of these
- Completo firma del último en firmar, favor verificar (saludos Grillitus): EdwardsBot (discusión) 16:15 31 may 2013 (UTC)