Шаблон:Библиография Виты Сэквилл-Уэст

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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Поэзия Проза Биографии, прочее Книги по садоводству
Chatterton (1909)
Constantinople: Eight Poems (1915)
Poems of West and East (1917)
Orchard and Vineyard (1921)
The Land (1926)
King’s Daughter (1929)
Invitation to Cast Out Care (1931)
Sissinghurst (1931)
Collected Poems: Volume I (1934)
Solitude (1938)
Selected Poems (1941)
The Garden (1946)
Heritage (1919)
The Dragon in Shallow Waters (1921)
Challenge (1923)
Grey Waters (1923)
Seducers in Ecuador (1924)
The Edwardians (1930)
All Passion Spent (1932)
Family History (1932)
The Dark Island (1934)
Grand Canyon (1942)
Devil at Westease (1947)
The Easter Party (1953)
No Signposts in the Sea (1961)
The Heir (1922)
The Heir (сборник) (1922)
Thirty Clocks Strike the Hour (сборник) (1932)
The Death of Noble Godavary and Gottfried Kuenstler (1932)
Aphra Behn: The Incomparable Astra (1927)
Andrew Marvell (1929)
St. Joan of Arc (1936)
Pepita (1937)
The Eagle and the Dove: A Study in Contrasts, St. Theresa of Avila and St. Theresa of Lisieux (1943)
Daughter of France: The Life of Marie Louise d’Orleans, Duchesse de Montpensier, 1627—1693, La Grande Mademoiselle (1959)
Duineser Elegien: Elegies from the Castle of Duino, by Rainer Marie Rilke (1931)
All Passion Spent (1931)
English Country Houses (1941)
Knole and the Sackvilles (1922)
(Author of Introduction and Notes) The Diary of Lady Anne Clifford (1923)
Passenger to Teheran (1926)
Selected Writings (2002)
Twelve Days: An Account of a Journey Across the Bakhtiari Mountains in Southwestern Persia (1928)
Some Flowers (1937)
Country Notes (1939)
Country Notes in Wartime (1940)
In Your Garden (1951)
In Your Garden Again (1953)
More for Your Garden (1955)
A Joy of Gardening: A Selection for Americans (1958)
Even More for Your Garden (1958)
The Illustrated Garden Book: A New Anthology (1986)
The Land and the Garden (1989)
Dearest Andrew: Letters from V. Sackville-West to Adnrew Reiber, 1951—1952 (1979)
The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf (1984)
Jullian, Philippe. Violet Trefusis: a Biography, including correspondence with Vita Sackville-West (1976)
Jullian, Philippe. The Other Woman: a Life of Violet Trefusis, including Previously Unpublished Correspondence with Vita Sackville-West (1976)
Vita and Harold: The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson (1993)